PR Contacts |
Hotel Inter-Continental, Miami, FL |
February 7-9, 2001 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center
for INTERNET TELEPHONY CONFERENCE & EXPO 2001 Miami. It's not that I
don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't
get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take
too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts
(where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call
anytime. |
Bob |
Company |
# |
Show Contact |
Tel |
Active Voice |
Rebecca Dawson |
rdawson@activevoice.com |
206-441-4700 |
Aculab USA |
Pamela Kidwell |
pamela.kidwell@aculab.com |
850-763-9281 |
Agilent Technologies |
Stacey Haver |
719-531-4658 |
Anatel Communications |
Teri Larcom |
tlarcom@anatel.net |
978-977-3000 |
Apropos Technology |
Autumn Geist |
autumn.geist@apropos.com |
630-472-9600 |
Aravox Technologies |
Stephen Fischer |
sfischer@aravox.com |
651-256-2700 |
Arbros Communications |
Kim Brown |
kbrown@arbros.com |
301-960-0512 |
Brooktrout Technology |
Stephanie Ide |
steph@brooktrout.com |
781-449-4100 |
Carlo Gavazzi |
Caryn Banks |
carynb@mupac.com |
508-588-6110 |
Communications |
Tom McKee |
tmckee@centillium.com |
510-771-3700 |
CentreCom Inc. |
Mike Vizzi |
ccortez@centrecom.com |
714-500-0010 |
Cisco Systems |
Michele Schneider |
mischnei@cisco.com |
408-525-7988 |
Crystal Group Inc |
Steve Bemboom |
sjbemboom@crystalpc.com |
319-378-1636 |
ECI Telecom |
Robin Brelsford |
robin.brelsford@telematics.com |
954-772-3070 |
Ericsson Webcom |
Geetika Arora |
geetika.arora@ericsson.com |
650-463-6113 |
Fastcomm Communica |
Tony Crane |
tcrane@fastcomm.com |
703-318-4366 |
FreeWebTel.com Inc. |
Mina H. Kang |
mina@freewebtel.com |
408-467-0986 |
HotVoice Communications |
Phil Pegg |
philpegg@hotvoice.com |
650-625-0014 |
ICS Advent |
Ann Little |
Alittle@icsadvent.com |
858-677-0877 |
Indigo Software |
Edward Keegan |
edward@indigosw.com |
0113222350945 |
Inter-Tel |
Teresa Snyder |
teresa_snyder@inter-tel.com |
602-302-8900 |
ISoftel |
Marti Chavarria |
marti_chavarria@isoftel.com |
213-624-8118 |
Lynk |
Debra Morrell |
debram@telelynk.com |
714-522-6300 |
MCK Communications |
Rob Simpson |
rob_simpson@mck.com |
617-454-6100 |
NetCentrex, Inc. |
Linda McCullough |
lmc@netcentrex.net |
408-830-1412 |
NetReality Inc. |
Andrea M. Palomo |
apalomo@net-reality.com |
408-855-1141 |
Pagoo, Inc. |
Zina Ribot |
zinar@pagoo.com |
415-975-8764 |
Phillips Corporation |
Bob Cook |
rcook@pcvirtuoso.com |
800-878-4242 |
Plaintree Systems |
Kim Brackhahn |
kbrackhahn@plaintree.com |
613-274-7979 |
Quicknet Technologies,
Inc. |
Elaine Stathakis |
estathakis@quicknet.net |
415-864-5225 |
QuintumTechnologies |
Joanne Lowy |
joanne_lowy@quintum.com |
732-460-9000 |
Science Dynamics Corp. |
Peggy Wargo |
pwargo@scidyn.com |
856-424-0068 |
Sound Advantage ,LLC |
Jim Freihoff |
jfreihoff@soundadvantage.com |
949-476-1400 |
Startec Global
Communica |
Huma Pabani |
huma@startec.net |
240-314-4112 |
TelStrat International |
Andrew Blakely |
ablakely@telstrat.com |
972-424-2171 |
Tundo |
Linda Bockskopf |
lbockskopf@tundo.com |
508-616-3308 |
Ubiquity Software |
Sarah Bowden |
sbowden@ubiquity.ca |
613-271-2027 |
VegaStream Limited |
Helen Taylor |
helent@vegastream.com |
01344 784900 |
Virtual Com |
Esther Cruz |
ecruz@virtual-com.net |
305-477-3323 |
VOIP Group Inc. |
Arie Pompas |
arie@voipgroup.com |
305-264-2401 |
Way2call Communications |
Etty Gueta |
ettyg@way2call.com |
972-9885-1111 |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Access |
Press Office