Korean Software Symposium '98
December 15, 1998
The Westin Hotel
Waltham, MA
We are extremely pleased to be a part of this joint forum aimed at introducing Korean software and technology. It is our profound pleasure to have this wonderful opportunity to work with companies from both Korea and the US right here in Boston, the heart of US IT industry, along with Silicon Valley.
We, at the Korea Institute of Multimedia Contents & Software, are an affiliate of the Ministry of Information and Communications within the Korean Government, and seek to provide aid to the Korean software industry. Supporting the development of software products, protecting copyrights of software and acquiring overseas partnerships are just a few of our various activities.
This exhibition is an event to promote software technology and investment cooperation between the private sectors of the United States and Korea. We are very happy to have the members of the Massachusetts Software Council, the State Government and venture investors here today. This exhibition specializes on introducing products and technologies of 15 leading Korean software companies.
Through this opportunity, we hope to form coalitions and partnerships between software industries of two countries, and in turn, widen the spectrum of technology development and manpower exchange that will mutually benefit both markets.
Once again, we extend our sincere appreciation to the participating 2,500-plus members of the Massachusetts Software Council, the State Government, venture investors and everyone who has helped make this exciting event possible. In addition, we thank you for your interest and support for the Korean software industry and its products.
1998. 12.
Young-Il Park
Korea Institute of Multimedia Contents & Software