PR Contacts |
Field Service Solutions Dallas |
Wyndham Anatole Convention Complex - Dallas, TX |
January 24-27, 2000 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for Field Service Solutions Dallas. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Exhibitor |
Hall |
# |
Show Contact |
Tel |
PR Contact |
PR Tel |
PR Email |
ACS Commu Ind Ser |
CC |
Karen Yanker |
214-841-8461 |
karen_yanker@acs-inc.com |
Acxiom |
CC |
1314 |
Tami Vargas |
619-455-6900 |
tvargas@dataquick.com |
Ahern Communic |
CC |
866 |
Andy Smith |
800-451-3280 |
atsmith@aherncorp.com |
Alve Software |
CC |
Steve Springfield |
512-327-3992 |
steve@alve.com |
American Mobile |
Jennifer Alleva |
703-758-6286 |
Jennifer.Alleva@AmMobile.com |
Ameritech |
CC |
539 |
John Broschka |
312-364-2182 |
john.e.broschka@ameritech.com |
AMR Research |
Lisa Ziernicki |
617-542-6600 |
spierce@amresearch.com |
APROPOS Techno |
CC |
1207 |
Britt McNichols |
630-472-9600 |
britt.mcnichols@apropos.com |
Arkansas Aeroplex |
CC |
354 |
Cliff Chitwood |
870-532-2100 |
aeroplex@missconet.com |
Arkansas Indus Dev Com |
CC |
Pat Brown |
501-682-2559 |
pbrown@1800arkansas.com |
Aspect Telecommunic |
CC |
643 |
Mary Louder |
408-325-4170 |
mary.louder@aspect.com |
Assessment Solutions |
CC |
1250 |
Patricia Gambale |
212-319-8400 |
pgambale@asisolutions.com |
Astea International |
Donna Vito |
215-682-2500 |
dvito@astea.com |
AT&T |
CC |
Kevin Mihalek |
732-560-7872 |
rgilligan@att.com |
Austin Logistics |
CC |
Phu Le |
512-651-5660 |
phu@austinlogistics.com |
BCS Technologies |
CC |
533 |
Sarah Cresap |
303-713-3000 |
cresap@bcstechnologies.com |
Bell Atlantic Call Ctr Serv |
CC |
Julie Burroughs |
972-488-2333 |
lholland@cmaeti.com |
Linda Holland |
lholland@cmaeti.com |
Bell South Wireless Da |
Regina Mazza |
732-602-5500 |
rmazza@bellsouthwd.com |
Big Blue Products |
Jeff Aunwick |
516-351-3600 |
jeff@bigblue-usa.com |
Blue Pumpkin |
CC |
835 |
Amy Hiles |
650-429-6300 |
ahiles@blue-pumpkin.com |
Bob Fletcher & Assoc |
CC |
531 |
Ted Giordano |
678-277-8100 |
tgiordano@mobsec.com |
BodyBilt Seating |
CC |
Paul Teel |
409-825-1700 |
paul@bodybuilt.com |
Call Center Learning Sol |
CC |
953 |
Ellen Greene |
800-845-3736 |
ellen@cclsonline.com |
Call Center Technology |
CC |
223 |
Andy Bashkin |
203-840-0064 |
andy.bashkin@callcti.com |
Carlson Design Construct |
CC |
Charles Wagner |
972-250-3972 |
cwagner@carlson-dc.com |
CB Richard Ellis |
CC |
Kris Fahnestock |
602-735-1759 |
kfahnestock@cbrichardellis.com |
CC News |
CC |
114 |
Alison Harris |
207-846-0600 |
aharris@ccnews.com |
Cell IT Inc. |
CC |
231 |
Susie LaCour |
305-639-2255 |
slacour@cellit.com |
CenterCore |
CC |
959 |
Domenic Federico |
219-293-0621 |
domenic.federico@centercore.com |
CenterForce Techno |
CC |
Marlene Rosati |
301-718-2955 |
mrosati@cforcetech.com |
Cerulean Technology |
Marianne Fini |
508-460-4000 |
mfini@cerulean.com |
Chordiant Software, Inc. |
CC |
755 |
Amy Gardner |
408-517-6174 |
amy.gardner@chordiant.com |
Circ Systems Techno |
CC |
Jeff Woodward |
800-258-2200 |
jpwoodward84@hotmail.com |
Cisco Systems |
CC |
735 |
Jennifer Robinson |
978-275-5165 |
jrobin@cisco.com |
Clarify |
630 |
Rom Portwood |
408-965-7637 |
rom@clarify.com |
Clarify, Inc. |
CC |
1116 |
Rom Portwood |
408-965-7637 |
rom@clarify.com |
Computer Parts Unl |
Gary Katz |
805-532-2500 |
gary@cpumart.com |
Computer Service & Re |
Jackie Meyer |
303-797-8522 |
jmeyer@searlepub.com |
Comverse Infosys, Inc. |
CC |
1039 |
Dawn Shields |
516-465-1236 |
dshields@cominfosys.com |
Conita Technologies |
1350 |
David Anderson |
803-254-8158 |
danderson@nsandg.com |
Core Software, Inc. |
Mark Watthuber |
281-292-2177 |
mark@coresoftware.com |
Custom Information Serv |
CC |
Rania Khoury |
817-640-0016 |
rkhoury@customis.com |
Customer Support Mgt |
CC |
1240 |
Kathleen Lombardo |
203-857-5656 |
klombardo@customersupportmgmt.com |
CyberMarketing Services |
CC |
140 |
Larry Matte |
201-862-0186 |
tele-info@telemkt.com |
Daktronics, Inc. |
CC |
Cory Van Duyn |
972-680-9261 |
cvduyn@swbell.net |
Data-Tel Info Solutions |
CC |
Andrea Dahl |
480-844-5154 |
andreadahl@hotmail.com |
Davis Software |
CC |
1010 |
Dawn Smith |
214-758-3642 |
dawn@davissoftware.com |
Davox |
CC |
823 |
Nicole Rodgers |
972-997-8439 |
nicoler@davox.com |
Dictaphone Corporation |
CC |
1033 |
Jack Wilkins |
203-381-7118 |
ldilaur@dictaphone.com |
Digital Techniques, Inc. |
CC |
David Mackey |
972-727-1200 |
dmackey@dtechs.com |
DoMore/DO3 |
CC |
1060 |
Domenic Federico |
219-293-0621 |
domoredo3@msn.com |
Dynamic Instruments, Inc. |
CC |
Eric Weber |
619-278-4900 |
eweber@dynamicinst.com |
Dynatec International |
CC |
1351 |
Alisa Buchanan |
801-973-9500 |
alisab@dynatechintl.com |
Easyphone |
CC |
827 |
Steve Nicholson |
44 1794 512020 |
skn@easyphone.com |
e-automate |
Gardner Crane |
801-492-1705 |
gcrane@e-automate.com |
eLoyalty |
109 |
Tinette Blanding |
703-802-9824 |
tinette_blanding@eloyaltyco.com |
eLoyalty |
CC |
1007 |
Tinette Blanding |
703-802-9824 |
tinette_blanding@techsol.com |
Ericsson, Inc. |
CC |
635 |
Janelle Twyford-Silvis |
972-583-0371 |
eustwja@am1.ericsson.se |
Excell Consulting Serv |
CC |
350 |
Renee Nelson |
602-808-1680 |
rmartucci@excellconsulting.com |
Eyretel Inc. |
CC |
427 |
Angie Peters |
301-586-1929 |
angela.peters@eyretel-usa.com |
Field Force Automation |
Spencer Ewald |
212-314-7630 |
spencere@curtco.com |
Field Service Software |
Sean Hoyt |
800-643-1339 |
seanh1@flash.net |
Genesys |
CC |
717 |
Inna Kats |
415-437-1104 |
inna@genesyslab.com |
GM Voices |
CC |
Robert Holmes |
770-752-4507 |
rholmes@gmvoices.com |
GN Netcom / UNEX |
CC |
1165 |
Andrea Olynyk |
603-594-4752 |
aolynyk@gnnetcom.com |
Grumman Systems Su |
Scott Rose |
972-235-9748 |
rosesc@mail.northgrum.com |
Hammer Technologies |
CC |
138 |
Mariana Haven |
978-694-9959 |
mlazarto@hammer.com |
Harris Corporation |
CC |
1316 |
Deanne Carson |
407-674-4582 |
dcarso01@harris.com |
i2 Technologies |
Mark Hillman |
800-800-3288 |
mark_hillman@i2.com |
IET - Intelligent Electr |
Christine Westin |
781-272-5903 |
cwestin@iet-w6.com |
IEX Corporation |
CC |
906 |
Nancy Zimmermann |
972-301-4847 |
nzimm@iex.com |
Imagine U.S.A. |
CC |
Tracey Intorcia |
770-921-5433 |
tracey@imagineusa.co |
iMedeon |
Chris Ryan |
770-777-8100 |
cryan@imedeon.com |
Incoming Calls Mgt Inst |
CC |
1415 |
Cara Visconti |
410-267-0700 |
carav@incoming.com |
Inforte Corporation |
CC |
Jennifer Tang |
312-540-0900 |
jennifer.tang@inforte.com |
INOVA Corporation |
CC |
933 |
James Arthur |
804-817-8000 |
jarthur@inovacorp.com |
Intecom |
CC |
727 |
Carol Farrell |
972-855-8000 |
cfarrell@intecom.com |
Interactive Intelligence |
CC |
215 |
Nichole Hoffmann |
317-872-3000 |
nicholeh@inter-intelli.com |
Interactive Quality Servic |
CC |
555 |
Gregg Williams |
612-820-0778 |
bill.coleman@iq-services.com |
Interactive Software Sys |
CC |
1239 |
Al Cuccinelli |
954-717-0192 |
acuccinelli@callcenter.com |
Interalia Communications |
CC |
1251 |
Nancy Spangrud |
612-942-6088 |
nancy.spangrud@interalia.com |
Interior Concepts Corp |
CC |
450 |
Christine Jacobs |
800-968-3201 |
intcon@novagate.com |
Intermec-Norand Mob |
Becky Doyle |
319-369-3894 |
doylerj@norand.com |
InterVoice-Brite, Inc. |
CC |
939 |
Janet Buttimer |
972-454-8329 |
janet_buttimer@intervoice.com |
CC |
David Koosis |
212-477-8800 |
dkoosis@isc.com |
Tom McFarland |
tmcfarland@vector-comm.com |
IT Support News |
Alison Harris |
207-846-0600 |
aharris@itsupportnews.com |
ITC Learning Corporation |
CC |
654 |
703-713-3335 |
mczarnecki@itclearning.com |
Itronix Corporation |
Jody Bergum |
509-742-1240 |
Bergum@Itronix.com |
Jingle Phone Productions |
CC |
1166 |
Tim Walsh |
630-574-8008 |
tim@jinglephone.com |
Kana Communications |
CC |
1301 |
Melissa Cheng |
650-566-2542 |
melissa@kana.com |
Kaplan Professional/Call Center Learning |
CC |
1045 |
Ki Perry |
212-974-2762 |
ki_perry@kaplan.com |
Knowlagent |
CC |
1058 |
Matt McConnell |
404-881-1411 |
mattm@knowdev.com |
Language Line, LLC |
CC |
1057 |
Rebecca McMahon |
831-648-5824 |
rmcmahan@languageline.com |
LPA Software, Inc. |
Robin Peters |
716-248-9600 |
robinp@lpa.com |
Lucent Technologies |
CC |
Michael Nicoles |
908-582-3658 |
mnicoles@lucent.com |
MCI WorldCom |
CC |
Greg Bosworth |
913-339-4660 |
gregory.bosworth@wcom.com |
MCK Communications |
CC |
534 |
Amy Gelpey |
617-454-6100 |
amy_gelpey@mck.com |
Melard Technologies |
Melissa Student |
914-273-4488 |
mstudent@melard.com |
Melita International |
CC |
623 |
Tonya Bass |
770-239-4472 |
tbass@melita.com |
Metrix |
Mark Schroeder |
414-717-6687 |
marks@metrix.com |
MicroAutomation, Inc. |
CC |
1055 |
David McCrabb |
703-378-7000 |
dmccrabb@microaut.com |
Mitel |
CC |
315 |
Irene Crosby |
613-592-2122 |
irene_crosby@mitel.com |
Mohr Partners, Inc. |
CC |
256 |
Jeff Lapinski |
972-239-0394 |
mike@mohrpart.com |
MRA Technologies |
CC |
Manny Armenta |
972-422-0050 |
manny@mratech.com |
Mustang Software, Inc. |
CC |
441 |
Bob Allman |
661-873-2500 |
ballman@mustang.com |
NEC America, Inc. |
CC |
306 |
Dana Adams |
972-518-4408 |
dadams@cng.dl.nec.com |
Netpark |
CC |
1342 |
Henry McClure |
813-621-7575 |
tohenry@gte.net |
New Mexico Business Qu |
CC |
John Connell |
505-391-3251 |
johnco@swps.com |
NICE Systems |
CC |
1027 |
Audrey Ple' |
604-207-0600 |
audple@nice.com |
Noble Systems |
CC |
456 |
Melanie Martin |
404-851-1331 |
mmartin@noblesys.com |
Nortel Networks |
CC |
607 |
Amanda Volarvich |
408-565-2816 |
kathobri@nortelnetworks.com |
Nuance Communications |
CC |
966 |
Aimee Mikolasik |
650-847-7723 |
aimee@nuance.com |
Octane Software |
CC |
257 |
Jennifer Heaton |
650-295-6207 |
jheaton@octanesoftware.com |
OdySoft |
CC |
357 |
Mary-Michelle Lajoie |
450-646-4774 |
alwild@calabrio.com |
OMD Corporation |
Judy Rentschler |
573-893-8930 |
jrentschler@omdcorp.com |
On-Line Interpreters, Inc. |
CC |
1139 |
David S. Jenkins |
800-307-1001 |
kwhipple@onlineinterpreters.com |
PakNetX |
CC |
1145 |
Jennifer Trevor |
603-890-6616 |
jtrevor@paknetx.com |
Panasonic Per Comp |
Jennifer Wolak |
800-662-3537 |
jwolak@p2c2.com |
PaylinX Corp. |
CC |
1320-3B |
Holli Martin |
314-692-0929 |
hmartin@paylinx.com |
PC Service Source |
Sarah Bailey |
972-481-4240 |
sbailey@pcservice.com |
Periphonics Corporation |
CC |
Barbara Schechter |
516-468-9296 |
debra.sullivan@peri.com |
Philips Speech Proces |
CC |
Kathy Fredrick |
770-821-3307 |
katharine.frederick@psp-atl.be.philips.com |
Pipkins, Inc. |
CC |
1032 |
Mimi Saxon |
314-469-6106 |
owl@pipkins.com |
Plantronics |
CC |
Lori Dediego |
800-544-4660 |
lori.dediego@plantronics.com |
Positive Software System |
CC |
Edward Mandel |
972-380-8043 |
info@positivesolutions.com |
PricewaterhouseCoopers |
CC |
967 |
Sarah Bergin |
303-604-9015 |
sarah.bergin@us.pwcglobal.com |
Pyderion Contact Techno |
CC |
428 |
Sonia Gasparini |
514-344-4843 |
sgaspari@pyderion.com |
Quintus Corporation |
CC |
Katherine Henkle |
704-896-9702 |
katherine.henkle@quintus.com |
Qwiz, Inc. |
CC |
1347 |
Melanie Singleton |
770-650-8080 |
msingleton@qwiz.com |
Racal Recorders |
CC |
549 |
Melanie Covington |
703-709-7114 |
mcovington@racalusa.com |
Response Design |
CC |
1260 |
Tom Tucker |
609-398-3230 |
tomtucker@responsedesign.com |
Rockwell Electronic Com |
CC |
406 |
Linda Cazan |
630-227-7419 |
cazan@switch.rockwell.com |
RTS Software |
Judy Friedman |
972-447-8379 |
judy.friedman@rtssoftware.com |
ServicePlus |
Leanne Damas |
819-770-4000 |
ldamas@serviceware.com |
ServicePower |
Adele Oliver |
410-571-6333 |
a.oliver@servicepower.com |
ServicePower |
Michael Johnson |
410-571-6333 |
a.oliver@servicepower.com |
Servicesoft Technologies |
CC |
1320-5A |
Sheri Moseley |
508-653-4000 |
smoseley@servicesoft.com |
Servigistics |
Stephanie Williams |
770-821-5368 |
swilliams@servigistics.com |
Shepherd Systems |
Loren Colvin |
770-512-4080 |
lcolvin@shepherdsystems.com |
Siebel Systems |
Susanna Hyatt |
650-295-5424 |
shyatt@siebel.com |
Siebel Systems |
CC |
514 |
Susanna Hyatt |
650-295-5424 |
shyatt@siebel.com |
Siemens Info. & Comm |
CC |
842 |
Greg Ryan |
408-492-6245 |
greg.p.ryan@icn.siemens.com |
Simtrex Corp |
CC |
Tom Lynch |
678-365-0011 |
tlynch@simtrex.com |
Society of Telecom Cons |
CC |
667 |
Susan Kuttner |
831-659-0110 |
stcsk@stcconsultants.org |
Spanlink Communications |
CC |
734 |
Steve Peterson |
612-971-2156 |
jacobsk@spanlink.com |
Specialized Resources |
CC |
102 |
Christina Bentley |
972-664-6665 |
cbentley@sritelecom.com |
Spectrum Corporation |
CC |
433 |
Gary Liddell |
713-944-6200 |
gary@specorp.com |
SpeechWorks Internl |
CC |
Alison Buck |
617-428-4444 |
alison.buck@speechworks.com |
Sprint |
CC |
1100 |
Linda McKee |
972-405-5112 |
linda.mckee@mail.sprint.com |
Sprint PCS |
Carrie Matulich |
972-349-7108 |
cmatul01@sprintspectrum.com |
Stinson Design Group/Carter Burgess |
CC |
439 |
Maria Munoz |
713-223-3610 |
mmunoz@stinsondesign.com |
Strategic Outsourcing Cor |
CC |
Kevin Leonard |
972-437-2220 |
kevinl@stratsource.com |
SYMON Communications |
CC |
632 |
Elaine Rossi |
281-240-5555 |
erossi@symon.com |
Synchrologic, Inc. |
Ashley Parsons |
770-754-5600 |
ashley.parsons@synchrologic.com |
Syntellect, Inc. |
CC |
237 |
Tricia Lester |
602-789-2804 |
charbour@syntellect.com |
Systems Modeling |
CC |
965 |
Eric Brahney |
412-741-3727 |
ebrahney@sm.com |
Tapestry Integration Spec |
CC |
345 |
Michael Bitter |
314-344-0066 |
michael@tapestry.com |
TargetVision |
CC |
1151 |
Laurie Enos |
716-248-0550 |
lenos@targetvision.com |
Targus Information |
CC |
1120 |
Dennis Ainge |
703-847-6200 |
dennisainge@targusinfo.com |
TCS Management Group |
CC |
507 |
Karen A. Carrico |
615-221-6846 |
karen_carrico@tcsmgmt.com |
TEAC America |
CC |
Linda Stone |
323-727-4872 |
lstone@teac.com |
Teknekron Infoswitch |
CC |
627 |
Yvonne Powell |
817-262-3120 |
ypowell@teknekron.com |
Teknion Furniture Sys |
CC |
1125 |
Bernie Donaldson |
312-321-1286 |
bdonaldson@tekus.com |
TelAthena |
CC |
112 |
Ira Stoller |
888-777-7565 |
istoller@telathena.com |
Telecorp Products |
CC |
1715 |
Tillie Donner |
248-960-1000 |
tdonner@telecorpproducts.com |
TeleDirect International |
CC |
Sue Ellen Jacobs |
480-585-6464 |
cvalentino@tdirect.com |
Telephone Doctor |
CC |
1141 |
Donna Bryan |
314-291-1012 |
teldoc@aol.com |
Teloquent |
CC |
914 |
Steve Guthrie |
978-671-5211 |
sguthrie@teloquent.com |
Teltone |
CC |
1154 |
Karen Hansen |
425-487-1515 |
khansen@teltone.com |
Texas Digital Systems |
CC |
1053 |
Cindy Hurt |
409-693-9378 |
churt@txdigital.com |
Transcat |
Robert Dunn |
716-352-9460 |
bdunn@transcat.com |
US West |
CC |
252 |
Pat Ulibarri |
303-965-3922 |
ptuliba@uswest.com |
Vantive |
CC |
1223 |
Gina Martinez |
408-982-5700 |
gina_martinez@vantive.com |
Vantive |
Gina Martinez |
408-982-5700 |
gina_martinez@vantive.com |
Vast Wireless Solut |
Ross Beaton |
972-801-8254 |
ross_beaton@vast.com |
WalkAbout Computers |
Gina Yeoman |
614-899-6119 |
ggyeoman2@aol.com |
WebCall Synergy |
CC |
Jeong Kwangsoo |
822-885-6771 |
ozzie@webcall.co.kr |
WebLine Communications |
CC |
333 |
Lenore Files |
781-852-2119 |
sales@webline.com |
Wenn/ Soft LLC |
Cheryl Lilek Pabich |
414-821-4100 |
clilek@wennsoft.com |
WhiteCap Development |
CC |
Carol Wennerstrand |
978-974-0800 |
cwennerstrand@whitecap.com |
Witness Systems |
CC |
447 |
Jennifer King |
770-754-1959 |
jking@witsys.com |
Zamba |
343 |
Hjalmer Danielson |
925-467-0314 |
hdanielson@gozamba.com |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office