PR Contacts |
Santa Clara Convention Center Santa Clara, CA October 14-16, 2003 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for KM World 2003 and Intranets 2003. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
KM World 2003 Exhibitors |
Company |
Booth |
Contact Name |
Phone |
e-mail1 |
80-20 Software |
423 |
425-739-6767 |
Kim Bracken |
Kbracken@80-20.com |
anacubis |
202 |
+44 1223 703995 44 1223 703970 |
Michelle Smith Rebecca Pointer |
michelles@anacubis.com |
AskMe Corporation |
323 |
425-564-9000 |
Lynn Qu |
lynnq@askme.com |
Association of Independent Information Professionals AIIP |
520 |
225-408-4400 866-251-8834 |
Sarah Chung |
sarah@periscopesolutions.com |
Basch Subscriptions & The Reference Shelf |
522 |
603-229-0662 |
Jacinda Struven |
jacinda@Basch.com |
Butterworth-Heinemann, an imprint of Elsevier |
219 |
781-313-4700 212-633-3733 |
Katie Hennessy |
k.hennessy@elsevier.com |
Computer Associates |
209 |
631-342-6000 631-342-3868 |
Jason Zufall Patricia Pecorella |
jason.zufall@ca.com patricia.pecorella@ca.com |
Convera |
415 |
703-761-3700 |
Vanessa Provencher |
vprovencher@convera.com |
Entopia, Inc. |
316 |
650-623-0101 650-232-1332 |
Biddy Hughes |
bhughes@entopia.com |
ePeople |
426 |
650-694-6400 650-694-6432 |
Macario Namie |
macario.namie@epeople.com |
Financial Times |
518 |
212-641-6399 212-641-6419 |
Charlie Segal |
charlie.segal@ft.com |
Hoover's Inc. |
516 |
512-374-4500 |
John Hessinger |
jhessinger@hoovers.com |
Hyperwave |
519 |
978-3924235 |
Chris Gregoire |
chris.gregoire@hyperwave.com |
Intelliseek |
419 |
513-618-6700 |
Beth Theve Tracy O'Connor |
btheve@intelliseek.com toconnor@intelliseek.com |
Inxight Software, Inc |
224 |
408-738-6396 |
Meyleen Beichler |
meyleen@inxight.com |
ISYS/Odyssey Development |
325 |
303-689-9998 |
Dave Haucke |
dave.haucke@isysusa.com |
Kmtechnologies |
222 |
514-495-4201 |
Robert Dancik |
rdancik@kmtechnologies.com |
LexisNexis |
302 |
937-865-6800 301-941-2902 |
Ronnie Schaer |
ronnie.schaer@lexisnexis.com |
Lionbridge Technologies |
421 |
781-434-6000 |
Gretchen Rice |
gretchen_rice@lionbridge.com |
MBG Industries, Inc. |
422 |
315-366-0245 |
Mark Gusack |
gusackm@dreamscape.com |
MuseGlobal, Inc. |
420 |
801-208-1880 |
Cheryl Wright |
cwright@museglobal.com |
Northern Light |
225 |
617-242-5960 |
Priscilla Seuss |
priscilla@northernlight.com |
Retrieval Systems |
425 |
703-749-0012 603-446-4369 |
Lisa Richards |
lrichards@retrievalsystems.com |
Stellent |
521 |
952-903--2000 |
Shelly Jagow |
shelley.jagow@stellent.com |
Stratify |
221 |
650-988-2000 |
Sangeetha Narayanan |
sangeetha@stratify.com |
Swets Blackwell |
514 |
800-695-6595 718-474-5007 |
Shawn Herman |
sherman@us.swetsblackwell.com |
TheBrain Technologies Corp. |
605 |
310-656-8484 310-656-8484 |
Shelly Hayduk |
shayduk@thebrain.com |
Think Tools |
226 |
203-975-0351x1103 |
Christina Mott |
christina.mott@thinktools.com |
TripleHop Technologies |
424 |
212-243-4645x407 |
Naomi Hayashi |
naomi.hayashi@triplehop.com |
Vivisimo |
326 |
412-422-2499 |
Denny Brestensky |
denny@vivisimo.com |
Xythos Software, Inc. |
220 |
415-248-3800 415-248-9020 |
Quinn Daly |
qdaly@xythos.com |
YourAmigo Pty Ltd |
324 |
61 8 8211 9211 |
Rahmon Coupe |
stuart.snyder@youramigo.com |
Zensar Technologies |
410 |
312-553-0600x3004 |
Naga Kondury |
n.kondury@usa.zensar.com |
KM World 2003 Speakers |
Name |
Company |
Phone |
Stephen Abram |
Micromedia ProQuest |
416-369-2594 |
sabram@micromedia.on.ca |
Todd Alcock |
Forum Systems, Inc. |
617-605-5613 |
talcock@forumsys.com |
Jennifer Aleknavage |
LexisNexis |
jennifer.aleknavage@lexisnexis.com |
Joel Alleyne |
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP |
416-367-6747 |
jalleyne@blgcanada.com |
Mark Andrews |
Knowledge Management Consultant |
415-717-1955 |
mandrews@dragonbones.com |
Patti Anklam |
Hutchinson Associates |
978-456-4175 |
patti@byeday.net |
Robert Armacost |
Bain and Company |
617-572-2346 |
robert.armacost@bain.com |
Richard Azzarello |
Reality Consulting, Inc. |
516-656-5804 |
razzarello@wakeuptoreality.com |
Steve Barth |
KM Magazine |
562-787-5619 |
stevebarth@earthlink.net |
Wendy Beecham |
LexisNexis |
301-951-4600 |
wendy.beecham@lexisnexis.com |
Joerg Beringer |
joerg.beringer@sap.com |
Elton Billings |
Remedy, A BMC Software Co |
925-730-4642 |
elton@cluebox.com |
Jeremiah Boenisch |
813-857-0015 |
boenisch@gwu.edu |
Bob Boiko |
Metatorial Services, Inc. |
206-706-3078 |
bob@metatorial.com |
Jack Borbely |
Towers Perrin |
914-745-4000 |
jack.borbely@towers.com |
Christopher Boyd |
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati |
650-354-4195 |
cboyd@wsgr.com |
Denny Brestensky |
Vivisimo, Inc. |
412-422-2499 |
denny@vivisimo.com |
Richard Budel |
Adeo Communications Corp. |
416-777-2560 |
richard@adeo.com |
Joseph Busch |
Taxonomy Strategies |
415-377-7912 |
jbusch@taxonomystrategies.com |
Timothy Butler |
SiteScape, Inc |
978-461-9959 |
tbutler@sitescape.com |
Tony Byrne |
CMSWatch |
301-585-7004 |
tbyrne@cmswatch.com |
Anne Caputo |
Factiva, Dow Jones & Reuters |
202-289-2103 |
anne.caputo@factiva.com |
Frank Cervone |
Northwestern University |
847-491-8304 |
f-cervone@northwestern.edu |
Dinesh Chandra |
Eternet, Inc. |
408-971-2696 |
eternetinc@aol.com |
Jimmy Chandra |
Sun-Sentinel |
954-356-4417 |
jchandra@tribune.com |
Terry Clift |
ISYS/Odyssey Development |
303-689-9998 |
terry.clift@isys.com.au |
Ed Cohen |
Plateau Systems |
703-292-0200x411 |
ed.cohen@plateau.com |
Dan Colarusso |
MassMutual Financial Group |
413-737-8400 |
dcolarusso@massmutual.com |
Heidi Collins |
Air Products and Chemicals |
610-481-2704 |
collinhe@apci.com |
Ginger Conlon |
CRM Magazine |
212-779-2097 |
gconlon@destinationCRM.com |
Rahmon Coupe |
YourAmigo Pty. Ltd. |
618 8211 9211 |
Rahmon.Coupe@YourAmigo.com |
Greg Coyle |
Anacubis |
44 01223 703955 |
gregc@anacubis.com |
Michael Crandall |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation |
206-709-3336 |
michaelc@gatesfoundation.org |
Rob Cross |
University of Virginia |
434-924-6475 |
robcross@virginia.edu |
Mark Davies |
Microsoft Corporation |
425-706-6837 |
markdav@microsoft.com |
Bryan Elliot Davis |
Kaieteur Institute for Knowledge Managemet |
416-651-1837 |
bdavis@kikm.org |
Kellyann Davis |
N.I.S.T. |
301-975-2952 |
kdavis216@msn.com |
Sarah Dean |
United Utilities |
44 0 1925 233591 |
sarah.dean@uuplc.co.uk |
Joaquin Delgado |
TripleHop Technologies, Inc. |
212-243-4645x405 |
joaquin.delgado@triplehop.com |
John Desborough |
EDS Solutions Services |
613-787-4346 |
john.desborough@eds.com |
Mike Draper |
Network World Fusion |
508-490-6443 |
mdraper@nww.com |
Joshua Duhl |
jduhl@idc.com |
Jayne Dutra |
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
818-354-6948 |
Jayne.E.Dutra@jpl.nasa.gov |
Seth Earley |
Earley & Associates |
781-444-0287x202 |
searley@earley.com |
Colonel Tim Eayre |
U.S. Joint Staff |
703-697-8475 |
timothy.eayre@js.pentagon.mil |
Monica Ertel |
Innovative Interfaces, Inc. |
415-482-8104 |
monicaertel@yahoo.com |
Amy C. Eugene |
Cuyahoga Community College |
216-987-4879 |
amy.eugene@tri-c.edu |
Pete Feighner |
Cisco Systems |
408-527-8001 |
pfeighne@cisco.com |
Darlene Fichter |
University of Saskatchewan |
306-931-0020 |
Darlene.fichter@usask.ca |
Joe Firestone |
Executive Information Systems, Inc. |
703-461-8823 |
eisai@comcast.net |
Michael Fontaine |
IBM Institute for Business Value |
617-693-6349 |
mfontain@us.ibm.com |
Heidi Gabrielson |
SiteScape |
978-461-9959x240 |
heidi@sitescape.com |
Richard Geiger |
San Francisco Chronicle |
415-777-6001 |
rgeiger@sfchronicle.com |
Chip Gettinger |
LightSpeed Software |
415-512-7470x170 |
cgettinger@lspeed.com |
Ian Gibson |
ian.gibson@fluor.com |
Mark Goldstein |
International Research Center |
602-470-0389 |
markg@researchedge.com |
Ted Graham |
Hill & Knowlton |
416-413-4693 |
ted.graham@hillandknowlton.com |
Drew Grimm |
Honeywell |
480-850-2315 |
drew.grimm@honeywell.com |
Eric Gross |
Ozmosys, Inc. |
212-252-1940 |
egross@ozmosys.com |
Joe Gruttadauria |
Centra Software |
781-994-1045 |
joeg@centra.com |
Randy Hale |
Sun Microsystems |
303-395-3314 |
randy.hale@sun.com |
Susan Hanley |
Dell |
301-657-8950x262 |
susan_hanley@dell.com |
David Harden |
253-988-5769 |
harden@gwu.edu |
Farida Hasanali |
713-685-7206 |
fhasanali@apqc.org |
Dave Haucke |
ISYS Search Software |
dave.haucke@isysusa.com |
Anders Herme |
Ericsson |
514-823-7120 |
Jeff Hester |
Fluor Corp. |
949-349-3855 |
jeff.hester@fluor.com |
Edward Hoffman |
NASA - Headquarters |
202-358-2182 |
ehoffman@nasa.gov |
Burton A Huber |
Ariel Performance Centered Systems |
513-619-6339 |
bhuber@arielpcs.com |
Cindy Hubert |
American Productivity & Quality Center |
713-685-7210 |
chubert@apqc.org |
Harlan Hugh |
The Brain Technologies Corporation |
310-656-8484 |
hhugh@thebrain.com |
Kathleen Huneycutt |
713-685-4763 |
khuneycutt@apqc.org |
Dustin Huntington |
EXSYS, Inc. |
505-888-9494 |
dhuntington@exsys.com |
Vernon Imrich |
Percussion Software |
781-438-9900 |
vernon_imrich@percussion.com |
Haidi Jenkin |
ISYS Search Software |
haidi.jenkin@isys.com.au |
Arik R. Johnson |
Aurora WDC |
715-720-1616 |
arik@aurorawdc.com |
Brian Jorgensen |
iSeer, Inc. |
206-225-5410 |
bjj@iseer.com |
Sharona Justman |
Rubenstein/Justman Management Consultan |
310-282-0800 |
justman@rjmc.net |
Meg Karakekes |
Karakekes Consulting |
408-378-5990 |
karakekes@onebox.com |
Peter Katz |
Entopia |
650-632-0101 |
pkatz@entopia.com |
Jahangir Kazimi |
Zensar Consulting |
91 206633001 |
j.kazimi@zensar.com |
Peter Kelley |
Faegre & Benson |
612-766-8102 |
pkelley@faegre.com |
Joseph Kennedy |
State Street Wealth Manager Services |
617-537-3465 |
joe_kennedy@statestreet.com |
Mary Lee Kennedy |
Microsoft Corporation |
425-576-5797 |
marylken@microsoft.com |
Thomas Kitrick |
Wachovia Corporation |
704-715-4038 |
tkitrick@yahoo.com |
Sudheer Koneru |
Click2learn |
sudheer.koneru@click2learn.com |
Rob Lancaster |
The Yankee Group |
617-956-5000 |
rlancaster@yankeegroup.com |
Denise Lee |
EduTech Limited |
301-585-1030x331 |
dlee@edutechltd.com |
Erin Lenhoff |
Perot Systems |
972-577-6321 |
erin.lenhoff@ps.net |
Eric Lesser |
617-588-5663 |
elesser@us.ibm.com |
Robin Lloyd |
Lionbridge Technologies |
781-434-6101 |
robin_lloyd@lionbridge.com |
Mary Logsdon |
SkillSoft |
941-918-2245 |
mlogsdon@skillsoft.com |
Kimberly Lopez |
American Productivity & Quality Center |
713-685-4752 |
klopez@apqc.org |
Michelle Manafy |
Information Today, Inc. |
203-761-1466x522 |
michelle.manafy@infotoday.com |
Sharon Mathog |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
650-857-3393 |
sharon.mathog@hp.com |
Jane McConnell |
NetStrategyJMC |
33 06 12 03 66 34 |
jmc@netstrategyjmc.com |
Richard McDermott |
McDermott Consulting |
303-545-6030 |
Richard@McDermottconsulting.com |
Mark McElroy |
Macroinnovation Associates, LLC/KMCI |
802-436-2250 |
mmcelroy@vermontel.net |
Howard McQueen |
McQueen Consulting |
410-243-2755 |
Howard@mcq.com |
Cesar Menendez |
Microsoft Corporation |
425-882-8080 |
cesarm@microsoft.com |
Laura S. Metro |
The Sage Agency |
301-802-3655 |
laura@sageagency.com |
Stephen Mogose |
Michael Moore |
Thomson Corporation |
203-328-9458 |
michael.moore@thomson.com |
Gareth Morgan |
NewMindsets, Inc. |
416-3239-4794 |
gareth@newmindsets.cim |
Michael A. Moss |
Westin Engineering, Inc. |
313-961-1100 |
michael.moss@we-inc.com |
Art Murray |
George Washington University |
703-726-8267 |
amurray@seas.gwu.edu |
Peter L. Noerr |
MuseGlobal, Inc. |
801-208-1880 |
pnoerr@museglobal.com |
Richard Omanson |
User Centric, Inc. |
847-981-5069 |
romanson@usercentric.com |
Steve Pao |
AskMe Corporation |
425-564-9066 |
spao@askme.com |
Salvatore Parise |
IBM Institute for Knowledge-Based Orgs |
617-693-6438 |
sparise@us.ibm.com |
Leif Pedersen |
Vignette Corporation |
512-527-7027 |
jim.hahn@vignette.com |
Karen M. Petersack |
Unisys University |
215-986-3763 |
karen.petersack@unisys.com |
Wendi Pohs |
IBM Software Group |
978-399-6172 |
wpohs@us.ibm.com |
John Porcaro |
Microsoft Corporation |
425-706-8405 |
johnpo@microsoft.com |
Todd Post |
EduTech Limited |
301-585-1030x313 |
tpost@edutechltd.com |
Raja Rajasekaran |
Monsanto Company - C3NE |
314-694-5026 |
bbraja@monsanto.com |
Kristen Ramsbottom |
Perot Systems |
972-577-5459 |
kristen.ramsbottom@ps.net |
Ramana Rao |
Inxight Software, Inc. |
408-738-6200 |
rao@inxight.com |
Madanmohan Rao |
9180550-2465 |
madan@inomy.com |
Avi Rappoport |
Search Tools Consulting |
510-845-2551 |
consult@searchtools.com |
Frank Reis |
Cuyahoga Community College |
216-987-4776 |
frank.reis@tri-c.edu |
Kimberly Reisig |
Thomson Legal & Regulatory |
651-848-5541 |
kimberly.reisig@westgroup.com |
Gretchen Rice |
Lionbridge Technologies |
gretchen_rice@lionbridge.com |
Peter Rinearson |
Microsoft Corporation |
425-882-8080 |
peterri@microsoft.com |
Rebecca Ritter |
Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
303-272-3033 |
Rebecca.Ritter@sun.com |
Louis Rosenfeld |
Louis Rosenfeld LLC |
734-663-3323 |
lou@louisrosenfeld.com |
Cindy Ross-Pedersen |
Adeo Communications Corp. |
416-777-2560 |
cindyrp@adeo.com |
Robert Rugare |
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young |
404-817-4910 |
robert.rugare@cgey.com |
Derek Ruths |
Advanced Reality |
713-526-4860 |
druths@advancedreality.com |
Barbara Saidel |
Russell Reynolds Associates |
212-716-7071 |
bsaidel@russellreynolds.com |
Hubert Saint Onge |
Konverge Digital Solutions |
416-640-2345 |
hubert.saint-onge@konvergeandknow.com |
Gretchen Schlag |
Dept of Navy Chief Information Office |
703-602-6729 |
schlag.gretchen@hq.navy.mil |
Debbie Schmidt |
SAP America, Inc. |
708-947-3931 |
deborah.schmidt@sap.com |
Deborah Seys |
Hewlett-Packard |
650-857-3895 |
debora.seys@hp.com |
Scott Shulga |
The Carrera Agency |
949-248-2633 |
scotts@bynetsoftware.com |
Dave Snowden |
IBM Global Services |
44 01932 754598 |
snowded@uk.ibm.com |
Kiho Sohn |
The Boeing Company |
818-586-3693 |
kiho.d.sohn@boeing.com |
Estee Solomon-Gray |
SystemLink Enterprise Solutions |
410-337-5059 |
estee.solomongray@systemlink.to |
Donald Soulsby |
Computer Associates |
905-257-7202 |
donald.soulsby@ca.com |
Karen Spencer |
Johns Hopkins University |
410-614-5319 |
kspence1@son.jhmi.edu |
Mark Stier |
Questerra |
ssick@questerra.com |
John Strackhouse |
Heidrick & Struggles International |
215-636-5070 |
jstrackhouse@heidrick.com |
Clint Stretch |
Tax Policy Services & Knowledge Solutions |
202-879-4935 |
cstretch@deloitte.com, sprahinski@deloitte.com |
John G. Sulewski |
Westin Engineering, Inc. |
313-961-1100 |
john.sulewski@we-inc.com |
Jose Claudio Terra |
TerraForum Consultores S/C Ltda |
011-3088-6021 |
Andrew Toyota |
iSeer, Inc. |
206-225-5411 |
aft@iseer.com |
Raul Valdez-Perez |
Vivisimo, Inc. |
412-422-2496 |
valdes@vivisimo.com |
Ken Varnum |
Ford Motor Company |
313-323-0301 |
kvarnum@ford.com |
Wesley Vestal |
American Productivity & Quality Center |
713-685-7270 |
wvestal@apqc.org |
Claude Vogel |
Convera |
cvogel@convera.com |
Mahendra Vora |
Intelliseek, Inc. |
513-618-6700 |
mvora@intelliseek.com |
Deb Wallace |
Sun Life Financial Canada |
416-925-4765 |
deb.wallace@clarica.com |
Toby Ward |
Prescient Digital Media |
416-986-2226 |
toby@prescientdigital.com |
Karen Wasielewski |
Titan Insurance Company |
248-244-9890x5517 |
karen_wasielewski@titanauto.com |
Martin White |
Intranet Focus Ltd. |
44 1403 267030 |
martin.white@intranetfocus.com |
Jim Wilkins |
james.wilkins@fluor.com |
Diana Wilkinson |
Training Watch |
913-940-0649 |
dwilkinson@trainingwatch.com |
Eric Woods |
Ovum |
44 020 7551 9247 |
exw@ovum.com |
Dan Wright |
AskMe Corporation |
425-564-9055 |
kristines@askme.com |
Jon Zilber |
Sierra Club |
415-977-5710 |
jon.zilber@sierraclub.org |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office