PR Contacts |
November 3-5, 2003 |
Monterey Convention Center, Monterey, CA |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for Internet Librarian 2003. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Company |
Booth |
Contact Name |
Phone |
e-mail1 |
24/7 Reference |
137 |
Carol Bonnefil |
310-391-7444 |
carol@247ref.org |
Academic Press - Ideal |
241 |
Jeri Smith |
619-699-6390 |
jsmith@acad.com |
Access Innovations |
213 |
Heather Hlava |
505-998-0800 x137 |
heather@accessinn.com |
338 |
Cynthia Shamel |
414-766-0421 858-673-4673 |
cshamel@shamelinfo.com |
American Institute of Physics |
223 |
Wendy Cona |
516-576-2411 |
wcona@aip.org |
428 |
Carla Falco |
610-832-9605 |
cfalco@astm.org |
Auto-Graphics, Inc. |
457 |
Alison Lee |
909-595-7204 x457 |
apl@auto-graphics.com |
Baker & Taylor |
237 |
Carrie McKesson |
704-329-9011 704-329-9016 |
carrie.mckesson@btol.com |
Basch Subscriptions/The Ref. Shelf |
0 |
Buzzy Basch |
603-229-0662 |
BioOne c/o Amigos Library Service |
416 |
Jennifer Williams |
972-851-8000 |
williams@amigos.org |
Bowker |
307 |
Maria Adamik |
888-269-5372 |
mariaadamik@renp.com |
Brodart Co. |
418 |
Carla Fisher |
800-233-8467 x6279 570-326-2461 |
cfisher@brodart.com |
Comprise Technologies, Inc. |
329 |
Dan Curtin |
800-854-6822 |
dancurtin@comprisetechnologies.com |
Cuadra Associates, Inc. |
108 |
Judith Wanger |
310-478-0066 |
hq@cuadra.com |
Data Downlink Corp. (Cancelled) |
201 |
Carol Ann Thomas |
212-363-9620 |
cathomas@xls.com |
Data Research Associates |
234 |
Patti French |
314-432-1100 |
patricia@dra.com |
Dialog |
101 |
Gina Heath |
919-462-8600 919-461-7242 |
gina_heath@dialog.com |
Dun & Bradstreet |
232 |
Barbara DiBonaventura |
973-605-6000 |
DiBonaventurab@dnb.com |
EBSCO Information Services |
100 |
Leslie Gaither |
205-991-1181 205-980-3885 |
lgaither@ebsco.com |
Elsevier Science |
107 |
Julian Sulmonetti |
212-989-5800 |
j.sulmonetti@elsevier.com |
Endeavor Information Systems, Inc. |
411 |
Cathy Kolinski |
800-762-6300 x2665 |
kolinski@endinfosys.com |
EOS International |
215 |
Amy Froning |
760-431-8400 |
sales@eosintl.com |
epixtech |
113 |
Stan Smith |
801-223-5500 |
s.smith@epixtech.com |
Euromonitor International |
335 |
Kim Bergeman |
312-435-9182 |
kim.bergeman@euromonitor.intlcom |
Factiva,Dow Jones Reuters (Canc.) |
227 |
Shanna Quinn |
646-742-3409 |
shannaquinn@factiva.com |
Facts on File |
310 |
Ben Jacobs |
212-896-4268 |
Bjacobs@factsonfile.com |
Financial Times - FT.Com |
239 |
Debbie Marty |
212-641-6399 |
debbie.marty@FT.Com |
Fortres Grand Corporation |
426 |
Mike Magee |
800-331-0372 |
mmagee@fortres.com |
Fretwell-Downing, Inc. |
340 |
Colleen Ivory |
770-252-3336 |
colleen.ivory@fdgroup.com |
Gale Group |
1810 |
Shannon Ostrowski |
800-877-GALE x1810 |
shannon.ostrowski@galegroup.com |
H. W. Wilson |
312 |
Ominiah Grossett |
718-588-8400 x2715 |
ogrossett@hwwilson.com |
211 |
Linda Riley |
732-562-3964 |
l.riley@ieee.org |
IFI Claims Patent Services |
132 |
Harry Allcock |
910-392-0068 |
Allcock@ificlaims.com |
IHS-Information Handling Services |
418 |
Angellee Bigelow |
303-397-2586 |
angelle-bigelow@his.com |
ILI Infodisk Inc. |
334 |
Gene Quigley |
888-819-3780 |
equigley@ili-info.com |
Information Today, Inc. |
0 |
Infotrieve |
316 |
Kevin McGrew |
310-234-2000-40 |
kevin@infotrieve.com |
infoUSA Library Division |
306 |
Jodi Nelson |
800-808-1113 |
Jodi.nelsen@infoUSA.com |
ingenta inc. |
135 |
Susie Boast |
617-395-4000 |
sboast@ingenta.com |
Inmagic, Inc. |
110 |
Amy Marks |
800-229-8398 x241 |
amy@inmagic.com |
Innovative Interfaces Inc. |
133 |
Anne Mason |
510-655-6200 |
amason@iii.com |
319 |
Michael McCabe |
732-321-5575 732-321-5579 x205 |
mmccabe@inspecinc.com |
ISI (Cancelled) |
306 |
Frank Spiecker |
800-336-4474 |
Frank.Spiecker@isinet.com |
JAMA & Archives Journals |
235 |
Bernadette Bauer |
312-464-2504 |
bernadette_bauer@ama-assn.org |
Jane's Information Group |
337 |
Katrina Thompson |
703-683-3700 |
katrina.thompson@janes.com |
Jones e-global library |
225 |
Doug Hotopp |
888-235-6637 |
dhotopp@jonesknowledge.com |
Lexis-Nexis CyberConn |
Ronnie Schaer |
301-941-2902 |
Library Associates |
327 |
Deborah Schwarz |
310-289-1067 |
dschwarz@libaryassociates.com |
Library HQ |
328 |
Dawn Moore |
256-704-7000 |
dawn@sirsi.com |
Library Systems & Services |
413 |
Kathy Potter |
800-638-8725 |
Kathyp@lssi.com |
Mergent, Inc. |
322 |
Jae Lee |
212-413-7601 |
jae.lee@fisonline.com |
National Technical Information Svcs |
102 |
Catherine Stanley |
703-605-6000 |
cstanley@ntis.gov |
Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. |
131 |
Charles Harmon |
212-925-8650 |
charles@neal-schuman.com |
Nerac, Inc. |
207 |
Michael Mahoney |
860-872-7000 |
mam@nerac.com |
netLibrary |
314 |
Sharon Lynch |
800-413-4557 303-381-8779 |
slynch@netLibrary.com |
Networking Nook |
0 |
NewsBank, inc. |
134 |
Kim Fratino |
941-263-6004 |
kfratino@newsbank.com |
206 |
Donna Gehring |
800-848-5878 614-761-5074 |
donna_gehring@oclc.org |
Open Names Service |
208 |
Donna Gehring |
800-848-5878 |
donna_gehring@oclc.org |
Ovid Technologies |
313, 230 |
Cara Gerstman |
800-950-2035 |
cara_gerstman@ovid.com |
Pacific Data Conversion Corp. |
317 |
Iris Hanney |
570-646-5302 |
ihanney@epix.net |
ProQuest |
300 |
Ann Curtis |
734-761-4700 x3343 |
anncurtis@aol.com |
Quiver |
324 |
Roz Chapman Julie Heck |
415-863-9946 415-925-3330 |
roz@quiver.com julieheck@jchmarketing.com |
RoweCom, Inc. |
406 |
Christina Frye |
781-410-3303 |
tfrye@rowe.com |
Sheshunoff |
336 |
Sara Garland |
617-441-5967 |
sara.garland@tfn.com |
SilverPlatter Information (Ovid)* |
313 |
Terri Gagliardi |
800-343-0064 x175 |
tgagliardi@silverplatter.com |
SIRS Mandarin, Inc. |
401 |
Brianne Sierra |
800-232-7477 |
info@sirs.com |
Sirsi Corporation |
229 |
Dawn Moore |
256-704-7000 |
dawn@sirsi.com |
Softlink America, Inc. |
240 |
Melissa Pellegrini |
303-741-1521 x226 |
melissap@softlinkamerica.com |
Swets Blackwell |
212 |
Shawn Herman |
800-645-6595 800-221-3306 x282 |
sherman@us.swetsblackwell.com |
SydneyPLUS International |
331 |
Cathy Hack |
604-278-6717 |
chack@sydneyplus.com |
Syracuse Un. School of Info Studies |
333 |
Kristen Trapasso |
315-443-2911 |
kprentis@syr.edu |
The Library Corporation |
326 |
Cheryl Viands |
304-229-0100 |
cviands@tlcdelivers.com |
TheScientificWorld |
407 |
Kai Horton |
561-742-1834 |
khorton@thescientificworld.com |
138 |
Jeffrey Libby |
214-346-0841 x106 |
jeffl@tracsystems.com |
U. S. Census Bureau Marketing Service Office |
412 |
Troy Scott |
301-457-6828 |
U. S. Government Printing Office |
236 |
Matt Landgraf |
202-512-1530 |
mlandgraf@gpo.gov |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office