Press List |
Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, CA |
October 4-6, 2000 |
Below are the final 63 names of the pre-registered press. For additional names look at the Market Guide and Local and Industry Press pages (and other show lists as well). This list should be brought in to you own media list. Highlight the list below and save it to word. Then highlight the table and convert to tab or comma delimited (whatever your personal preference) text and export to you own database. Each entry is dated so you can sort and import new names. We asked how they wanted to receive information and list that under the preference column. Their interest is under focus and their web sites are listed under URL, so you can check out what they've reported before. As always if you need help, drop a note or call. |
Bob |
Name |
Title |
Organization |
Address |
City/State/PC |
Tel |
Fax |
Date |
Pref |
Focus |
Amankwa Master |
Writer |
AAIMS Press |
POBox 241777 |
Los Angeles, CA 90024-9577 |
213-968-1195 |
aaims1@aol.com |
9/25 |
Elizabeth McMahon |
Editor |
AHRC News Services |
POBox 97 |
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693 |
(949)366-2125 |
ahrc@ahrc.com |
9/25 |
ahrc.com |
Dorothy Montague |
Staff Writer |
Alikim Media |
2416 McKinleyville Avenue |
McKinleyville, CA 95519 USA |
707-840-0994/ |
707-840-0994 |
netwriter@hotmail.com |
9/30 |
Gene Chu |
Reporter |
AM 1300 |
1000 South Fremont |
Alahambra, CA 91803 USA |
888-436-3248/ |
888-244-1663 |
gchu@pincity.com |
9/30 |
Daniel J. Doyle |
Editor |
Bler |
1229 Clagett Dr. |
Rockville MD 20851-2217 |
301/738-8767 |
301/738-3744 |
doyle_daniel@hotmail.com |
9/30 |
Jose Daza |
Systems Engineer |
Burbank Times |
3950 Mahaila Ave |
San Diego, CA 92122 USA |
858-453-9888/ |
858-453-9888 |
daza_j@pacbell.net |
9/30 |
Lilibeth Daza |
Editor |
Burbank Times |
3950 Mahaila Ave. |
San Diego, CA 92122 |
858-453-9888/ |
858-453-9888 |
coydaza@pacbell.net |
9/30 |
Glenn Gabriel Ben-Yosef |
President & CEO |
Clear Thinking Research |
60 State St, # 700 |
Boston, MA 02109-1803 |
617-536-8117 |
releases@cthinking.com |
9/25 |
Marc Goyette |
President |
Communicating |
16040 Christiansen Rd |
Seattle, WA 98188 |
206-248-5000 |
206-248-5005 |
marcg@roi-intl.com |
9/25 |
Kevin Mayer |
Editorial Director |
Communications Solutions |
One Technology Plaza |
Norwalk, CT 06854 |
203-295-2000 |
203-866-3326 |
kmayer@tmcnet.com |
9/25 |
tmcnet.com |
Ronald Kaplan |
Senior Staff Writer |
Computer Counselor |
1729 Ensley Ave |
Los Angeles, CA 90024-5328 |
310-551-0400 |
209-821-4434 |
rkaplan@sicons.com |
9/25 |
Ronald Kaplan |
Senior Staff Writer |
Computer Counselor |
1729 Ensley Avenue |
Los Angeles, CA 90024-5328 |
310-551-0400 |
rkaplan@sicons.com |
9/25 |
Michael Rausch |
Senior Staff Writer |
Computer Counselor |
1729 Ensley Avenue |
Los Angeles, CA 90024-5328 |
310-551-0400 |
mrausch@sicons.com |
9/25 |
Michael Erbschloe |
Editor in Chief |
Computer Economics |
5841 Edison Place |
Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA |
760-438-8100/ |
761-431-1126 |
michael@compecon.com |
9/30 |
Margaret Neville |
Product Reviews Editor |
Computoredge Magazine |
3655 Ruffin Rd |
San Diego, CA 92111 |
858-573-0315 |
858-573-0205 |
margaret@computoredge.com |
9/25 |
computoredge.com |
Kathleen Tracy |
Journalist |
Cross Media |
14014 Milbank St |
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-2984 |
818-784-1463 |
818-906-8850 |
zrunt@aol.com |
9/25 |
Danny Lewkowicz |
Freelance Writer |
DigVoz SUR |
Los Jazmines 511 |
Santa Cruz, Bolivia |
591-3-425396 |
591-3-431748 |
10/2 |
none |
Kendell Lang |
Editor and Senior Writer |
DisabledPerson.com |
1155 Camino del Mar |
Del Mar, CA 92014 |
760 633.3315 |
760 633.3316 |
kendell_r_lang@yahoo.com |
9/25 |
Donald Dittberner |
President/Editor-in-Chief |
Dittberner Associates |
4641 Montgomery Ave, #100 |
Bethesda, MD 20814-3488 |
301-652-8350 |
301-657-8084 |
dittberner@dittberner.com |
9/25 |
Mark muchnick |
Editor |
EMC Times |
3517 SW 98th St |
Seattle WA 98126 USA |
206-937-1420 |
209-821-6134 |
markm@consultant.com |
9/25 |
none |
ip telephony,call centers,pmt processing |
Gene DePoris |
Regional Editor |
ESN Magazine |
1290 N Palm Ave |
Sarasota, FL 34236 |
941-316-0306` |
941-316-0226 |
teranga@gate.net |
9/25 |
Pete Dailey |
Managing Partner |
Frost & Sullivan |
1040 E Brokaw Rd |
San Jose, CA 95131-2309 |
403.392.2000 |
null |
pdailey@frost.com |
9/25 |
frost.com |
Elka Popova |
Program Leader VoIP |
Frost & Sullivan |
1040 E Brokaw Rd |
San Jose, CA 95131-2309 |
403.392.2000 |
null |
epopova@frost.com |
9/25 |
frost.com |
John Kincaide |
Program Director VoIP |
Frost & Sullivan |
1040 E Brokaw Rd |
San Jose, CA 95131-2309 |
403.392.2000 |
null |
johnk@cttrain.com |
9/25 |
Jay DelaCruz |
IP Telephony Researh Analyst |
Frost & Sullivan |
7550 I-10 West |
San Antonio, TX 78229 USA |
210.348.1019 |
210.348.1003 |
jdelacruz@frost.com |
9/30 |
Richard Sears |
Director of Training for North America |
Frost & Sullivan |
1040 E. Brokaw Rd |
San Jose, CA 95131 USA |
480.392.2111 |
408.392.2150 |
rsears@frost.com |
9/30 |
Clive Raines |
Managing Editor |
Fusion Technology News |
POBox 2831 |
Auckland 1015 New Zealand |
+64 21 367700 |
4089075542 |
editor@ft.co.nz |
9/25 |
IP Telephony |
Roger Redmond |
Head of Research |
Goldsmith, Agio & Helmes |
601 2nd Ave S |
Minneapolis, MN 55402 |
612-752-9703 |
jsteffels@agio.com |
9/25 |
agio.com |
Linda Courtney |
Research Analyst |
Goldsmith, Agio & Helmes |
601 2nd Ave S |
Minneapolis, MN 55402 |
612-752-9703 |
jsteffels@agio.com |
9/25 |
agio.com |
Philip Sargent |
President |
Group IV Communications |
2660 Townsgate Rd |
Westlake Village, CA 91361 |
8054966156 |
8054974887 |
sargent@pacificnet.net |
9/25 |
grace shen |
Editor |
information and computer |
713 W Duarte Rd |
Arcadia, CA 91006 |
626-574-1679 |
gshen1024@aol.com |
9/25 |
Cathleen Moore |
Field Reporter |
InfoWorld |
501 Second St. |
San Francisco CA 94107 USA |
415-977-7318 |
000-000-0000 |
cathleen_moore@infoworld.com |
9/25 |
www.infoworld.com |
enterprise |
Doug Wilson |
Editor |
InsiderBuy.com |
POBox 988 |
Campbell, CA 95009 |
408-369-0375 |
408-369-0745 |
d.wilson@ix.netcom.com |
9/25 |
Laura Guevin |
Managing Editor |
Internet Telephony |
One Technology Plaza |
Norwalk, CT 06854 |
203-295-2000 |
203-866-3326 |
lguevin@tmcnet.com |
9/25 |
tmcnet.com |
Greg Galitzine |
Editorial Director |
Internet Telephony |
One Technology Plaza |
Norwalk, CT 06854 |
203-295-2000 |
203-866-3326 |
ggalitzine@tmcnet.com |
9/25 |
tmcnet.com |
Kiyoshi Nasu |
Intern |
Issues&Answers |
5151 Bonney Rd |
Virginia Beach, VA 23462 |
757-456-1100 |
knasu@issans.com |
9/25 |
Richard Quaile |
Financial-Legal Writer |
LA Financial Journal |
3224 Longford Way |
Las Vegas, NV 87701 |
702-435-1706 |
702-435-1706 |
lafinjol@aol.com |
9/25 |
Roland Barclay |
Financial-Legal Writer |
LA Financial Journal |
3224 Longford Way |
Las Vegas, NV 87701 |
702-435-1706 |
702-435-1706 |
lafinjol@aol.com |
9/25 |
Peter Schuh |
President |
Labrador Mutual Fund |
2344 Corte De La Jara |
Pleasanton, CA 94566 |
925.461.1848 |
pschuh@ibm.net |
9/25 |
P.M. D'Acre |
Editor-in-Chief |
Lets Do Biz Online Radio Show |
1950 Twilight Glen |
Escondido CA 92026 USA |
760-283-1991 |
760-283-1991 |
letsdobizradio@hotmail.com |
9/25 |
www.letsdobizradio.bizland.com |
Wireless and Telecomm |
Harry Wise |
Contributing Editor |
Lockheed Martin |
3333 Pilot Knob Rd |
Eagan, MN 55121 |
651 456 3395 |
651 456 3098 |
harry.wise@lmco.com |
9/25 |
Malcolm Dean |
News Editor |
Maximum Linux Magazine |
1015 Gayley Ave #1229 |
Los Angeles, CA 90024-3424 |
213-401-2197 |
213-401-2197 |
malcolmdean@earthlink.net |
9/25 |
Catherine Bouchard |
Telecom Specialist |
McKinsey & Company |
600 Fourteen St NW |
Washington, DC 20005 |
(202) 662-1388 |
(202) 662-3175 |
catherine_bouchard@mckinsey.com |
9/25 |
mckinsey.com |
Andrew Robinson |
Managing Editor |
Midwest Media |
POBox 7565 |
San Diego, CA 92167 |
619-225-8326 |
619-225-0328 |
ARobin6222@aol.com |
9/25 |
Rob Smithers |
Senior Contributing Editor |
MIER Communications |
99 Hightstown Rd |
Hightstown, NJ 08520 |
609-275-7311 |
609-275-8813 |
rsmithers@mier.com |
9/25 |
mier.com |
Martin Milner |
Director |
MIER Communications |
99 Hightstown Rd |
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 |
609-275-7311 |
609-275-8813 |
mmilner@mier.com |
9/25 |
mier.com |
Wayland Wong |
Analyst |
Millennium Hanson |
9551 Wilshire Blvd. |
Beverly Hills CA 90212 USA |
310-550-1995 |
310-550-8213 |
9/25 |
http://www.millhanson.com |
Internet |
willy wu |
Editor |
online infotimes |
713 W Duarte Rd |
Arcadia, CA 91006 |
626-574-1679 |
yiliwu@gte.net |
9/25 |
Wayne Kirstoff |
Editor |
Open System Publishing |
11051 Pinto Dr |
Foutain Hills, AZ 85268 |
810-774-8180 |
810-774-8182 |
wkristoff@opensystems.publishing.com |
9/25 |
Ted Wilson |
Contributing Editor |
Selling Windows NT Solutions |
POBox 988 |
Campbell, CA 95009-0988 |
408-248-5572 x3411 |
408-248-7285 |
d.wilson@ix.netcom.com |
9/25 |
Charlotte Wolter |
Editor-In-Chief |
Sounding Board Magazine |
POB 40079 |
Phoenix, AZ 85012 |
480-990-1101 |
480-675-8112 |
cwolter@vpico.com |
9/25 |
Hiram Ash |
Editor |
Southeast Review |
POBox 722 |
South Gate, CA 90280 |
323-773-8098 |
323-773-8098 |
sereview@yahoo.com |
9/25 |
Donald Bellomy |
Analyst |
Strategy Analytics |
55 William St, #G-10 |
Wellesley MA 02481 US |
781-235-6550 X206 |
781-235-6061 |
dbellomy@strategyanalytics.com |
9/25 |
www.strategyanalytics.com |
Internet business practices & trends |
Terry Quinn |
Producer |
Sun Broadcasting: WebWired |
76752 New York Ave. |
Palm Desert CA 92211 USA |
760.413.3171 |
760.345.6771 |
QUINNonline@yahoo.com |
9/25 |
WebWired.com |
Mobile Access and VPN's |
Brion Clayton |
Editor |
TECH 100 Daily Stock Report |
264 S LaCienega Blvd #1142 |
Beverly Hills CA 90211 USA |
323-731-2889 |
323-731-2889 |
9/25 |
www.wallstreetconsensus.com/tech100.htm |
internet |
Marc Robins |
VP, Assoc Group Publisher |
Technology Marketing Corp |
One Technology Plaza |
Norwalk, CT 06854 |
203-852-6800 |
203-866-3326 |
mrobins@tmcnet.com |
9/25 |
tmcnet.com |
Rich Tehrani |
President/Gr Publisher |
Technology Marketing Corp |
One Technology Plaza |
Norwalk, CT 06854 |
203-295-2000 |
203-866-3326 |
rtehrani@tmcnet.com |
9/25 |
tmcnet.com |
Ray Tompkins |
Editor & Publisher |
Telecom Business magazine |
3535 Briarpark Drive Suite 200 |
Houston, TX 77042 USA |
713-974-5252 |
713-974-5459 |
ray_tompkins@intertec.com |
10/2 |
www.telecombusiness.com |
service providers |
Gary Andresen |
Principal |
Telecom Horizon Group |
13062 Spring Lake St. |
Redding, CA 96003-7838 |
530-276-9235 |
810-222-0172 |
gandresen@telecomhorizongroup.com |
9/25 |
Rod Azama |
Sr Business Correspondent |
The Metro-Herald |
203 Whitestone Rd |
Silver Spring, MD 20901 |
301-681-3006 |
301-681-3662 |
razama@earthlink.net |
9/25 |
Eunice Kim |
Analyst |
The Terpin Group |
111 Anza Blvd., Suite 109 |
Burlingame, CA 94010 U.S.A. |
650-344-4944 |
650-344-4992 |
10/2 |
www.terpin.com |
telecom |
Patrick McKenna |
Analyst |
The Terpin Group |
111 Anza Blvd., Suite 109 |
Burlingame, CA 94010 U.S.A. |
650-344-4944 |
650-344-4992 |
10/2 |
www.terpin.com |
high-tech |
Adam Altman |
Technology Editor |
One Technology Plaza |
Norwalk, CT 06854 |
203-295-2000 |
203-866-3326 |
aaltman@tmcnet.com |
9/25 |
tmcnet.com |
Valerie Milano |
Entertainment Editor |
POBox 1405 |
Los Angeles, CA 90078 |
323-856-9869 |
323-957-9533 |
lolamilano@aol.com |
9/25 |
Tim Rooney |
Editor |
Ucc |
13641 Knox Dr |
Burnsville, MN 55337 |
612-996-9230 |
707-313-4840 |
ucced@hotmail.com |
9/25 |
Stan Marder |
Editor in Chief |
Windows User News |
3765 Mario Place |
San Diego, CA 92111-4125 |
858-860-6400 |
603-388-0179 |
smarder@iname.com |
9/25 |
Dale Shields |
Contributing Editor |
Wugnet |
3233 N. Grand Ave #N-385 |
Chino Hills CA 91709 USA |
(909) 390-2602 |
(707) 220-4752 |
74777.2616@compuserve.com |
9/25 |
go.compuserve.com/commsforum |
Communications hardware and software |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office