PR Contacts |
Marriott Wardman Park Washington, DC November 8-10, 2004 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for CSI 2004. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
CSI 2004 Exhibitors |
Company |
Booth |
Contact Name |
Phone |
e-mail1 |
3M Computer Filters |
911 |
Amy Randolph |
651-733-3564 |
alrandolph1@3m.com |
8e6 Technologies |
618 |
Billie Brunk |
714-282-6111x131 |
bbrunk@8e6.com |
AccessData Corporation |
1312 |
Shawna Waters |
801-377-5410x842 |
shawna@accessdata.com |
Advanced Force Info Security Solutions |
1500 |
Vladimir Chernavsky |
925-277-3420 |
vchernav@advancedforce.com |
905 |
Garland Bass |
210-587-3527x102 |
garland.bass@lackland.af.mil |
Akonix Systems, Inc. |
1205 |
Mari Sese |
619-384-2310 |
msese@akonix.com |
Allegent Technology Group |
716 |
Catherine Galardo |
770-216-9990x3022 |
cgalardo@allegent.net |
Alta Associates, Inc. |
228 |
Joyce Brocaglia |
908-806-8442 |
joyce@altaassociates.com |
Apcon, Inc. |
1816 |
Doug Little |
503-639-6700 |
dougl@apcon.com |
Application Security Inc. |
1200 |
Mark R. Trinidad |
212-947-8787x14 |
mtrinidad@appsecinc.com |
ArcSight, Inc. |
529 |
Larry Lunetta |
408-864-2622 |
llunetta@arcsight.com |
Asis International |
617 |
Lee Ann Zinn |
703-518-1493 |
lzinn@asisonline.org |
Beachhead Solutions, Inc. |
614 |
Jeff Rubin |
415-225-3835 |
jrubin@beacheadsolutions.com |
Beta Systems Software |
330 |
Tim Belk |
301-486-4600x131 |
tim.belk@betasystems.com |
Big Fix |
701 |
Hanna Hindau |
510-652-6700x104 |
hanna_hindawi@bigfix.com |
Blue Lance, Inc. |
119 |
Sherry Silhavy |
713-680-1187x190 |
ssilhavy@bluelance.com |
Bluefire Security Technologies |
1916 |
Stephanie Nicoll |
410-637-8164 |
snicoll@bluefiresecurity.com |
BlueSocket, Inc. |
1211 |
Robert Blatchford |
781-328-0888 |
bblatchford@bluesocket.com |
BorderWare Technologies Inc |
722 |
Tanya Budgell |
905-804-1855x224 |
tbudgell@borderware.com |
Breach Security |
712 |
Lee Patenaude |
760-268-1924x703 |
Britestream Networks |
1605 |
Kathleen Powers |
512-250-2129x152 |
kathleen-powers@layer-n.com |
Canaudit, Inc |
1804 |
Jennifer Hoffman |
805-583-3723 |
Jennifer@canaudit.com |
Caymas Systems, Inc. |
600 |
Terence P. Brown |
707-283-5005 |
tbrown@caymas.com |
CCSO.com |
1108 |
Joe Y. Aissi |
410-203-1630 |
joe6240@ccso.com, |
Cerberian, Inc. |
1006 |
Shantele Garoufelias |
801-999-2900 |
shantele@cerberian.com |
Cert Coordination Center |
238 |
Robert Rosenstein |
412-268-8468 |
br@sei.cmu.edu |
Check Point Software Technologies ltd |
419 |
Sweta Duseja |
650-628-2508 |
sduseja@us.checkpoint.com |
CIMCOR, Inc. |
1207 |
Jovo Manojlovic |
219-736-4400 |
manojlovic.jovo@cimcor.com |
Cirond |
1903 |
Chris Mossing |
408-879-2346 |
cmossing@cirond.com |
Cisco Systems, Inc |
411 |
Brian Uffelman |
408-525-4756 |
uffelman@cisco.com |
Citadel Security Software, Inc |
713 |
Randy E. Pruett |
214-570-9292 |
rpruett@citadel.com |
1101 |
Louise Crawford |
925-242-2282 |
louise.crawford@clearswift.com |
ComplyChain |
1507 |
Robert C. Johnson |
901-507-1295 |
rjohnson@complychain.com |
Computer Associates International |
311 |
Marie Pletenycky |
631-342-3986 |
Marie.Pletenycky@ca.com |
Configuresoft |
706 |
Chris Farrow |
719-964-2669 |
chris.farrow@configuresoft.com |
Consul Risk Management, Inc. |
511 |
Kathleen Devilbiss |
703-929-0524 |
Kim.Wellman@consul.com |
Control Break International Corp. |
717 |
Cathy Renison |
239-430-0386 |
cathy.renison@safeboot.com |
CoreTrace Corporation |
1011 |
Todd Schell |
512-372-9724 |
tschell@coretrace.com |
CPR Software |
1111 |
Ben Cianciaruso |
301-221-1111 |
ben.cianciaruso@cprsoftware.com |
CREDANT Technologies |
1510 |
Jennette Hudler |
972-458-5465 |
jhudler@credant.com |
610 |
Stephanie A. Crabb |
954-384-0799 |
stephanie.crabb@ctg.com |
622 |
Robert Martin |
781-271-3001 |
ramartin@mitre.org |
Cyber-Ark Software, Ltd. |
527 |
Richard April |
781-251-0670x210 |
richard.april@cyber-ark.com |
DataKey, Inc. |
1806 |
Jill Klecker |
952-808-2337 |
jill.klecker@datakey.com |
DelCreo, Inc |
611 |
Mark Carey |
801-756-4180 |
mark@delcreo.com |
End Force |
1503 |
Dan Harris |
614-923-5661 |
dharris@endforce.com |
e-Security |
532 |
Kim Salyer |
703-852-8064 |
kim.salyer@esecurity.net |
Eset LLC |
1801 |
Maros Mozola |
619-379-7037 |
mozola@eset.com |
F5 Networks, Inc |
1812 |
Celile de Leon |
206-272-6715 |
c.deleon@f5.com |
Faronics Technologies USA Inc. |
1206 |
David Dempsey |
800-943-6422x4623 |
terry@faronics.com |
Fidelis Security Systems, Inc. |
1611 |
Timothy Sullivan |
301-941-1973 |
sullivan@fidelissecurity.com |
Forensics Explorers |
909 |
Mark Longworth |
703-852-0310 |
mlongwth@forensicsexplorers.com |
FortiNet Inc |
1007 |
Jay Schwerin |
408-486-7842 |
jschwerin@fortinet.com |
Foundstone Inc. |
223 |
Eloisa Dimarucut |
949-297-5604 |
eloisa.dimarucut@foundstone.com |
Funk Software, Inc |
1308 |
Megan Haudwerk |
617-497-6339 |
megan@funk.com |
Global Technology Associates |
323 |
Nita Seng |
407-380-0220x1107 |
nseng@gta.com |
Guardium, Inc. |
1008 |
Nathan Kalowski |
781-487-9400 |
nate_kalowski@guardium.com |
Guidance Software, Inc. |
423 |
Jerry McDonald |
626-229-9191x149 |
jerry.mcdonald@guidancesoftware.com |
HID Corporation |
327 |
Debra Spitler |
949-598-1617 |
dspitler@hidcorp.com |
High Tower Software, Inc |
123 |
Theresa Marcroft |
408-298-1640 |
tmarcroft@hightowersoftware.com |
Hirsch Electronics |
1105 |
Robert Ralston |
949-250-8888x212 |
bralston@hirschelectronics.com |
IBM Global Services |
219 |
Susan Reeve |
856-722-6579 |
sreeve@us.ibm.com |
Idaho Research Foundation, Inc. |
1117 |
Gene Merrell |
208-885-4550 |
gmerrell@uidaho.com |
IMlogic, Inc |
1009 |
Melissa Yakel |
781-902-2563 |
melissa.yakel@imlogic.com |
Imperva, Inc. |
1607 |
Corinne Belvel |
650-345-9000x203 |
corinne@imperva.com |
InfoBlox Inc |
1921 |
Joe Goodwin |
617-776-4333 |
mford@infob1ox.com |
InfoExpress, Inc. |
429 |
Todd Nakano |
650-623-0260x252 |
nakano@infoexpress.com |
Information Systems Audit & Control Assn |
236 |
Debra L. Cutts |
847-590-7482 |
marketing@isaca.org |
Intelligent Computer Solutions |
1906 |
Shannon Moore |
smoore@ics.iq.com |
Internet Security Systems, Inc |
222 |
Lori Bauer |
404-236-3430 |
LBauer@iss.net |
Intrusion, Inc |
329 |
Ben Bittle |
972-664-8107 |
bbittle@intrusion.com |
IronPort Systems |
704 |
Richard Snee |
650-989-6500 |
rsnee@ironport.com |
JANUS Associates Inc |
1106 |
Charles G. Fisher |
203-251-0200 |
charlesf@janusassociates.com |
JCS & Associates, Inc/Reflex Magnetic |
1306 |
Jim Schaeffer |
734-741-9987 |
jcs@jcsinc.com |
Jefferson Wells International |
1302 |
Buffy Bishop |
262-957-3483 |
buffy_a_bishop@jeffersonwells.com |
Juniper Network |
1805 |
Marie Condon |
978-589-0843 |
mcondon@junpier.net |
Kensington Technology Group |
517 |
Deborah Herath |
650-572-2700x3336 |
deborah_herath@kensington.com |
Kerio Technologies, Inc. |
1005 |
Michelle Buckner |
408-496-4500x16 |
mbuckner@kerio.com |
Key Computing (an m-systems business) |
1208 |
Debbie Kay |
972525444625 |
debbie.kay@m-systems.com |
Korea Informatiom Industry Association |
1704 |
Dong-Hwa-Lim |
00822-2142-0903 |
dbl@kisiaor.kr |
Lancope |
700 |
Marci McCarthy |
770-225-6512 |
mmccarthy@lancope.com |
LJ Kushner and Associates, LLC |
521 |
Lee J. Kushner |
732-577-8100 |
leej@ljkushner.com |
Logicube, Inc |
1609 |
Jill Koch |
818-700-8466 |
jkoch@logicube.com |
Lumeta Corporation |
1107 |
Melody Iffland |
732-357-3537 |
melody@lumeta.com |
LURHQ Corp |
1112 |
Rick Jafford |
843-903-4376x328 |
ncave@1urhq.com |
Mazu Networks, Inc |
1612 |
John Riley |
617-354-9292x156 |
john@mazunetworks.com |
Meta Group |
1610 |
Casey Chaloux |
203-705-6561 |
casey.chaloux@metagroup.com |
Mirage Networks |
801 |
Brita Jenquin |
512-874-7813 |
bjenquin@miragenetworks.com |
N-able Technologies, Inc. |
1212 |
Bernadette Weigand |
613-592-6676x241 |
bweigand@n-able.com |
National Security Agency (NSA) |
808 |
Toye McLean |
301-362-1287 |
toyensa@hotmail.com |
nCircle, Inc |
430 |
Jason Young |
415-625-5925 |
jyoung@ncircle.com |
NeoScale Systems, Inc. |
505 |
Scott Gordon |
408-586-1304 |
scott@neoscale.com |
NetBotz |
1813 |
Jon McKinley |
512-439-5870 |
jmckinley@netbotz.com |
Netcom Systems - SecurView |
605 |
Doug Stevens |
732-393-6139 |
dstevens@netcom-sys.com |
NetContinuum, Inc |
809 |
Charlene Moore |
408-961-5693 |
cmoore@netcontinuum.com |
netForensics, Inc. |
334 |
Merryl Zdatny |
732-393-6077 |
merryl@netforensics.com |
1213 |
Irene Economou |
408-907-8111 |
irene.economou@netgear.com |
NetIQ Corporation |
107 |
Ilene Erickson |
503-294-7025x32456 |
ilene.erickson@netiq.com |
Network Chemistry, Inc |
1310 |
Christina Bosemark |
415-690-0026 |
bosemark@networkchemistry.com |
Network Engines, Inc. |
612 |
Erika Batten |
781-332-1139 |
Erika.Batten@networkengines.com |
NFR Security, Inc. |
424 |
Phelps Rogovoy |
240-747-3469 |
phelps@nfr.net |
Nokia |
205 |
Dwight Pillow |
972-672-3558 |
dwight.pillow@nokia.com |
515 |
Cindy Walsh |
450-681-1681x225 |
cwalsh@okiok.com |
Open Service Inc. |
1809 |
Phil Hollows |
508-599-2030 |
phil@open.com |
Open Systems Management Inc. |
714 |
Chuck Reinhardt |
410-465-1111 |
creinhardt@osminc.com |
615 |
Ophira Rosolio |
01197299572939 |
Ophira@keyscan.com |
Paragentec, LLC |
607 |
Bob Doolittle |
858-775-0514 |
bdoolittle@paragentec.com |
Patchlink Corporation |
805 |
Joshua White |
480-970-1025x190 |
joshuaw@patchlink.com |
Platform logic, Inc |
1012 |
Thomas Young |
301-854-5550x15826 |
tyoung@platformlogic.com |
Processor |
1604 |
Tricia Brown |
402-479-2162 |
tricia-brown@sandhills.com |
Protego Networks, Inc. |
616 |
Scott Gordon |
408-262-5220x252 |
sgordon@protegonetworks.com |
Qualys, Inc |
305 |
Elisabetta Cattaneo |
650-801-6112 |
ecattaneo@qualys.com |
Radware Inc |
1316 |
Elena Brown |
201-785-3254 |
elenab@radware.com |
Rapid 7 |
1209 |
Alan Matthews |
617-603-0700 |
alan@rapid7.com |
RedCannon Security |
1216 |
John Myung |
510-498-4103 |
John@redcannon.com |
Reddshell Corporation |
1606 |
Chris Hude |
303-645-2666 |
chude@reddshell.com |
Reflex Security |
1114 |
Adam Montgomery |
770-408-2034x305 |
adam@reflexsecurity.com |
Reqo, Inc. |
1509 |
Marina Domnich |
917-364-5042 |
mdomnich@reqo.com |
RSA Security, Inc |
319 |
Louise Johnson |
781-301-5357 |
ljohnson@rsasecurity.com |
Sabat Group |
234 |
Lori Sabat |
908-996-7550 |
lori@sabatgroup.com |
SAGE, Inc. |
1010 |
Rhonda Barreras |
806-354-8185x102 |
rhonda@sage-inc.com |
SAINT Corp. |
530 |
Donise Johnson |
301-841-0108 |
donise.johnson@saintcorporation.com |
Secure Elements |
1611 |
Tate Linden |
703-709-2170 |
tlinden@secure-elements.com |
Secure Software |
1803 |
Kevin Kernan |
703-749-3866 |
kevin.kernan@securesoftware.com |
SecureWave, Inc. |
1810 |
Bob Johnson |
941-447-8323 |
bobj@securewave.com |
Security Awareness Inc. |
721 |
Chris Cook |
813-962-0455 |
ccook@securityawareness.com |
Sensory Networks, Inc. |
804 |
Roland Arlt |
64283022709 |
roland@sensorynetworks.com |
SentryWare |
1110 |
Maria Asin |
0034916615919 |
masin@sentryware.com |
Shavlik Technologies, LLC |
810 |
Jocelyn Schneider |
651-407-5290 |
rebecca.martin@shavlik.com |
Sigaba Corporation |
1004 |
Kathleen McVey |
650-572-6103 |
kathleen@sigaba.com |
Solinus |
2003 |
David Troup |
920-431-6966 |
dtroup@solinus.com |
Solutionary, Inc |
1201 |
Bryana Seaver |
281-298-8118 |
bryanaseaver@solutionary.com |
Sourcefire, Inc. |
507 |
Kim Childers |
410-423-1906 |
Kim.Childers@sourcefire.com |
SPI Dynamics |
705 |
Chris Tilton |
678-781-4822 |
ctilton@spidynamics.com |
SSH Communications Security Inc. |
229 |
Byron Rashed |
650-251-2721 |
brashed@ssh.com |
Stellar Technologies |
1601 |
Valerie McCausland |
239-592-1816x202 |
vmccausland@stellarim.com |
SurfControl |
428 |
Marianna Ward |
831-431-1712 |
marianna.ward@surfcontrol.com |
Sygate Technologies |
1504 |
Deb Stephens |
510-742-4939 |
deb.stephens@sygate.com |
Symantec Corporation |
211 |
John Bonebrake |
408-517-8215 |
jobonebrake@symantec.com |
Symark Software |
405 |
Carol Giragos |
818-575-4021 |
cgiragos@symark.com |
SYTEX, Inc |
725 |
Wil Merced |
410-465-8744 |
mercedw@sytexinc.com |
Tablus, Inc. |
912 |
Leah Fortuna |
650-572-1515x106 |
leah@tablus.com |
Technology Pathways LLC |
710 |
Steve Richardson |
858-204-3303 |
srichardson@techpathways.com |
Tenable Network Security, Inc |
226 |
Cynthia Y. Gula |
410-872-0555 |
cgula@tenablesecurity.com |
Teros, Inc. |
1915 |
Martha Wu |
408-850-0843 |
mwu@teros.com |
The Security Awareness Company |
1501 |
Greg Hoffman |
727-517-1660 |
ghoffma1@tampabay.rr.com |
True North Solutions |
1811 |
Stacy Brooks |
703-793-1440x136 |
sbrooks@truenorthsoluions.net |
TruSecure Corporation ICSA Labs |
523 |
Elizabeth Campbell |
703-480-8506 |
ecampbell@trusecure.com |
Trust Digital LLC |
232 |
Kevin Shahbazi |
703-246-9198x12 |
Kevin.Shahbazi@trustdigital.com |
Vernier Networks, Inc |
901 |
Lynn Sakamoto |
650-237-2689 |
arlene@verniernetworks.com |
VIACK Corporation |
613 |
Stephanie Gssime |
480-735-5916 |
sgssime@viack.com |
V-Secure Technologies |
620 |
Sharon Topia |
201-291-2345 |
sharon@v-secure.com |
WatchGuard Technologies, Inc |
604 |
Elizabeth Wineman Jones |
liz.wineman-jones@watchguard.com |
Westbridge Technology |
1217 |
Debbie Byorum |
650-210-8756 |
debbie@westbridgetech.com |
WetStone Technologies Inc |
1210 |
Kelly Ivey |
607-756-6086x123 |
kelly.ivey@wetstonetech.com |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office