PR Contacts |
Santa Clara Convention Center Santa Clara, CA October 29-31, 2002 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for KM World 2002 and Intranets 2002. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
KM World 2002 Exhibitors |
Company |
Booth |
Contact Name |
Phone |
e-mail1 |
AEA Technology |
706 |
Sebastian Dewhurst |
412-893-1005 |
sebastian.dewhurst@easa.aeat.com |
Basch Subscriptions/ Reference Shelf |
Butterworth-Heinemann |
614 |
Katie Hennessy |
800-366-2665 |
ClearForest |
420 |
Omer Malchin |
212-432-1515 650-799-4745 |
omer@clearforest.com |
Cuadra Associates, Inc. |
608 |
Judith Wanger |
310-478-0066 |
hq@cuadra.com |
Dun & Bradstreet |
519 |
Barbara DiBonaventura |
973-605-6782 |
dibonaventurab@dnb.com |
Factiva |
310 |
Maria Torchia |
609-627-2977 |
maria.torchia@factiva.com |
Fluent Media |
707 |
Katie Dunne |
312-527-8170 |
ktdunne@tribune.com |
Hyperwave Information Management |
514 |
Kim Campbell |
978-392-4200 978-392-4237 |
kcampbell@hyperwave.com |
Inktomi |
515 |
Amparo Lago |
650-653-2800 |
alago@inktomi.com |
Intelliseek |
613 |
Patty Engles |
513-618-6700 513-618-6709 |
pengles@intelliseek.com |
Inxight Software |
415 |
Juli Rombuck |
408-738-6200 |
jrombuck@inxight.com |
ISYS/Odyssey Development, Inc. |
422 |
Wendy Leung |
303-689-9998 |
wendy.leung@isysusa.com |
Kamoon, Inc. |
518 |
Dorothy Nicholson |
201-242-9311 |
dorothyn@kamoon.com |
KMWorld magazine/Information Today, Inc. |
KnowledgeLEAD |
419 |
John Vito |
212-324-2950 |
jvito@cadz.com |
MuseGlobal, Inc. |
709 |
Cheryl Wright |
505-992-1505 |
cwright@museglobal.com |
NewsEdge |
416 |
Anthony Baldman |
781-229-3000 |
anthony.baldman@newsedge.com |
PensEra Knowledge Technologies |
616 |
Dan Felean |
514-874-0002 |
danf@pensera.com |
ProClarity Corporation |
323 |
Ramsey Yearsley |
208-344-1630 208-319-2112 |
ryearsley@proclarity.com |
Quiver, Inc. |
315 |
Roz Chapman |
650-653-3577 |
info@quiver.com |
SER Solutions Inc. |
216 |
Maria Suarez |
703-948-5500 |
mariasuarez.ser.com |
Sopheon |
316 |
Cheryl Hatlevig |
952-851-7500 |
cheryl.hatlevig@sopheon.com dayne.mills@sopheon.com |
Stratify |
215 |
Jocelyn Huebsch |
650-988-2000 |
jhuebsch@stratify.com |
Swets Blackwell |
615 |
Shawn Herman |
800-645-6595 |
sherman@us.swetsblackwell.com |
Tacit Knowledge Systems |
601 |
Lori Furusho |
650-251-2006 |
lorif@tacit.com |
TeleKnowledge, Inc. |
713 |
Sarah Yarkoni |
508-370-8000 |
sarahy@teleknowledge.com |
TheBrain Technologies Corporation |
602 |
Eastor Su |
310-656-8484 310-309-4833 |
esu@thebrain.com |
TimeVision, Inc. |
610 |
Debi Thomas |
214-574-5020 |
debi_thomas@timevision.com |
TripleHop Technologies |
516 |
Matt Turck |
212-243-4645 |
matt@triplehop.com |
Vivisimo |
710 |
Denny Brestensky |
412-422-2499 |
denny@vivisimo.com |
Zensar Technologies Inc. |
702 |
Rupa Chaturvedi |
609-452-1414 |
r.chaturvedi@usa.zensar.com |
KM World 2002 Speakers |
Name |
Company |
Phone2 |
Stephen Abram, MLS |
Micromedia Limited, IHS Canada |
416-369-2594 416-362-5743 800-387-2689x259 |
sabram@micromedia.on.ca |
David Ahearns |
HR.com |
Verna Allee |
Integral Performance Group |
925-825-2663 |
VJAllee@cs.com |
Heidi Amponsem |
PWC Consulting |
905-949 7421 |
heidi.amponsem@ca.pwcglobal.com |
Patti Anklam |
978-456-4175 |
patti@byeday.net |
Robert Armacost |
Bain & Company |
robert.armacost@bain.com |
Stephen Arnold |
Arnold Information Technology |
502/228-1966 |
sa@arnoldit.com |
Jeanette Barlow |
Advanced Collaboration Group, IBM Lotus Software |
617-577-8500 |
jeanette_barlow@us.ibm.com |
John Barrett |
ITI Associates |
215-542-7084 |
JohnB@iti-associates.com |
Jack Battersby |
mGen |
508-549-0970 |
jackbat@mgen.com |
Craig Battrick |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
541-715-5775 |
craig_battrick@hp.com |
Claude Baudoin |
Schlumberger |
713-499-6585 |
baudoin1@slb.com |
Hamilton Beazley |
George Washington University |
703-553-2990 |
Jim Beinlich |
First Consulting Group |
888-651-7159 |
jbeinlich@fcg.com |
Jason Bloomberg |
ZapThink LLC |
781-207-8534 |
Melissa Boehning* |
Ruder Finn |
312-329-3975 |
boehningm@ruderfinn.com |
Jeremiah Boenisch |
U.S. Air Force |
703-979-7416 |
boenisch@gwu.edu |
Bob Boiko |
Metatorial Services Inc. |
206-706-3078 |
bob@metatorial.com |
Nick Bontis |
DeGroote Business School, McMaster University |
905-525-9140 |
Larry Bowden |
408-463-2003 |
bowden@usibm.com |
Thomas Bridges |
QUALCOMM Incorporated |
858-651-0329 |
tbridges@qualcomm.com |
Tony Bryne |
CMSWatch |
301-585-7004 |
tbyrne@cmswatch.com |
Trish Buckley |
Ford Motor Company |
313-206 - 4854 |
pbuckley@ford.com |
French Caldwell |
Gartner Inc. |
203-316-1111 |
Darryl Carson |
Cypress University/Cypress Semiconductor |
408-456-1998 |
drc@cypress.com |
Frank Cervone |
Northwestern University |
847-491-8304 |
f-cervone@northwestern.edu |
Ted Collins |
divine, inc. |
773-394-6600 651-459-7207 |
ted.collins@divine.com |
Heidi Collins |
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. |
610-481-2704 |
collinhe@apci.com |
Harold Coqmard |
South Florida Sun-Sentinel |
954-356-4636 |
hcoqmard@sun-sentinel.com |
Amy Corrigan |
Technology Solutions Company |
610-367-9551 |
amy.corrigan@techsol.com |
Joaquin Delgado |
TripleHop Technologies |
212-243-4645x405 |
joaquin@triplehop.com |
Steve Denning |
202-966-9392 |
steve@stevedenning.com |
John Desborough |
AJJA Information Technology Consultants Inc. |
613-667-5205 |
john.desborough@ajja.com |
Dave DeWalt |
Documentum, Inc. |
925-600-6918 |
ddwalt@documentum.com |
Denise Dodd |
Independence Blue Cross |
215-241-3300 |
denise.dodd@ibx.com |
Eve Drinis |
Technology Solutions Company |
800-759-2250x3445 |
Eve_drinis@techsol.com |
John Eaton |
Perot Systems |
972 340 6319 |
john.eaton@ps.net |
Colonel Tim Eayre |
U.S. Joint Staff |
703-697-8475 |
timothy.eayre@is.pentagon.mil |
Stouffer Egan |
Automony |
781-526-0444 |
stouffer@us.autonomy.com |
Monica Ertel |
Korn/Ferry International |
310-226-2624 |
monica.ertel@kornferry.com |
Karl Fast |
University of Western Ontario |
519/438-2554 |
karl.fast@pobox.com |
Andrew Feit |
Quiver Inc. |
650-653-3577 |
Susan Feldman |
508/935-4552 |
sfeldman@idc.com |
Darlene Fichter |
President, Northern Lights Internet Solutions, Ltd. |
306/931-0020 |
fichter@lights.com |
Steven Forth |
Recombo Inc. |
604-763-7397 |
steven@recombo.com |
Mark Gallagher |
Bank One |
312/732-5522 |
mark@gallagher.com |
Dave Gilmour |
Tacit Knowledge Systems |
650-251-2050 |
davidg@tacit.com |
Cindy Gordon |
Helix Commerce International |
416-230-6538 |
cindy@helixcommerce.com |
Ted Graham |
Hill and Knowlton International Public Relations |
416/413-1218 |
ted.graham@hillandknowlton.com |
James Greathouse |
Eddie Bauer, Inc. |
877-705-3066 |
james.greathouse@eddiebauer.com |
Mark Griffiths |
BT |
00 44 1635 581526 |
mark.2.griffiths@bt.com |
JoAnn Hackos, Ph.D. |
Comtech Services, Inc. |
303-232-7586 |
joann.hackos@comtech-serv.com |
Susan Hanley |
Dell Plural Professional Services |
301-657-8950 |
hanleys@plural.com |
David Hansen |
Babbage Simmel |
614-923-7223 |
dhansen@babsim.com |
David Harden |
U.S. Air Force |
703-979-4055 |
harden@gwu.edu |
Eric Hards |
Lockheed Martin Systems Integration |
607/751-6200 |
eric.hards@lmco.com |
Farida Hasanali |
713-685-7206 |
fhasanali@apqc.org |
Alison Head |
Alison J. Head & Associates |
707-939-6941 |
alison@sonic.net |
Avi Hoffer |
Metastorm, Inc. |
410-647-9691 |
ahoffer@metastorm.com |
Thomas Hoglund |
Arthur Andersen |
312-462-4809 |
thomas.w.hoglund@us.andersen.com |
Mason Holloway |
Associo Corporation |
410-315-7990 |
mason@associo.com |
David Homan |
Doculabs, Inc. |
312 433-7793 |
dhoman@doculabs.com |
Thomas Housel |
Naval Postgraduate School |
831-656-4476 |
tjhousel@nps.navy.mil |
Charlene Hutt |
Bank of Montreal |
647-283-2983 |
charlene.hutt@bmo.com |
Jack Ivers |
Viant |
212-271-7883 |
jivers@viant.com |
William Ives |
Knowledge Management Practice |
617-454-4447 |
s.william.ives@accenture.com |
Arik Johnson |
Aurora WDC |
715-720-1616 |
arik@aurorawdc.com |
Rebecca Jones |
Dysart & Jones Associates |
Joe Kennedy |
State Street Global Advisors |
617-664-2220 |
joe_kennedy@ssga.com |
Mary Lee Kennedy |
Microsoft Corporation |
425/706-6837 |
marylken@microsoft.com |
Vanessa Kim |
PWC Consulting |
416-227-6363 |
vanessa.s.kim@ca.pwcglobal.com |
Kris Kindem |
Thomson Legal & Regulatory |
651-848-4754 |
kris.kindem@westgroup.com |
Kirk Klasson |
Cambridge Technology Partners |
617-374-9800 |
Kirk.Klasson@novell.com |
Lauren Klein |
Novell |
650-281-8531 |
lauren.klein@ctp.com |
Mark Lazaroff |
Veridian Systems Division |
703-807-5678 |
Mark.Lazaroff@veridian.com |
Jim Lee |
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young |
216-583-2514 |
jim.lee@us.cgeyc.com |
Gavin Lew |
User Centric, Inc. |
847-466-1047 |
glew@UserCentric.com |
Edy Liongosari |
Accenture |
312-693-6744 |
edy@cstar.accenture.com |
Andrew Littlefield |
Inktomi Corporation |
650-653-2800 |
andrewl@inktomi.com |
Sandy Loy |
American Electric Power |
614/220-4954 |
skloy@aep.com |
Brett MacIntyre |
IBM Corporation |
617-693-8115 |
Andrew Mahon |
Groove Networks, Inc. |
978-720-2261 |
andrew_mahon@groove.net |
Jamie Manning |
Sycamore Networks |
978-250-2923 |
jamie.manning@sycamorenet.com |
Sam Marshall |
Unilever R&D Port Sunlight |
+44 151 641 1936 |
sam.marshall@unilever.com |
Ben Martin |
J.D. Edwards |
303-334-1602 |
ben_martin@jdedwards.com |
Rik Martinez |
The Dow Chemical Company |
979-238-1775 |
rikmartinez@dow.com |
Lee Maxey |
Click2learn, Inc. |
425-462-0501 |
sudheer.koneru@click2learn.com |
Angela McAlister |
3Com |
508-323-1118 |
angela_mcalister@3com.com |
Marsha McArthur |
Bristol Myers Squibb |
609-897 4368 |
marsha.mcarthur@bms.com |
Richard McDermott, Ph.D. |
McDermott Consulting |
303/545-6030 |
richard@mcdermottconsulting.com |
Mark McElroy |
Macroinnovations Assocations, Inc. |
802-436-2250 |
mmcelroy@vermontel.net |
Debbie McGrath |
HR.com |
877-472-6648 |
dmcgrath@hr.com |
Howard McQueen |
McQueen Consulting |
410/243-7011 |
howard@mcq.com |
Susan Albers Mohrman |
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California |
213-740-6934 |
smohrman@marshall.usc.edu |
Peter Morville |
Semantic Studios |
734-649-2685 |
morville@semanticstudios.com |
Christoper Newell, Ph.D. |
Viant |
617-531-3700 |
cnewell@viant.com |
Butler Newman |
Associo Corporation |
410-315-7990 |
butler@associo.com |
Eric Newton |
BT |
+44 7720 067435 |
eric.r.newton@bt.com |
Tom Nunan |
Cathay Pacific Airways, Ltd. |
852-2747-3455 |
tom_nunan@cathaypacific.com |
Michael Ohata |
Microsoft Corporation |
425-703-1943 |
mohata@microsoft.com |
John Old |
Old Group Consulting |
281-216-7261 |
john@oldgroup.com |
Manny Ontiveros |
Sandia National Laboratories |
505-844-8535 |
mpontiv@sandia.gov |
Christopher Pavek |
Analysis Group, Inc. |
202-530-3994 |
cpavek@analysisgroup.com |
Alan Pelz-Sharpe |
Ovum, Ltd. |
781/246-3773 |
aps@ovum.com |
Wendi Pohs |
IBM Software Group |
978-399-6172 |
wpohs@us.ibm.com |
Barak Pridor |
ClearForest |
212-432-1515 |
barak@clearforest.com |
Avi Rappaport |
Search Tools Consulting |
510/845-2551 |
consult@searchtools.com |
Tom Reamy |
KAPS Group |
510-333-2458 |
tomr@kapsgroup.com |
Loraine Ricino |
Siemens - Head Office |
55 11 3908-3376 |
loricino@siemens.com.br |
Melissie Rumizen |
Buckman Laboratories |
901-272-8385 |
mcrumizen@buckman.com |
Shaun Ryan |
S.L.I. Systems |
64 3 9613252 |
shaun.ryan@sli-systems.com |
Donna Scheeder |
Congressional Research Services |
202-707-8939 |
dscheeder@crs.loc.gov |
William Seidman |
Cerebyte, Inc. |
503-684-1538 |
Bill@Cerebyte.com |
Bryan Seyfarth |
Sopheon Corporation |
952-851-7500 |
bryan.seyfarth@sopheon.com |
Joyce Shui |
Avanade |
206-239-5879 |
joyces@avanade.com |
Vicki Smith |
QUALCOMM Incorporated |
858-651-2358 |
vsmith@qualcomm.com |
David Snowden |
IBM Global Services |
44 1932 754598 |
snowded@uk.ibm.com |
Stephen Sorensen |
DI&A ,Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
908-231-5703 |
stephen.sorensen@aventis.com |
Hubert St. Onge |
Clarica, a Sun Life Company |
519-888-3629 |
Shannon Staley |
Alison J. Head & Associates |
707-939-6941 |
shannon@ajhead.com |
Cal Stevens |
Intel Corporation |
916-356-3224 |
calvin.t.stevens@intel.com |
Sanjay Swarup |
Ford Motor Company |
313-323-7289 |
sswarup@ford.com |
Jose Claudio Terra |
Helix Commerce International Inc. |
416-230-6538 |
Joy Thomas |
Stratify Inc. |
650-988-2000 |
jthomas@stratify.com |
Mark Turrell |
Imaginatik |
617-275 7140 |
mark_turrell@imaginatik.com |
Kathy Valderrama |
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young |
216-583-8221 |
kathleen.valderrama@us.cgeyc.com |
Andre Valente |
Knowledge Systems Ventures, LLC |
310-621-1639 |
avalente@ksventures.com |
Deb Wallace |
Clarica, a Sun Life Financial Company |
519-888-3629 |
Andrew Warzecha |
META Group |
847-837-8015 |
andrew.warzecha@metagroup.com |
Ron Webb |
Martin White |
Intranet Focus Ltd. |
44 1403 267030 |
martin.white@intranetfocus.com |
Chris Yapp |
GEM Compaq Global Services |
44(0)7786 736004 |
chris.yapp@hp.com |
Malcolm Youngren |
SmartForce |
215-242-0279 |
malcolm_youngren@smartforce.com |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office