PR Contacts |
Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, CA |
October 4-6, 2000 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for INTERNET TELEPHONY CONFERENCE & EXPO 2000. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Company |
# |
Show Contact |
Tel |
3Com |
43 |
Miriam Gaylin |
Miriam_Gaylin@3Com.com |
(978)749-0000 |
3Com |
25 |
Vicki Moliana |
vicki_moliana@3com.com |
(847)262-2636 |
Actiontec Electronics |
80 |
Mark Ferguson |
markf@actiontec.com |
(408)548-4801 |
Active Voice |
4 |
Rebecca Dawson |
rdawson@activevoice.com |
(206)441-4700 |
Aculab USA, Inc. |
58 |
Pamela Kidwell |
pamela.kidwell@aculab.com |
(850)763-9281 |
AG Communication Systems |
127-36 |
Sharon Hall |
halls@agcs.com |
(623)581-4073 |
Agilent Technologies |
76 |
Stacey Haver |
stacey_haver@agilent.com |
(719)531-4658 |
Alcatel Internetworking Division |
16 |
Michelle McCarthy |
michelle.mccarthy@ind.alcatel.com |
(818)878-4617 |
American Power Conversion |
55 |
Wayne Marcotte |
wmarcott@apcc.com |
(401)789-5735 |
Anatel Communications |
120 |
David Fridley |
dfridley@anatel.net |
(978)977-6817 |
Aravox Technologies |
94 |
Stephen Fischer |
sfischer@aravox.com |
(763)391-6065 |
Artisoft |
22 |
Michele Yebba, CMP |
myebba@artisoft.com |
(617)354-0600 |
Avaya |
40 |
Maria Giannobile |
mgiannobile@avaya.com |
(732)817-5884 |
Belle Systems |
60 |
Jennifer Van Vilet |
jvv@bellesystems.com |
(678)366-4761 |
Blue Silicon |
2 |
Ken Brickley |
kbrickley@blue-silicon.com |
(408)954-8000 |
BroadMedia |
John Mitchell |
John_Mitchell@broadmedia.com |
(408)617-2086 |
Brooktrout Technology Inc |
45 |
Stephanie Ide |
steph@brooktrout.com |
(781)449-4100 |
CentreCom Inc. |
100 |
Mike Vizzi |
mvizzi@centrecom.com |
(714)979-7089 |
CGW Creative Business Solutions |
Cynthia Wohl |
cgwohl@earthlink.net |
(561)414-3724 |
Cidco Incorporated |
129 |
Dolores Steinbis |
dolores.steinbis@cidco.com |
(408)778-8008 |
Cirilium Corp |
Teresa Snyder |
Teresa_Snyder@cirilium.com |
(480)829-8888 |
Cisco Systems |
31 |
Michele Schneider |
mischnei@cisco.com |
(408)525-7988 |
Comnet International Co |
Tanya R. Sweeney |
tanya@comneti.com |
(630)224-3851 |
Computer Protocol |
70 |
SP Lai |
splai@cpm.com.my |
011603-2415232 |
Congruency |
133 |
Tova Shnaidman |
tova@congruency.com |
(201)712-5592 |
Connex Intl |
107 |
Donna Kuehn |
dkuehn@connexintl.com |
(800)426-6639 |
Continuous Computing Corporation |
101 |
Laura Rojas |
laura@ccpu.com |
(909)393-6636 |
Crystal Group Inc |
47 |
Steve Bemboom |
sjbemboom@crystalpc.com |
(319)378-1636 |
Cunningham Communications |
Jenifer Sarver |
jsarver@ccipr.com |
(512)347-2351 |
Dialogic Corporation |
60 |
Theresa DePaola Myers |
theresa.depaola@dialogic.com |
(973)993-3000 |
Digital Software |
24 |
Lisa Helsel |
lisah@digisoftware.com |
(760)705-1111 |
dynamicsoft |
5 |
Terri MacGrath |
tmacgrath@dynamicsoft.com |
(973)581-1440 |
Earnware |
122 |
Rob Greenstein |
rgreenstein@earnware.com |
(760)804-2600 |
ECI Telecom Inc. |
35 |
Anne Clay |
anne.clay@go.ecitele.com |
(727)523-0280 |
Emkay Innovative Products |
87 |
Teresa Bosch |
teresa.bosch@emkayproducts.com |
(847)952-3960 |
Ericsson Webcom |
63 |
Geetika Arora |
geetika.arora@ericsson.com |
(650)463-6113 |
67 |
Bryce Wray |
bwray@esi-estech.com |
(972)422-9700 |
e-tel Corporation |
128 |
Bethany Granger |
bethany.granger@e-telcorp.com |
(401)826-1520 |
Fastcomm Communications |
38 |
Nicole Hanson |
nhanson@fastcomm.com |
(703)318-4368 |
Fujitsu Business Communication Systems |
103 |
Ben Culp |
bculp@fbcs.fujitsu.com |
(480)921-4768 |
Genesys |
Inna Kats |
inna@genesyslab.com |
(415)437-1104 |
Gensoft ITT USA, Inc. |
03 |
Ana Bailey |
abailey@gensoftonline.com |
(978)867-1111 |
GlarNet Communications Services Inc. |
21 |
Pattie Hall |
phall@glarnet.com |
(973)781-9080 |
Hammer Technologies |
90 |
Mariana Haven |
mhaven@hammer.com |
(978)694-9959 |
HearMe |
106 |
Linda Lyddon |
lyddon@hearme.com |
(650)429-3900 |
HotVoice Communications |
108 |
ICS Advent |
29 |
Ann Little |
Alittle@icsadvent.com |
(858)677-0877 |
Indigo Software |
97 |
Edward Keegan |
edward@indigosw.com |
32-2-4016822 |
Inetcam |
74 |
Laraine Poveromo |
lpoveromo@inetcam.com |
(858)558-7200 |
Info Directions Inc. |
123 |
Loriann Dedline |
ldedline@infodir.com |
(716)924-4112 |
InnoMedia Inc. |
61 |
RoseMarie Murcia |
rmurcia@innomedia.com |
(408)432-5400 |
inSORS Integrated Communications |
99 |
Mike Stanton |
mstanton@insors.com |
(312)786-9169 |
Intecom |
71 |
Lori Schaefer |
lschaefer@intecom.com |
(972)855-8157 |
Integretel, Inc. |
51 |
Elaine Porter |
eporter@integretel.com |
(408)362-4000 |
Inter-Tel |
9 |
Valerie Schejter |
valerie_schejter@inter-tel.com |
(480)961-9000 |
IP Unity |
David Della-Maggiore |
daviddm@ipunity.com |
(408)957-0800 |
Iperia |
114 |
Jackie Gordon |
jgordon@iperia.com |
(781)993-3521 |
IPVoice.com, Inc. |
84 |
Mike Scott |
mscott@ipvoice.com |
(480)948-1895 |
iSoftel |
8 |
Marti Chavarria |
marti_chavarria@isoftel.com |
(213)624-8118 |
ITXC Corporation |
48 |
Caryn Rosenblum |
crosenblum@itxc.com |
(609)419-1500 |
Lynk USA |
95 |
Todd White |
todd@telelynk.com |
(714)522-6300 |
Marconi Communications |
12 |
Susan Hayden |
susan.hayden@marconi.com |
(724)742-4444 |
Maxwell Technologies |
Brian van de Mark |
bvandemark@maxwell.com |
(858)279-5100 |
MCK Communications, Inc. |
28 |
Rob Simpson |
rob_simpson@mck.com |
(617)454-6131 |
Motorola |
53 |
Cecilia Gonzalez |
C19316@email.mot.com |
(508)261-4919 |
Motorola Computer Group |
57 |
Jackie Morris |
jackie.morris@motorola.com |
(602)438-3197 |
Natural Microsystems |
36 |
Katherine Scott-White |
kathy_scott-white@nmss.com |
(508)271-1000 |
Net2Speak.com |
Ed Hockom |
edhockom@rmi.net |
(949)838-0031 |
NetCentrex, Inc. |
116 |
Linda McCullough |
lmc@netcentrex.net |
(408)830-1412 |
Netergy Networks |
127 |
John Barrett |
johnb@8x8.com |
(408)654-0848 |
Nexbell Communications |
77 |
John Kosh |
john@nexbell.com |
(216)344-2611 |
Noesis, Inc. |
113 |
Don Tomlinson |
dtomlinson@noesis-inc.com |
(703)741-0300 |
Nuera Communications, Inc. |
10 |
Martha Clay |
mclay@nuera.com |
(858)824-4432 |
Nx Networks |
26 |
Kathy Furlong |
kfurlong@nxnetworks.com |
(703)793-2095 |
Odin TeleSystems Inc. |
33 |
Carol B Crowell |
Carol@OdinTS.com |
(972)664-0100 |
Packetport.com |
82 |
Jim Sokol |
jsokol@packetport.com |
(203)831-2215 |
Pagoo, Inc. |
02 |
Amy Saxton |
amys@pagoo.com |
(415)348-2467 |
Phillips Corporation |
59 |
Bob Cook |
bob_cook@phillipscorp.com |
(800)878-4242 |
Pingtel Corporation |
79 |
Jim Hourihan |
jhourihan@pingtel.com |
(781)938-5306 |
PowerLink Communications |
Marlene King |
mmking@powerlinkcom.com |
(805)965-5885 |
Qualcomm |
93 |
Janelle Collins |
jcollins@qualcomm.com |
(858)658-1403 |
Quicknet Technologies, Inc. |
41 |
Elaine Stathakis |
estathakis@quicknet.net |
(415)864-5225 |
Rapid Link Telecommunications |
137 |
Dawn Benton |
dawn.benton@rapidlink.com |
(678)385-5503 |
Rodopi Billing Software |
69 |
Arthur R. Ekroos |
art@rodopi.com |
(858)558-4932 |
SBS Technologies, Inc. |
46 |
Amy Socha |
asocha@sbs.com |
(760)602-2618 |
Science Dynamics Corp. |
112 |
Peggy Wargo |
pwargo@scidyn.com |
(856)424-0068 |
Shelcad Communications Ltd |
1 |
Tom Curran |
tom@shelcad.com |
+972-9-8851111 |
Shomiti Systems Incorporated |
23 |
Terry Hunt |
thunt@shomiti.com |
(408)437-4049 |
Sound Advantage ,LLC |
19 |
Michael Metcalf |
metcalf@soundadvantage.com |
(949)476-1400 |
SS8 Networks, Inc. |
115 |
David Fraley |
dfraley@ss8networks.com |
(408)501-2100 |
Startec Global Communications Corp. |
7 |
Huma Pabani |
huma@startec.net |
(301)767-1499 |
TEDAS Computer Telephony |
109 |
Betsy Kerby |
bk@tedas.com |
(408)738-3327 |
Telstrat International |
124 |
Andrew Blakely |
ablakely@telstrat.com |
(972)424-2171 |
Teltone Corporation |
04 |
Kimberly Fishburn |
kfishburn@teltone.com |
(425)951-2980 |
Tierra Telecom |
34 |
Dave Veit |
dave@fusion-net.net |
(858)587-2200 |
Tundo Communications and Telephony Ltd. |
49 |
Karen Shapira |
karen@tundo.com |
972-9-8852245 |
Ubiquity Software Corporation |
118 |
Nancy Aubichon |
naubichon@ubiquity.ca |
(613)271-2027 |
USHA Communications Technology |
78 |
Dorian Hunt |
dorian.hunt@ushacomm.com |
(503)274-8777 |
Vegastream Limited |
104 |
Helen Taylor |
helenktaylor@yahoo.com |
01344 784900 |
VoiceIN VoiceOUT Corporation |
73 |
Fred Seidel |
seidelf@vi-vo.com |
(703)941-9344 |
Vovida Networks |
17 |
Steve M. Anderson |
sanderson@vovida.com |
(408)383-1000 |
VXI Corp |
111 |
Hank Gale |
gale@vxicorp.com |
(603)742-2888 |
Wavetech International |
Ros Atan |
ros@softalk.net |
(416)597-2227 |
Worldcom |
14 |
Mary Rhoads |
mary.rhoads@wcom.com |
(703)343-1143 |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office