PR Contacts |
Computers in Libraries 2000 Washington Hilton & Towers Washington, DC March 15-17, 2000 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for Computers in Libraries 2000. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Company |
Name |
Phone |
PR Contact |
Phone |
3M |
Joan Olseen |
800-328-0067 |
jmolseen@mmm.com |
Academic Press |
Darren Holland |
619-699-6390 |
dholland@acad.com |
Alexandria/COMPanion Corporation |
Kristin Beck |
801-943-7277 |
info@companioncorp.com |
American Society for Information Science |
Dick Hill |
301-495-0900 |
rhill@asis.org |
Aries Systems Corporation |
Susan Tashjian |
978-975-7570 |
stashjian@ariessys.com |
Autographics, Inc. |
Cathy Undlin |
909-595-7204 |
info@auto-graphics.com |
Axonix Corporation |
Steve Auerbach |
800-866-9797 |
sauerbach@axonix.com |
Baker & Taylor |
Carlyne Patenaude |
704-329-9042 |
Patenac@btol.com |
Bar Code Discount Warehouse, Inc. |
Neil Sheehan |
440-582-1144 |
nsheehan@ezbarcode.com |
Barcode Systems, Inc. |
Tony Murillo |
612-577-0007 |
TonyM@barcodesys.com |
Basch Subscriptions/The Reference Shelf, Inc. |
Buzzy Basch |
603-229-0662 |
Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company |
Ann Curtis |
800-521-0600 |
anncurtis@aol.com |
bigchalk.com |
Kelly Minissale |
800-860-9227 |
kminissale@infonautics.com |
Biosis |
Veronica Johnson |
215-231-7400 |
vajohnson@mail.biosis.org |
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts |
Rayshel Murphy |
301-961-6700 |
sales@csa.com |
Centurion Technologies, Inc. |
Tony McRoberts |
636-349-5425 |
Sales@centuriontech.com |
Checkpoint Systems |
Emmett Erwin |
800-257-5540 |
eerwin@nj.checkpt.com |
Congressional Information Service |
Eric Watkins |
301-951-4520 |
eric.watkins@lexis-nexis.com |
Edward Goulart |
508-660-9229 |
Cuadra Associates, Inc. |
Judith Wanger |
310-478-0066 |
hq@cuadra.com |
CyberTools, Inc. |
Lori Roux |
978-772-9200 |
loriroux@cytools |
Data Research Associates |
Patti French |
314-432-1100 |
patricia@dra.com |
Dun & Bradstreet |
Barbara DiBonaventura |
973-605-6000 |
EBSCO Information Services |
Leigh Marie Lunn |
205-991-1181 |
LMLUNN@ebsco.com |
Elsevier Science/Reed Elsevier |
Monique Phillips |
212-633-3765 |
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online |
Juanita Jones |
312-347-7301 |
jjones@eb.com |
Endeavor Information Systems |
Cathy A. Kolinski |
800-762-6300 |
kolinski@endinfosys.com |
EOS International |
Amy-Sue Froning |
760-431-8400 |
afroning.com |
epixtech |
Tracie D. Hyder |
801-223-5200 |
tdhyder@amlibsccom |
ERI Economic Research Institute |
David A. Thomsen |
425-556-0206 |
david_a_thomsen@erieri.com |
Facts on File Inc. |
Ben Jacobs |
212-896-4268 |
bjacobs@factsonfile.com |
Faxon Company, RoweCom Academic Services |
Christina Frye |
781-329-3350 |
Fryet@Faxon.com |
Fortres Grand Corporation |
Mike Magee |
800-331-0372 |
mmagee@fortres.com |
Gale Group |
Marc Cormier |
800-877-4253 |
marc.cormier@gale.com |
Gaylord Information Systems |
Connie Wilson |
315-457-5070 |
wilson@gaylord.com |
General Services Administration |
Jerry Varner |
202-708-5126 |
jerry.varner@gsa.gov |
Global Securities Information Inc. |
Fay S. Gold |
202-628-1155 |
fgold@gsionline.com |
Grolier Educational |
Lesley Kyle Combs |
800-243-7256 |
pubexhib@grolier.com |
H. W. Wilson |
Eugenia Dorisca |
800-367-6770 |
edorisca@hwwilson.com |
Idea Group Publishing |
Matt K. Pour |
717-533-8845 |
mehdi@idea-group.com |
Karen Hawkins |
732-562-3964 |
k.hawkins@ieee.org |
Information Express |
Omar Karriem |
650-494-8787 |
omar@express.com |
Information Today, Inc. |
, |
Infotrieve |
Scott Ahlberg |
800-422-4633 |
scott@infotrieve.com |
infoUSA Library Products Division |
Tiffany Runge |
800-808-1113 |
tiffany.runge@infoUSA.com |
ingenta |
Lisa Gonzales |
303-758-3030 |
lisag@carl.org |
Innovative Interfaces Inc. |
Nancy Friedberg |
510-655-6200 |
nancyf@iii.com |
Insignia Software |
Humayon Butt |
780-497-7769 |
humayonb@insigniasoftware.com |
Michael McCabe |
732-321-5575 |
mmccabe@inspecinc.com |
Institute for Scientific Information |
Frank Spiecker |
800-336-4474 |
Frank.Spiecker@isinet.com |
Interface Electronics, Inc. |
Darlene Marti |
770-623-1066 |
dmarti@interface.com |
Jane's Information Group |
Shamus Goss |
703-683-3700 |
goss@janes.com |
Leadership Directories Inc. |
Pamela Haskins |
212-627-4140 |
phaskins@leadershipdirectories.co |
Sandy Roach |
800-531-7678 |
sroach@marcive.com |
MCB University Press Ltd. |
Denise E. Feeley |
dfeeley@mcb.co.uk |
Mergent FIS |
Jae W. Lee |
212-413-7700 |
jae.lee@fisonline.com |
Microcomputer Abstracts |
, |
Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. |
Charles Harmon |
212-925-8650 |
charles@neal-schuman.com |
netLibrary |
Sean Gallagher |
303-415-2548 |
sgallagher@netLibrary.com |
NewsBank |
Kim Fratino |
203-966-1100 |
kfratino@newsbank.com |
Paul Smith |
301-622-4300 |
psmith@nmsimaging.com |
Northern Micrographics |
Bernie Friedenfels |
608-781-0850 |
bernie@normicro.com |
Donna Gehring |
800-848-5878 |
donna_gehring@oclc.org |
Ovid Technologies, Inc. |
Jennifer Alter |
212-563-3006 |
jalter@ovid.com |
Iris L. Hanney |
570-646-5302 |
ihanney@epix.net |
Primark |
Julie Rowe |
301-951-1300 |
julia.rowe@primark.com |
Progressive Technology Federal Systems |
Matthew Ireland |
301-654-8088 |
mireland@ptfs.com |
Sagebrush Technologies |
Erin Patterson |
800-642-4648 |
epatterson@sagebrush-tech.com |
SilverPlatter Information |
Terri Gagliardi |
800-343-0064 |
tgagliardi@silverplatter.com |
SIRS Mandarin, Inc. |
Dominique Matalon |
561-994-0079 |
dominm@sirs.com |
Sirsi Corporation |
Dawn Moore |
256-704-7000 |
dawn@sirsi.com |
SMS Data Products Group Inc. |
Lance Adams |
703-709-9898 |
ladams@sms.com |
SoftLine Information |
Katie Ohlson |
203-975-8292 |
ohlson@slinfo.com |
Special Libraries Association |
John Crosby |
202-234-4700 |
john-c@sla.org |
Iris L. Hanney |
570-646-5302 |
ihanney@epix.net |
Swets Blackwell's Information Services |
Shawn Herman |
800-221-3306 |
shawn.herman@blackwells.com |
SydneyPLUS International |
Cathy Hack |
604-278-6717 |
chack@ils.ca |
The Library Corporation - TLC |
Yolanda V. Nees |
800-325-7759 |
yvn@TLCdelivers.com |
The PRS Group |
Thomas L. Gerken |
315-431-0511 |
tomgerken@aol.com |
Jeffrey V. Libby |
214-346-0841 |
TRACCARD1@aol.com |
U. S. Census Bureau |
Beth Scarmazzi |
301-457-6828 |
Variant Microsystems |
Josephine Lee |
510-440-2870 |
sales@variantusa.com |
VTLS Inc. |
Barbara Scheid |
540-557-1200 |
scheidb@vtls.com |
Winnebago Software Company |
Kim Yehle |
800-533-5430 |
sales@winnebago.com |
Worden Co. |
Jamie Stuursma |
616-392-1848 |
jstuursma@wordencompany.com |
World Book, Inc. |
Katie McGarry |
312-729-5800 |
katie.mcgarry@wordbook.com |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office