Press List |
Palm Springs Convention Center Palm Springs, CA November 4-6, 2002 |
Below are the names of the 20+ pre-registered press for Internet Librarian 2002. The list will be updated regularly. For additional names look at the Market Guide and Local and Industry Press pages (and other show lists as well). This list should be brought in to you own media list. Highlight the list below and copy it to word. In word it should still be formatted as a table with borders and boxes. Highlight your new table in word and using the table menu convert to text, either tab or comma delimited (whatever your personal preference) text. Save it and then export to you own database. Each entry is dated so you can sort and import new names. We asked how they wanted to receive information and list that under the preference column. Their interest is under focus and their web sites are listed under URL, so you can check out what they've reported before. As always if you need help, drop a note or call. |
Bob |
Name |
Title |
Organization |
St Address |
City, State, PC |
Tel |
Fax |
Date |
Pref |
Focus |
Malcolm Dean |
Technology Journalist |
1015 Gayley Av #1229 |
Los Angeles CA 90024-3424 |
malcolmdean@earthlink.net |
10/22/01 |
Miriam Wuensch |
Publisher |
ALA TechSource |
50 East Huron Street |
Chicago, IL 60611-2795 |
312-280-3252 |
mwuensch@ala.org |
10/5 |
Janette Toral |
Editor |
DigitalFilipino.com |
92 P. Jacinto St |
Kalookan, MM 1400 Philippines |
63-917-4974922 |
632-6376890 |
janette@digitalfilipino.com |
10/22/01 |
www.digitalfilipino.com |
wireless,outsourcing, e-commerce |
Ellen Walsh |
Analyst |
Gartner |
2512 Breeezewater Court |
Port Hueneme, CA 93041 USA |
805-985-5766 |
805-985-6666 |
10/28/01 |
All |
Thomas Lenzo |
Columnist |
Independent Perspective |
2473 Oswego St. #10 |
Pasadena, CA 91107-4239 USA |
626-477-7491 |
707-222-7667 |
tlenzo@worldnet.att.net |
10/22/01 |
None |
training |
Kathy Dempsey |
Editor |
Information Today |
143 Old Marlton Pike |
Medford, NJ 08055 |
609-654-6266 |
609-654-4309 |
kdempsey@infotoday.com |
10/5 |
www.infotoday.com |
Betsy Winter |
Editor |
Information Today |
143 Old Marlton Pike |
Medford, NJ 08055 |
609-654-6266 |
609-654-4309 |
bwinter@infotoday.com |
10/5 |
www.infotoday.com |
Paula Hane |
Contributing Editor |
Information Today |
5917 Royal Palm Dr. |
Plano, TX 75093 US |
972-403-0604 |
none |
phane@infotoday.com |
10-18-01 |
www.infotoday.com |
online publishing, electronic content |
Hugh McKellar |
Executive Editor, |
KMWorld |
18 Bayview Landing |
Camden, ME 04843 |
207-236-8524 |
hugh_mckellar@kmworld.com |
10/5 |
Sandra Haimila |
Managing Editor |
KMWorld |
18 Bayview Landing |
Camden, ME 04843 |
207-236-8524 |
sandra_haimila@kmworld.com |
10/5 |
Colby Riggs |
Library Systems & Technology Librarian |
Library Hi-Technology News |
PO Box 19556 |
Irvine, CA 92623-9556 |
Criggs@lib.uci.edu |
8/28/ |
Julia Gelfand |
Applied Sciences & Engineering Librarian |
Library Hi-Technology News |
PO Box 19556 |
Irvine, CA 92623-9556 |
jgelfand@lib.uci.edu |
8/28/ |
Linda Arroz |
Makeover Media |
11138 Aqua Vista St. #32 |
Studio City, CA 91602 |
818 752 9168 |
Linda.Arroz@MakeoverMedia.com |
10/22 |
Kyrian Corona |
Makeover Media |
11138 Aqua Vista St. #32 |
Studio City, CA 91602 |
818.753.9444 |
509.461.6069 |
kyrian.corona@makeovermedia.com |
10/22 |
Arlen Solomon |
Editor |
Novice Computer User |
3670 Round Meadow La |
Hatboro, Pa 19040 USA |
215-443-7908 |
413-208-9850 |
ncuser1@aol.com |
10/ 18 |
Library Science |
Marydee Ojala |
Editor |
marydee@xmission.com |
10/22/01 |
Kathryn Pinto |
Pacific Bureau Chief |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Kpinto@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Jennifer Pinto |
NE Bureau Chief |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Jpintoo@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Al Kaff |
National Bureauc Chief |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Akaff@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Michelle Byun |
Seattle Bureau |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Mbyun@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Bob Miko |
Analyst |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 USA |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
bmiko@pacificdialogue.com |
10/17 |
Pacificdialogue.com |
Hiram Ash |
Editor |
Southeast Review |
P.O. Box 722 |
South Gate, CA 90280 usa |
323-773-8098 |
same |
sereview@yahoo.com |
Oct. 19, 2001 |
none |
internet/tech |
Kumar Percy |
Freelance Writer |
Tarlton Law Library -- University of Texas School of Law |
727 E. Dean Keeton |
Austin, TX 78705 US |
512-232-1568 |
512-471-0243 |
kpercy@mail.law.utexas.edu |
10/5 |
www.llrx.com |
Digitizing collections, Virtual Ref |
Richard Kahlenberg |
Columnist |
Whyville Times |
2135 Huntington Drive #201B |
San Marino, CA 91108 usa |
626-568-3385 |
626-568-3385 |
10.24.01 |
whyville.net |
streaming media/broadcast listings |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office