Media Advisory |
Mobile Americas 2003 Miami, FL May 19-21, 2003 |
TO: |
All News Media Outlets -- Media Advisory -- Not for Publication |
Online Press Registration Open for Mobile Americas 2003 at: http://www.pacificdialogue.com/ma03_preg.htm |
May 19-21, 2003 |
Trump International Sonesta Beach Resort, Miami, FL. |
Bob Miko |
Pacific Dialogue Trade Show Bureau |
Tel: 203-378-2803 |
E-mail: bmiko@pacificdialogue.com |
Mobile Americas Summit 2003 will feature keynotes & presentations including:
As a valued member of the press, you are invited to attend and cover Mobile Americas Summit 2003 in South Florida – "gateway to the Americas" – at the Trump International Sonesta Beach Resort, Miami, FL. MOBILE AMERICAS 2003 comes at a time when leading industry analysts are pointing to indicators of a return to growth in the mobile telecommunications industry. According to current research by leading global research firm IDC, modest growth in sales of mobile phones to first-time buyers will combine with handset replacement sales in mature markets to result in a worldwide increase in handset shipments by manufacturers from 391 million in 2002 to 606 million in 2006, a compound annual growth rate of 9.5 percent. The growing list of sponsors for MOBILE AMERICAS 2003 includes: Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Openwave, Teradata-NCR and Unisys. MOBILE AMERICAS 2003 enjoys media support and endorsements from leading industry online and print publications, including the conference's Official Publications, RCR Wireless News, Institutional Investor and Global Wireless. The Official Research Partner for MOBILE AMERICAS 2003 is IDC, the world's leading provider of technology intelligence, industry analysis, market data, and strategic and tactical guidance to builders, providers, and users of information technology. MOBILE AMERICAS 2003 is organized by the Institute for International Research. The Institute for International Research (www.iirusa.com) is the world’s leading international performance solutions company, with 120 different business units and 4,000 employees in 36 countries. Founded in 1973 by Irvine Laidlaw, the current chairman, IIR continues to provide unbiased, leading-edge business information through our conferences, workshops, training, and the Internet. Working journalists and financial analysts should register online at http://www.pacificdialogue.com/ma03_preg.htm. |
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