Press List |
KMWorld 2000 |
Santa Clara Convention Center |
Santa Clara, CA |
September 13-15, 2000 |
Below are the 40+ names of the registered press, the invited press list and last year's list. For additional names look at the Market Guide and Local and Industry Press pages (and other show lists as well). This list should be brought in to you own media list. Highlight the list below and save it to word. Then highlight the table and convert to tab or comma delimited (whatever your personal preference) text and export to you own database. Each entry is dated so you can sort and import new names. We asked how they wanted to receive information and list that under the preference column. Their interest is under focus and their web sites are listed under URL, so you can check out what they've reported before. As always if you need help, drop a note or call. |
Bob |
Name |
Title |
Organization |
Address |
City/State/PC |
Tel |
Fax |
Date |
Pref |
Focus |
Pre-Registered Press |
Brian Tuemmler |
Editor |
AIIM/@doc |
573 E Angela St |
Pleasanton, CA 94566 |
925-461-9297 |
925-485-9328 |
btuemmler@atdoc.com |
atdoc.com |
David Strauch |
Correspondent |
Applied Tech On Line Review |
530-758-4636 |
dsbusiness@excite.com |
Donald Parks |
Correspondent |
Applied Tech online Review |
530-758-4636 |
dparks@calweb.com |
Brandon Hall |
Publisher |
Brandon Hall.com |
690 West Fremont Avenue, Suite 10 |
Sunnyvale, CA 94087 |
408.736.2335 |
408.736.9425 |
brandon@brandon-hall.com |
9/11 |
www.brandon-hall.com |
Dr. Anatoly Goldin |
Editor |
California technology Research |
490 auburn way sw21 |
San jose, ca 95129 |
408-554-9188 |
408-514-2616 x0028 |
9/5 |
systems |
John Kaiser |
Editor |
Canspec Research |
320 Park St 7A |
Moraua, CA 94556 |
925-631-9748 |
canspec@value.net.com |
www.canspecresearch.com |
Don Dao |
Writer |
PO Box 9326 |
Palo Alto, CA 94309 |
650-503-3080x1472 |
dondao4@yahoo.com |
Eric Berkman |
Senior Writer |
CIO Magazine |
492 Old Connecticut Path |
Framingham, MA, 01701-9208 |
508-872-0080 |
508-872-0618 |
8/31 |
Bob Puccinnelli |
Editor |
E-Doc /AIIM |
12736 Overbrook Rd |
Leawood, KS 66209 |
913-338-5253 |
bpuccinelli@hotmailcom |
Richard Hackathorn |
Director |
Enterprise Management Associates |
2585 Central Avenue, # 200 |
Boulder, CO, 80301 |
303-543-9500 |
303-543-7687 |
rhackathorn@enterprisemanagement.com |
8/31 |
Dennis Fisher |
Field Reporter |
10 President's Landing |
Medford, MA 02155 |
781-393-3830 |
781-393-3859 |
dennis_fisher@ziffdavis.com |
9/5 |
www.eweek.com |
knowledge management |
Dean Bubley |
Financial Analyst |
Granville Baird |
Mint House, 77 Mansell St |
London, UK E1 8AF |
44 20 7667 8336 |
n/a |
9/11 |
Granville Baird Equity Research |
communications, Internet |
Elise Olding |
Director |
Hurwitz Group |
2000 Powell St, #1200 |
Emeryville, CA 94608 |
Susan Feldman |
IDC/ Document and Content Technologies |
5 Speen Street |
Framingham, MA, 01701 |
508-935-4552 |
sfeldman@idc.com |
8/31 |
Dr. James Canton |
Institute for Global Futures |
2084 Union Street |
San Francisco, CA, 94123 |
415-563-0720 |
jcanton@msn.com |
8/31 |
David Stodder |
Editorial Director |
Intelligent Enterprise |
2800 Campus Drive |
San Mateo, CA 94403 |
650-513-4490 |
dstodder@cmp.com |
Goh Kawai |
Reseacher |
Just Research |
POBox 51388 |
Palo Alto, 94303 |
650-906-6432 |
goh@kawai.com |
Paula Boyle |
Principal |
Kinetic Information |
Raynham , MA |
508-828-1757 |
pboyle@kiineticinfocom |
Karen Takle Quinn |
Director |
POBox 277 |
Los Altos, CA 94023 |
650-964-5195 |
ktq@cnd.edu |
Hugh McKellar |
Editor |
KMWorld |
18 Bayview Street |
Camden, ME , 04843 |
207-236-8524 |
hugh_mckellar@kmworld.com |
Alan S. Kay |
Editor-in-Chief |
Knowledge Management |
221 Main Street #1230 |
San Francisco, CA, 94105 |
415-348-3046 |
415-348-3001 |
askay@ftmg.net |
8/31 |
David Coleman |
Contributing Editor |
Knowledge Management |
1470 Deharo St |
San Francisco, CA 94107 |
415-282-9197 |
415-550-8556 |
davidc@collaborate.com |
9/5 |
www.collaborate.com |
Electronic collaboration and KM |
Jeffrey Bartlett |
Managing Editor |
Knowledge Management |
221 Main Street #1230 |
San Francisco, CA, 94105 |
415-348-3049 |
415-348-3001 |
jeffb@ftmg.net |
8/31 |
Lee Sherman |
Consulting Editor |
Knowledge Management |
221 Main Street #1230 |
San Francisco, CA, 94105 |
415-348-3015 |
415-348-3001 |
lees@ftmg.net |
8/31 |
Michael Robin |
Senior Editor |
Knowledge Management |
221 Main Street #1230 |
San Francisco, CA, 94105 |
415-348-3020 |
415-348-3001 |
michaelr@ftmg.net |
8/31 |
Steve Barth |
Editor-at-Large |
Knowledge Management |
221 Main Street #1230 |
San Francisco, CA, 94105 |
310-589-1219 |
steveb@ftmg.net |
8/31 |
Jeff Angus |
Contrib Editor |
Knowledgement Management |
4509 Interlake N. #172 |
Seattle, WA 981036-6793 |
206-545-1826 |
Richard Quaile |
Financial & Travel Editor |
LA Financial Journal |
3224 Longford Way |
Las Vegas, NV, 89121 |
702-436-1706 |
LaFinjol@aol.com |
8/31 |
Michel Ktitareff |
Correspondent |
318 oakwood place |
Menlo park, CA 94025 |
650 322-6430 |
650 322-7740 |
9/5 |
http://www.lesechos.fr/ |
high tech |
Malcolm Dean |
Editor |
Maximum Linux Magazine |
1015 Gayley Avenue #1229 |
Los Angeles, CA 90024-3424 |
213-401-2197 |
213-401-2197 |
malcolmdean@earthlink.net |
9/5 |
www.maximumlinux.com |
News |
Huub Schuurmans |
Netherlands Off for a Science & Technology |
901 Mariner's Island Blvd |
San Mateo, CA, 94404 |
650-341-5608 |
650-341-5878 |
twasm@aimnet.com |
8/31 |
Masaki Yamaya |
Contributing Writer |
Nikkei Information Strategy c/o JUST Research |
1456 Miller Avenue |
San Jose, CA, 95129-3937 |
408-257-0160 |
408-446-2380 |
yamaya@just.com |
8/31 |
Mary Corcoran |
Outsell Inc. |
PO Box 3125 |
Moss Beach, CA, 94038 |
650-917-8201 |
mcorcoran@outsellinc.com |
8/31 |
Roger Strouse |
Outsell Inc. |
PO Box 3125 |
Moss Beach, CA, 94038 |
650-917-8201 |
rstrouse@outsellinc.com |
8/31 |
Bob Miko |
Analyst |
pacific dialogue |
33 ferry ct north |
Stratford, ct 06615 usa |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Bmiko@pacificdialogue.com |
9/5 |
www.pacificdialogue.com |
International |
Kathryn Pinto |
Analyst |
pacific dialogue |
33 ferry ct north |
Stratford, ct 06615 usa |
203-378-2803 |
203-380-8019 |
Kathryn_pinto@pacificdialogue.com |
9/5 |
www.pacificdialogue.com |
Business |
Stowe Boyd |
Running Light |
11921 Freedom Drive, # 550 |
Reston, VA, 20190 |
703-904-4391 |
stoweboyd@runninglight.com |
8/31 |
Newton Chan |
Staff Writer |
SD Forum |
POBox 390277 |
Mountain View, CA |
650-966-1195 |
newtonc@mail.com |
David Liu |
Reporter |
Silicon Valley News |
96 N 3rd St |
San Jose, CA 95112 |
408-292-7000 |
408-292-7050 |
david@dcardinc.com |
nevca.org |
Karen Watterson |
Editor |
SQL Server Professional |
8361 capricorn way suite 22 |
San diego, ca 92126 |
8582715090 |
8582716150 |
karen_watterson@email.msn.com |
9/5 |
www.pinnaclepublishing.com/sq |
databases, KM |
James H. Blair |
Analyst |
Strategy Partners International |
31001 Palomares Rd |
Castro Valley, CA 94552 |
510-538-3032 |
jbair@strategy-partners.com |
Ralph Martinez |
Researcher |
U of Arizona |
Tucson, AZ 85721 |
520-621-6174 |
martinez@exe.arizona.edu |
On site |
Gary Allegro |
Editor |
Web Etc |
3514 Hearst Dr |
Simi Valley, CA 93063 |
805-581-1041 |
805-522-2000 |
webetc@webetc.net |
9/5 |
www.webetc.net |
all |
Diane Kennedy |
XML Files |
146 E. North End Ave |
Elmhurst, IL, 60126 |
630-941-8197 |
8/31 |
Invited Press List |
Arthur Chassen |
Publisher |
Beyond Computing |
590 Madison Ave, 8th Floor |
New York, NY, 10022 |
212-745-6428 |
212-745-6147 |
achassen@beyondcomputingmag.com |
Donna Briggs |
Group Publisher |
Building Online Business |
3300 N. Central Ave., #2500 |
Phoenix , AZ, 85012 |
480-990-1101 |
480-675-8194 |
William P. Kupper., Jr |
Publisher |
BusinessWeek |
1221 Ave of the Americas |
New York, NY, 10020 |
212-512-6940 |
212-512-3650 |
David Ferm |
President |
BusinessWeek |
1221 Ave of the Americas |
New York, NY, 10020 |
212-512-6940 |
212-512-3650 |
Kevin Quinlan |
Publisher |
253 Summer St |
Boston, MA, 02210 |
617-345-9700 |
617-951-9306 |
Alex Clemente |
VP Sales & Marketing |
253 Summer St |
Boston, MA, 02210 |
617-345-9700 |
617-951-9306 |
Marc Richards |
Director of Marketing |
253 Summer St |
Boston, MA, 02210 |
617-345-9700 |
617-951-9306 |
Carol Evans |
COO/Publisher |
Chief Executive |
733 Third Ave |
New York, NY, 10017 |
212-687-8288 |
212-687-8456 |
cevans@chiefexecutive.net |
Arnold Pollard |
President |
Chief Executive |
733 Third Ave |
New York, NY, 10017 |
212-687-8288 |
212-687-8456 |
cevans@chiefexecutive.net |
Abbie Lundberg |
Editor-in-Chief |
492 Old Connecticut Path |
Framingham, MA, 01701-9208 |
508-872-0800 |
508-872-0618 |
John Pickett |
Editor-in-Chief |
CIO Canada |
55 Town Centre Court, #302 |
Scarborough, ONT, M1P 4X4 |
416-290-0240 |
416-290-0238 |
cio.canada@lti.on.ca |
Dave Carey |
Managing Editor |
CIO Canada |
55 Town Centre Court, #302 |
Scarborough, ONT, M1P 4X4 |
416-290-0240 |
416-290-0238 |
cio.canada@lti.on.ca |
Rich Rutherford |
Assoc Publisher |
1166 El Camino Real |
Menlo Park, CA, 94025 |
650-323-1818 |
650-323-1816 |
richr@clickmedia.to |
Stephen H. Miller |
Managing Editor |
Competitive Intelligence Review, Wiley & Sons |
605 Third Ave |
New York, NY, 10158 |
212-850-8832 |
212-850-6207 |
Peter Horan |
Publisher |
ComputerWorld |
Po Box 9171, 500 Old Connecticut Path |
Framingham, MA, 01701-9171 |
800-343-6474 |
508-879-0446 |
Mary Fran Johnson |
Editor-in-Chief |
ComputerWorld |
Po Box 9171, 500 Old Connecticut Path |
Framingham, MA, 01701-9171 |
800-343-6474 |
508-879-0446 |
Lisa Laing |
Publisher |
Context |
875 N Michigan Ave., #3000 |
Chicago, IL, 60611 |
312-255-5550 |
312-255-6550 |
lisa.laing@contextmag.com |
Ned Frey |
Assoc Publisher |
Context |
875 N Michigan Ave., #3000 |
Chicago, IL, 60611 |
312-255-5550 |
312-255-6550 |
lisa.laing@contextmag.com |
Lew McCreary |
Editor-in-Chief |
Darwin |
492 Old Connecticut Path |
Framingham, MA, 01701 |
508-872-0080 |
508-872-0618 |
Cathy O’Leary Hayes |
VP, Mktg |
Darwin |
492 Old Connecticut Path |
Framingham, MA, 01701 |
508-872-0080 |
508-872-0618 |
Jennifer Gildman |
Editor |
Digital Imaging |
445 Broad Hollow Road |
Melville, NY, 11747 |
516-845-2700 |
516-845-7109 |
editor@digitalimagingmag.com |
Jean Schauer |
Editor-in-Chief |
DM Review |
240 Regency Court, #100 |
Brookfield, WI, 53045 |
262-784-0444 |
262-782-9489 |
Jane Falla |
Sr. Editor |
E-Business Advisor |
5675 Ruffin Road |
San Diego, CA, 92123 |
858-278-5600 |
858-278-0300 |
John Chilson |
Managing Editor |
E-Business Advisor |
5675 Ruffin Road |
San Diego, CA, 92123 |
858-278-5600 |
858-278-0300 |
Catherine de Bary Sleight |
Editor-in-Chief |
EC.com Magazine |
14407 Big Basin Way |
Saratoga, CA, 95070 |
408-867-6300 |
408-867-9800 |
wsleight@aol.com |
Paul Simko |
Associate Publisher-West |
eWeek |
28 E 28th Street |
New York, NY, 10016-7930 |
212-503-3500 |
212-503-5680 |
Elaine Ebner |
National Associate Publisher |
eWeek |
28 E 28th Street |
New York, NY, 10016-7930 |
212-503-3500 |
212-503-5680 |
Sloan Seymour |
Publisher |
eWeek |
28 E 28th Street |
New York, NY, 10016-7930 |
212-503-3500 |
212-503-5680 |
Paul McCloskey |
Editor-in-Chief |
Federal Computer Week |
3141 Fairview Park Dr, #777 |
Falls Church, VA, 22042 |
703-876-5100 |
703-876-5128 |
Rich Karlgaard |
Publisher |
Forbes |
60 Fifth Ave |
New York, NY, 10011 |
212-620-2200 |
212-620-2472 |
William Flatley |
VP Assoc/Publisher |
Forbes |
60 Fifth Ave |
New York, NY, 10011 |
212-620-2200 |
212-620-2472 |
Russell Chermani |
VP/Managing US Dir |
Forbes |
60 Fifth Ave |
New York, NY, 10011 |
212-620-2200 |
212-620-2472 |
Michael Federele |
Publisher |
Fortune |
Time & Life Building, #1513 |
New York, NY, 10020 |
212-522-1212 |
212-522-1665 |
fortune-letters@pathfinder.com |
John Burnell |
Editor-in-Chief |
Frontline |
Raritan Plaza III, 101 Fieldcrest Ave |
Edison, NJ, 08837 |
732-225-9500 |
732-225-5810 |
aidnsales@advanstar.com |
Frank Quigley |
Publisher |
Government Computer News |
8601 Georgia Ave., #300 |
Silver Spring, MD, 20910 |
301-650-2000 |
301-650-2112 |
Doug Henschen |
Editor |
Imaging & Document Solutions Magazine |
600 Harrison St |
San Francisco, CA, 94107 |
415-905-2200 |
415-905-2232 |
doug@imagingmagazine.com |
Penny Lunt |
Managing Editor |
Imaging & Document Solutions Magazine |
600 Harrison St |
San Francisco, CA, 94107 |
415-905-2200 |
415-905-2232 |
penny@imagingmagazine.com |
Managing Editor |
IMarketing News |
100 Ave of the Americas |
New York, NY, 10013 |
212-925-7300 |
212-925-8752 |
Gary Mirkin |
Publisher |
Inc. |
38 Commercial Wharf |
Boston, MA, 02110 |
617-248-8000 |
617-248-8090 |
Eileen McCarthy |
Marketing Director |
Inc. |
38 Commercial Wharf |
Boston, MA, 02110 |
617-248-8000 |
617-248-8090 |
John Brandt |
Editor-in-Chief |
Industry Week |
1100 Superior Avenue |
Cleveland, OH, 44114 |
216-696-7000 |
216-696-7670 |
Scott Beech |
Product Manager |
Industry Week |
1100 Superior Avenue |
Cleveland, OH, 44114 |
216-696-7000 |
216-696-7670 |
Bryant Duhon |
Editor |
Inform |
2211 W. Bradley Ave |
Champaign, IL, 61821-1827 |
301-587-8202 |
301-587-2711 |
Linda Clark |
Managing Director |
Information Executive |
315 South Northwest highway, #200 |
Park Ridge, IL, 60068 |
847-825-8124 |
847-825-1693 |
Janet Perry |
Publisher |
Information Systems Control Journal |
3701 Algonquin Rd., #1010 |
Rolling Meadows , IL, 60008 |
847-253-1545 |
847-253-1443 |
Adam Marder |
VP/Group Publisher |
Information Week |
600 Community Drive |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
516-562-5000 |
516-562-5051 |
John Murphy |
Reg Dir/West |
Information Week |
600 Community Drive |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
516-562-5000 |
516-562-5051 |
Mike Friedenberg |
Reg Dir/West |
Information Week |
600 Community Drive |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
516-562-5000 |
516-562-5051 |
Connie Segreto |
Editor-in-Chief |
Informix Magazine |
4100 Bohannon Dr |
Menlo Park, CA, 94025 |
650-926-6192 |
650-926-6831 |
connies@informix.com |
Stephen Moylan |
President & CEO |
InfoWorld |
155 Bovet Rd |
San Mateo, CA, 944002 |
650-572-7341 |
650-312-0584 |
Bob Maund |
Sr VP/ Pub Director |
InfoWorld |
155 Bovet Rd |
San Mateo, CA, 944002 |
650-572-7341 |
650-312-0584 |
Phil Branon |
VP/ Pub |
InfoWorld |
155 Bovet Rd |
San Mateo, CA, 944002 |
650-572-7341 |
650-312-0584 |
Shannon Dolan |
Director of Business Development |
InfoWorld |
155 Bovet Rd |
San Mateo, CA, 944002 |
650-572-7341 |
650-312-0584 |
Tom Grimshaw |
Director of Impact Marketing |
InfoWorld |
155 Bovet Rd |
San Mateo, CA, 944002 |
650-572-7341 |
650-312-0584 |
David Kalman |
Publisher |
Intelligent Enterprise |
411 Borel Ave., #100 |
San Mateo, CA, 94402 |
650-358-9500 |
650-358-9855 |
dkalman@cmp.com |
David Stodder |
Editorial Director |
Intelligent Enterprise |
411 Borel Ave., #100 |
San Mateo, CA, 94402 |
650-358-9500 |
650-358-9855 |
dstodder@cmp.com |
Justin Kestelyn |
Editor-in-Chief |
Intelligent Enterprise |
411 Borel Ave., #100 |
San Mateo, CA, 94402 |
650-358-9500 |
650-358-9855 |
jkestelyn@cmp.com |
Paul Calento |
Group Marketing Director |
Intelligent Enterprise |
411 Borel Ave., #100 |
San Mateo, CA, 94402 |
650-358-9500 |
650-358-9855 |
pcalento@cmp.com |
Stephen Veith |
Publisher |
Inter@ctive Week |
100 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd |
Garden City, NY, 11530 |
516-229-3700 |
516-229-3777 |
Carolyn Kapuvari |
Mktg Director |
Inter@ctive Week |
100 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd |
Garden City, NY, 11530 |
516-229-3700 |
516-229-3777 |
Patricia Schnaidt |
Publisher |
Internet Week |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
650-513-4379 |
516-562-5000 |
Rob Preston |
Editor-in-Chief |
Internet Week |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
516-562-5692 |
516-562-5000 |
Yvonne Diamond |
Assoc Pub of Mktg |
Internet Week |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
650-513-4289 |
516-562-5000 |
Felicia Hammerman |
Director of Marketing |
Internet Week |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
650-513-4289 |
516-562-5000 |
David Nussbaum |
Exec VP/Group President |
Internet World |
20 Ketchum Street |
Westport, CT, 06880 |
203-226-6967 |
203-454-5840 |
Tom Kuczynski |
VP Internet Media |
Internet World |
20 Ketchum Street |
Westport, CT, 06880 |
203-226-6967 |
203-454-5840 |
Paul Miller |
Publisher |
Internet World |
20 Ketchum Street |
Westport, CT, 06880 |
203-226-6967 |
203-454-5840 |
Alison Harris |
Publisher |
IT Support News |
106 Lafayette St |
Yarmouth, ME, 04096 |
207-846-0600 |
207-846-0657 |
Brook Taliaferro |
Editorial Director/Assoc. Publisher |
IT Support News |
106 Lafayette St |
Yarmouth, ME, 04096 |
207-846-0600 |
207-846-0657 |
Kym Gilhooly |
Editor |
IT Support News |
106 Lafayette St |
Yarmouth, ME, 04096 |
207-846-0600 |
207-846-0657 |
Tom Villani |
VP/Group Publisher |
Knowledge Management |
29160 Heathercliff Rd., #200 |
Malibu, CA, 90265 |
310-589-3100 |
310-589-3131 |
Gregory Slote |
Group Marketing Director |
Knowledge Management |
29160 Heathercliff Rd., #200 |
Malibu, CA, 90265 |
212-314-7639 |
310-589-3131 |
bobb@curtco.com |
Bob Block |
Group Publisher |
Knowledge Management |
29160 Heathercliff Rd., #200 |
Malibu, CA, 90265 |
212-314-7639 |
310-589-3131 |
bobb@curtco.com |
Dan Ruby |
Editor-in-Chief |
Knowledge Management |
29160 Heathercliff Rd., #200 |
Malibu, CA, 90265 |
212-314-7639 |
310-589-3131 |
bobb@curtco.com |
Kelli Wiseth |
Editor-in-Chief |
Profit |
500 Oracle Pkwy |
Redwood Shores, CA, 94065 |
650-506-2091 |
650-633-2424 |
kwiseth@us.oracle.com |
Julia O’Dell |
Publisher |
Profit |
500 Oracle Pkwy |
Redwood Shores, CA, 94065 |
650-506-2091 |
650-633-2424 |
jaodell@us.oracle.com |
Ted Gramkow |
Publisher |
Red Herring |
1550 Bryant Street, #450 |
San Francisco, CA, 94103 |
415-865-2277 |
415-865-2280 |
info@redherring.com |
Jason Pontin |
Editor |
Red Herring |
1550 Bryant Street, #450 |
San Francisco, CA, 94103 |
415-865-2277 |
415-865-2280 |
info@redherring.com |
Greg Mason |
Publisher |
Smart Business |
50 Beale St |
San Francisco, CA, 94105 |
415-547-8069 |
415-547-8059 |
gregmason@zd.com |
Lucy Wohltman |
National Associate Publisher |
Smart Business |
50 Beale St |
San Francisco, CA, 94105 |
415-547-8073 |
415-547-8059 |
lucy wohltman@zd.com |
Yuri R. Spiro |
Publisher |
Storage Management Solutions |
420 N Camden Drive |
Beverly Hills, CA, 90210 |
310-276-9500 |
310-246-1405 |
wwpi@wwpi.com |
George McNamara |
VP/Group Publisher |
Storage Management Solutions |
420 N Camden Drive |
Beverly Hills, CA, 90210 |
310-276-9500 |
310-246-1405 |
wwpi@wwpi.com |
Leslie Jeffrey |
VP/Group Publishing Director |
VAR Business |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
516-562-5000 |
muliss@cmp.com |
Michael Uliss |
Assoc Pub |
VAR Business |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
516-562-5000 |
Deanna Helmig |
Assoc Pub |
VAR Business |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
516-562-5000 |
Robert C DeMarzo |
Editorial Director |
VAR Business |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
516-562-5000 |
Drew Schutte |
Publisher |
Wired |
4 Times Square |
New York, NY, 10036 |
212-286-2860 |
advertising@wired.com |
Katrina Heron |
Editor-in-Chief |
Wired |
4 Times Square |
New York, NY, 10036 |
212-286-2860 |
advertising@wired.com |
1999 KMWorld Registered Press |
Dominique Deckmayn |
Journalist |
Computerworld |
Po Box 9171, 500 Old Connecticut Path |
Framingham, MA, 01701 |
650-524-7112 |
650-524-7002 |
dominique_deckmyn@computerworld.com |
Ralph Gammon |
Editor |
Document Imaging Report |
2840 W 21st Street |
Erie, PA, 16506 |
814-838-0025x209 |
814-836-9605 |
ralphg@corrypub.com |
Ron Copeland |
Editorial Director, Developer Group |
EarthWeb Ink |
3 Park Ave |
New York, NY, 10016 |
212-448-8295 |
212-725-6559 |
Jeff Angus |
Information Week |
600 Community Dr |
Manhasset, NY, 11030 |
202-383-4716 |
Danny Boulanger |
Editor |
Interdoc Corporation |
625 President Kennedy |
Montreal, Que, H3A1K2 |
514-985-8133 |
514-288-7596 |
Rainer Wellige |
Editor |
Interdoc Corporation |
625 President Kennedy |
Montreal, Que, H3A1K2 |
514-985-8133 |
514-288-7596 |
Dororthy White |
8001 John Carpenter Freeway |
Dallas, TX, 75247 |
214-252-3327 |
214-252-3379 |
Steven Weissman |
Kinetic Information |
106 Thornton Road |
Waltham, MA, 02453 |
781-893-4690 |
sweissman@kineticinfo.com |
Bob Larrivee |
Kinetic Information |
1315 Eniswood Parkway |
Palm Harbor, FL, 34683 |
727-789-4699 |
blarrive@kineticinfo.com |
Steve Barth |
Senior Editor |
Knowledge Management Magazine |
19160 Heathcliff Road, #200 |
Mailbu, CA, 90265 |
310-589-3100 |
310-589-0828 |
steveb@curtco.com |
Gerry Murray |
Knowledge Management Research |
5 Speen Street |
Framingham, MA, 01701 |
508-935-4594 |
508-935-4025 |
Clint Bond |
PO Box 1780 |
Fort Worth, TX, 76101-1780 |
817-654-6314 |
817-654-6325 |
Christa Degnan |
PCWeek |
10 President’s Landing |
Medford, MA, 02155 |
781-393-3838 |
Frank J Bernard |
Research Editor |
Spectrum Business Communications |
3532 Koso Street |
Davis, CA, 95616-6041 |
530-758-8522 |
530-750-3710 |
fbernard@oeg-us.com |
Tina Foster |
606 Young Street |
Dallas, TX, 75202 |
214-977-6213 |
214-977-6585 |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office