Press List |
Crown Plaza Union Square San Francisco, CA February 9-12, 2003 |
Below are the names of the 30+ pre-registered press for Braintrust International 2003. The list will be updated regularly. For additional names look at the Market Guide and Local and Industry Press pages (and other show lists as well). This list should be brought in to you own media list. Highlight the list below and copy it to word. In word it should still be formatted as a table with borders and boxes. Highlight your new table in word and using the table menu convert to text, either tab or comma delimited (whatever your personal preference) text. Save it and then export to you own database. Each entry is dated so you can sort and import new names. We asked how they wanted to receive information and list that under the preference column. Their interest is under focus and their web sites are listed under URL, so you can check out what they've reported before. As always if you need help, drop a note or call. |
Bob |
Name |
Title |
Organization |
St Address |
City, State, PC |
Tel |
Fax |
Date |
Pref |
Focus |
Ron Feiertag |
Contributing Editor |
APCUG Reports |
PO Box 190073 |
San Francisco, CA 94119 USA |
415-391-4905 |
415-391-4906 |
RonE777777@aol.com |
10/27/02 |
www.apcug.org/reports |
TechnologyAll |
Anatoly Goldin |
Editor |
California Technology Research |
490 Auburn Way suit 21 |
San Jose, CA 95129 United States |
408-554-9188 |
707-885-1621 |
agoldin@hotmail.com |
01/28/03 |
Braintrust International 2003Braintrust International 2003 |
Dr. James Kramer |
Editor |
3637 Sonoma Ave. #106 |
Santa Rosa, CA 95405 USA |
707-570-0216 |
775-243-8175 |
jckramer@yahoo.com |
1/30/03 |
all |
JoAnn Murata |
Editor |
3637 Sonoma Ave. #106 |
Santa Rosa, CA 95405 USA |
707-570-0216 |
775-243-8175 |
jmurata@sonic.net |
1/30/03 |
all |
Gary Bolles |
Contributing Editor |
CIO Insight |
28 E. 28th Street |
New York, NY 10016 |
212-503-5632 |
212-503-5636 |
12/09/02 |
www.cioinsight.com |
nall |
Fredric Paul |
Editor-in-Chief |
CMP TechWeb |
600 Harrison St |
San Francisco, CA 94107 USA |
415-947-6143 |
415-947-6029 |
11/04/02 |
www.techweb.com |
all |
Madan Sheina |
Analyst |
ComnputerWire |
4113 Rogers Canyon Rd |
Antioch, CA 94531 USA |
925 779 9228 |
415 848 2744 |
madan.sheina@computerwire.com |
02/ 04/03 |
www.cbronline.com |
KM, Collaboration and portalsall |
Jackson Seibik-Bugri |
Assistant Editor |
Computer & Technology News (CTN) |
Post office Box AB230 |
Abeka, Accra, Accra, None, Ghana |
023324277325 |
0233240805 |
seibik@hotmail.com |
01/27/03 |
www.ghanaba.com |
allall |
Steven E. Else |
Editor |
CPPE Forum on Government Transformation |
6268 Lincolnia Rd |
Alexandria VA 22312 USA |
7033336098 |
7033336026 |
cppeforum@aol.com |
12/17/02 |
cppe.org |
KM as an enabler for govt transformationAll |
Malcolm Dean |
Editor |
DesktopLinux.com |
1015 Gayley Av #1229 |
Los Angeles CA 90024-3424 USA |
323-876-8559 |
323-876-4469 (by arrangement) |
malcolmdean@earthlink.net |
12/18/02 |
www.desktoplinux.com |
Advanced computingall |
Shannon Cochran |
Editor |
Dr. Dobb's Journal |
2800 Campus Drive |
San Mateo, CA 94403 USA |
650-513-4622 |
650-513-4618 |
scochran@ddj.com |
10/30/02 |
www.ddj.com |
keynote |
Helene Laube |
Correspondent |
Financial Times Germany |
251 Post Street, Suite 200 |
San Francisco, CA 94108 USA |
415 445-5632 |
415 445-5615 |
11/04/02 |
www.ftd.de |
all |
Ahmet Sibdial Sau |
Editor-in-Chief |
foil magazine |
258 17th street |
brooklyn New York, 11215 USA |
212-631-1002 |
none |
foilmagazine@hotmail.com |
10/29/02 |
www.foilmagazine.com |
allall |
Victoria Murphy |
Field Reporter |
Forbes |
555 Airport Blvd |
Burlingame CA 94010 USA |
650-558-4828 |
650-558-4994 |
10-28-02 |
www.forbes.com |
softwareall |
Afriyie Yaw Asoku |
Field Reporter |
Free Press |
P. O. Box 6492, Accra North |
Accra Greater Accra 233-21 Ghana |
233-21-226604 |
233-21-7011567 |
freepressghana@hotmail.com |
01/27/03 |
AllAll |
Obed Martey Commodore |
Field Reporter |
Free Press |
P. O. Box 6492, Accra North |
Accra Greater Accra 233-21 Ghana |
233-21-226604 |
233-21-7011567 |
freepressghana@hotmail.com |
01/21/03 |
AllAll |
Jacob Nii Ashie Kotey |
Field Reporter |
Ghana Journalist Association {GJA} |
P. O. Box CT3654, Cantonments |
Accra Greater Accra 233 Ghana |
233-21-235406 |
233-21-7011567 |
saharaghana@hotmail.com |
01/9/03 |
www.subsaharaninformer.com |
All All |
Joseph Edem Adjoh |
Editor |
Ghana Journalist Assosciation (GJA) |
P.O.BOX. CT.3032 |
Cantonments, Accra, West Africa, 233-21, Ghana |
+23324-375347 |
+23321-7011522 |
Edemkojo10@yahoo.com |
25/12/02 |
Business issuesAll |
Daniel W. Rasmus |
Industry Analyst |
Giga Information Group |
30 Coppercrest |
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 us |
949-362-8789 |
949-362-8384 |
1/30/03 |
www.gigaweb.com |
KM and Collaborationall |
Bob Stambaugh |
Editor |
IHRIM E-Journal |
P.O. Box 250 |
Kekaha HI 96752 USA |
808-337-2000 |
808-337-2100 |
10/27/02 |
www.ihrim.org |
knowledge management/innovationall |
Kunsoo Chung |
Correspondent |
Korea Economic Daily |
435 S. Curson Ave. #5K |
Los Angeles, CA 90036 U.S.A. |
213-700-7788 |
323-932-0788 |
kschung@hankyung.com |
10/29/02 |
www.hankyung.com |
all |
KunSoo Chang |
Correspondent |
Korea Economic Daily |
435 S. Curson Ave. #5K |
Los Angeles California 90036 |
213-700-7788 |
323-932-0788 |
kschung@hankyung.com |
02/ 04/03 |
Olivia St. Pierre |
Managing Editor |
MAC World |
P. O. Box 330485 |
San Francisco, CA 94133 USA |
415-362-2428 |
415-362-2428 |
osaintpierre@aol.com |
01/18/03 |
none |
Multi-Media, New Technology, MAC World, NADA |
Bruce W. Marcus |
Editor-in-Chief |
Marcus Letter |
60 Deepwood Road |
Easton CT 06612 USA |
203 459-2993 |
Not listed |
marcus@marcusletter.com |
1/2/03 |
www.marcusletter.com |
knowledge managementall |
Dr. Sanford Rosenberg |
Industry Analyst |
Media Research Associates |
2084 Union Street |
S.F., CA 94123 usa |
4155632445 |
4155632457 |
10/27/02 |
technofutures.com |
the future of media and entertainemntall |
Al Kaff |
National Bureauc Chief |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Akaff@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17/02 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Bob Miko |
Analyst |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
bmiko@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17/02 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Jennifer Pinto |
NE Bureau Chief |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Jenn@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17/02 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Kathryn Pinto |
Pacific Bureau Chief |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
kathryn@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17/02 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Michelle Byun |
Seattle Bureau |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Mbyun@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17/02 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Stewart Cheifet |
Managing Editor |
650-345-1998 |
650-286-9479 |
11/1/02 |
Lynn Trepp |
Financial Analyst |
Research Foundry |
2400 Pacific Ave, Ste 505 |
San Francisco CA 94115 USA |
415.517.4511 |
LynnTrepp@ResearchFoundry.com |
11/11/02 |
TechnologyAll |
James H. Bair |
Analyst |
Strategy Partners International |
13888 Sande Ln |
Grass Valley, CA 95945 US |
530 274 0186 |
530 274 0187 |
jim.bair@strategy-partners.com |
12/1/02 |
www.strategy-partners.com |
knowledge management; info. mgt.Braintrust |
Dan Luzadder |
Freelance Writer |
Ziff Davis Baseline |
27732 Squaw Pass Road |
Evergreen, CO 80439 |
303-670-9303 |
303-670-9303 |
dluzadder@qwest.net |
02/ 04/03 |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office