PR Contacts |
Radisson Miami Hotel, Miami, FL January 24-26, 2005 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for MACCongress 2006. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors and speakers. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Exhibitor |
Booth |
Contact Name |
Phone |
4D/Division of Sentry Technology Group |
729 |
Henry Wojtunik |
732-539-0905 |
hwojtunik@4-Dsecurity.com |
ADS, Inc. |
730 |
Natosha Arrington |
757-481-7758 |
narrington@ads-primevendor.com |
ADT Security Services |
808 |
Peter Davis |
703-317-4289 |
pcdavis@adt.com |
Alexeter Technologies |
725 |
Tom Fryzel |
847-419-1507 |
tfryzel@alexeter.com |
Allied Tube & Conduit |
968 |
Debbie Skowronski |
708/339-1610 |
dskowronski@allietube.com |
American Shipper |
Kevin Murphy |
212/422-2420 |
kmurphy@shippers.com |
American Technology Corporation |
1414 |
Lisa LaPointe |
207.373.9025 |
LLaPointe@atcsd.com |
Ameripack, Inc. |
816 |
John Luchka |
609-365-6969 |
john@ameripack.com |
Ameristar Fence Products |
1043 |
Suanna Irwin |
918-835-0898 |
sirwin@ameristarfence.com |
AMH Government Services |
837 |
Mike Page |
941/870-5451 |
mpage@amhmail.net |
Anteon Corporation |
1221 |
Kimberly Metta |
703-246-0382 |
kmetta@anteon.com |
Armour of America |
721 |
Matt Williams |
310-532-0690 |
matt@aoa-usa.com |
ASTI Transportation |
820 |
Todd Hartnett |
302-328-3220 |
todd@asti-trans.com |
ATISystem |
1053 |
Bill Osborn |
901-684-1522 |
osborn319@aol.com |
Aura Systems, Inc. |
934 |
David Slaughter |
310-880-3803 |
dslaughter@aurasystems.com |
AustinMohawk and Company Inc. |
1116 |
John B. Millet |
315/793-3000 |
rnorth@austinmohawk.com |
Barco View |
1124 |
Kathy Lowing |
678-475-8000 |
kathy.lowing@Barco.com |
Beach Panel and Controls, Inc. |
1113 |
Todd Babcock |
757-312-0574 |
tbabcock@beachpanels.com |
Bear Search & Rescue Foundation |
1150 |
Capt. Scott Shields |
732/713-6298 |
pattyshields@hotmail.com |
BearingPoint |
Pamela Merritt |
703/747-5514 |
pamela.merritt@bearingpoint.com |
Benthos, Inc. |
Celeste Harmon |
508/563-1000 x564 |
charmon@benthos.com |
Bio-Imaging Research, Inc. [BIR] |
938 |
Barry Smith |
847-634-6425x123 |
bsmith@birinc.com |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
Bev Nelson |
703/289-5548 |
nelson_beverly@bah.com |
Brunswick Commercial & Government Products |
1028 |
Jerry Smith |
386-423-2933 |
jerry.smith@whaler.com |
Bulldog Technologies |
1121 |
Jan Roscovich |
604/271-8656 |
Jroscovich@bulldog-tech.com |
BW Technologies Ltd |
843 |
Don White |
403-248-9226 |
dwhite@bwtnet.com |
912 & 812 |
Joseph Pisano, Sr. |
732-578-2759 |
jpisano@caci.com |
Calhoon MEBA Engineering School |
1130 |
Maureen Gantz |
410-822-9600 x321 |
mgantz@mebaschool.org |
Canberra Industries |
814 |
Tammy Pattison |
203-639-2148 |
tpattison@canberra.com |
Cargo Security International/Bunkerspot Petrospot Limited |
Llewellyn Bankes-Hughes |
44 1295 279 393 |
luci@petrospot.com |
Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute |
751 |
Mark Levin |
301/596-2583 |
clfmigh@aol.com |
Control Screening, LLC |
1105 |
Sanae Yakushi |
973-276-6000x241 |
marketing@controlscreening.com |
Credit Suisse/First Boston |
N/A |
Stephen Kelly |
410/659/8848 |
stephen.j.kelly@csfb.com |
Cummins MerCruiser Diesel |
1128 |
Ted Varner |
843/745-1453 |
ted.varner@cummins.com |
Dept. of Homeland Security - Small Business Office |
1222 |
Ilene Waggoner |
202-205-8827 |
ilene.waggoner@dhs.gov |
845 |
Donald Smith |
703/818-5403 |
dsmith216@csc.com |
Diversified Optical Products |
740 |
J.J. Koeske |
603-898-1880x259 |
jkoeske@diop.com |
DomesticPrepardness.com |
764 |
Marty Masiuk |
(410)518-6900 |
Dramex Internation, Inc. |
1114 |
Phillip Shevchenko |
800/461-2991 |
phillip@dramex.com |
DRS Technologies/Electro-Optical Systems Group |
920 |
Judith Deeter |
321-308-4804 |
jdeeter@drseosg.com |
857 |
Kristin Frith |
909/793-2853 |
kfrith@esri.com |
Fiber Sensys, Inc. |
1029 |
Susan Dowell |
503-692-4430 |
susan.dowell@fibersensys.com |
Fisher Research Laboratory |
1146 |
Amy Hath |
209-826-3292 |
ahath@fisherlab.com |
Flir Systems, Inc. |
714 |
Tomi Anne Durrell |
503-372-6208 |
tomi.durrell@flir.com |
Florida State Univeristy, Panama City |
1138 |
Banyon Pelham |
850/522-2024 |
bpelham@pc.fsu.edu |
G.E. Security |
1100 |
Jeannette Hattaway |
510/739-2430 |
jeannette.hattaway@ge.com |
G2 Satellite Solutions |
844 |
Amy Sklaire |
202-292-4303 |
asklaire@g2sat.com |
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. |
753 |
Jill Griffin |
858/455-3603 |
jill.griffin@uav.com |
GeoAcoustics, Inc. |
1142 |
Keith Vickery |
281/894-5570 |
keith.vickery@geoacoustics.com |
Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding |
734 |
Daniel Reed |
508/676-8596 x129 |
danr@gladding-hearn.com |
GSN: Government Security News |
760 |
Ed Tyler |
212/925-7300 x232 |
etyler@governmentsecuritynews.net |
Harbor Offshore, Inc. |
868 |
Mark Wood |
805/677-2102 |
mhwood@offshorebarriers.com |
Harris Communications |
1048 |
Ken Shields |
321/674-4587 |
kshields@harris.com |
Henry Borthers Electronics, Inc. |
720 |
Ruth Krause |
201/794-6500 |
rkrause@hbe-nj.com |
Hewlett-Packard |
Sherry Walshak |
281/518-8335 |
sherry.r.walshak@hp.com |
Honeywell ACS |
1107 |
Lisa Goldson Armstrong |
952-656-1732 |
lisa.goldson@honeywell.com |
HSToday Magazine |
Sue Scott |
301-916-1494 |
sastott@comcast.net |
IAEA/Brookhaven National Laboratory |
963 |
Donna Occhiogrosso |
631/344-2280 |
occhio@bml.gov |
IBM Corporation |
824 |
Shirley Marshall |
301/596-0811 |
aqmarsh@us.ibm.com |
iControl Incorporated |
1023 |
Mary Crum |
408/436-8014 |
mcrum@icontrol-inc.com |
IDmicro |
1041 |
Bill Driscoll |
253/396-1479 |
bdriscoll@idmicro.com |
Inficon |
728 |
Tom Wilson |
315-434-1121 |
tom.wilson@inficon.com |
Innovative Logistics Techniques, Inc. |
953 |
Rhonda Lyons |
703/506-1555 |
rlyons@hg.innolog.com |
Intergraph Public Saftey |
1020 |
Betty Hall |
256-730-8147 |
betty.hall@intergraph.com |
ITT Night Vision |
Kelly Showalter |
540-362-8000 x5538 |
kelly.showalter@itt.com |
Journal of Commerce Commonwealth Bus Media |
Laura Kaiser |
609-371-7854 |
Rsadowsky@joc.com |
Kongsberg Mesotech Ltd. |
935 |
Eric Levitt |
604-464-8144 |
eric.levitt@kongsberg.com |
Konrad Marine, Inc |
1129 |
Michael Korf |
715-386-4203 |
michaelk@konradmarine.com |
L-3 Communication |
1002 |
Nicky Dinneen |
44 1344 477916 |
Nicky.Dinneen@l-3com.com |
Lockheed Martin |
N/A |
Nina D'Amico |
856/722-3866 |
antoinina.r.damico@lmco.com |
Marine Log |
John Snyder |
212-620-7200 |
jsnyder@sbpub.com |
Market Access |
Dave Dickson |
dicksond@marketaccess.org |
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP |
Raymond Biagini |
202/496-7687 |
rbiagini@mckennalong.com |
MGP Instruments |
954 |
Keith Spero |
770/432-2744 x163 |
kspero@mgpi.com |
Mifram Ltd., Security Division |
1131 |
Amos Klein |
972 4 8808 800 |
amos@mifram.com |
Mitsubishi Digital Elect America |
1034 |
Lynn M. Hollister |
949/465-6000 |
1jollister@socal.rr.com |
Moose Boats |
1047 |
Julie Carlson |
866-466-6673 |
julie@mooseboats.com |
Motorola |
902 |
Julie Leverenz |
847-862-0120 |
julie.leverenze@motorola.com |
Mustang Survival |
735 |
Ivon Paulin |
410-263-0094 |
ipaulin@mustangsurvival.com |
NanoScale Materials, Inc. |
738 |
Rosina Catalan |
785/537-0179 |
Racatalan@nanmatinc.com |
National Defense Industrial Association/NDIA |
742 |
Patty Cleasby |
703/247-2571 |
pcleasby@ndia.org |
National Geospatial - Intelligence Agency |
1120 |
Howard Mercer |
301-227-1045 |
howard.s.mercer@nga.mil |
National Safe Waterways & Seaports Alliance |
1171 |
Robin Stoller |
865/970-0515 |
robin.stoller@sskies.org |
Night Vision Technologies |
834 |
Todd Moore |
972/554-3977 |
tmoore@nvti-uas.com |
Nucsafe |
846 |
Ella Cook |
865-220-5050 |
emcook@nucsafe.com |
Object Video |
1025 |
Jennifer Kearney |
703/532-1383 |
Omni Security Consultants, Inc |
741 |
Ray Fernandez |
305-418-7603 |
rayf@sealock.com |
Oregon Camera Systems |
1135 |
Jeannie Krieger |
503-543-7399 |
jeanniek@oregonaero.com |
739 |
Susie Brockman |
865/483-2124 |
Susie.Brockman@ameteck-online.com |
Port Strategy |
Ray Barnes |
434/927-5122 |
barnesrv@charter.net |
Porter Technologies |
745 |
J. David Porter |
864-254-9490 |
dporter@portertechnologies.com |
Provincial Aerospace Limited |
718 |
Craig Harding B.Sc. |
709/576-3188 |
charding@proviar.com |
QuickSet International Inc. |
853 |
Vianey Cesareo |
847/498-0700 |
vianeyc@quickset.com |
RAE Systems, Inc. |
839 |
Jaimee Roy |
408-585-3675 |
jroy@raesystems.com |
RAFAEL Armament Development Authority |
834 |
Aviva Wolk |
972-4-879-5435 |
920 |
Jonathan Berger |
212/832-3300 |
esdmrkt@rafael.co.il |
Rapiscan Security Products, Inc. |
1015 |
Andrea Forconi |
609-406-9000X115 |
aforconi@metorexsecurity.com |
Reva Night Operations Systems |
822 |
Rob Parrish |
540/334-0899 |
rparrish@revenos.com |
Riverdale Mills |
835 |
Dave deMoulpied |
508/234-7816 |
dsdemoulpied@riverdale.com |
Safe Boats International |
849 |
Bryan Wood |
360/674-7161 |
bryan@safeboats.com |
Safeguards Technology, Inc. |
Dawn Bare |
201/488-1022 ext235 |
dbare@safeguards.com |
Safeguards Video |
775 |
Sagy Amit |
201/488-2345 |
sagy@safeguardsvideo.com |
SAFETY Act Office |
736 |
David McWhorter |
703/575-4502 |
dmcwhorter.ida.org |
SAIC (Science Applications Int'l.Corp.) |
700 |
David Bowlin |
858-826-9738 |
bowlin@saic.com |
SeaArk Marine |
939 |
Ken McFalls |
870-367-9755 |
sales@seaark.com |
SeaArk Marine |
Sherry Wisch |
631/924-2800 |
malcomar@optonline.net |
SeaPower Magazine/Navy League of the United States |
1175 |
Alan Cozza |
703/312-1582 |
acozza@navyleague.org |
Seaports of America |
746 |
George Mihaiu |
954/628-0058 x125 |
publisher@aapaseaports.com |
Security Management Group International |
879 |
Terry Abby |
925/934-1400 |
tabby@securitymgmtgroup.com |
Security Technology & Design |
867 |
Steve Lasky |
770/886-0800 x221 |
steve.lasky@cygnuspub.com |
Send Word Now |
1052 |
Michael Reynolds |
646/805-1010 |
mreynolds@sendwordnow.com |
Shield Defense |
1156 |
Shaunt Hartountain |
949/861-8295 |
ksuh@shielddefense.com |
SI-TEX/Nobeltec Radar Systems |
1137 |
Cynthia Cagle |
727/576-5995 |
ccagleg@prodigy.net |
Smiths Detection |
1101 |
Debbie Siclari |
973-830-2122 |
Deborah.Siclari@smithsdetection.com |
Stearns, Inc. |
1139 |
Michael Grupa |
320-202-3369 |
safety@stearnsnet.com |
Stratech Systems Limited |
732 |
Wong Hoong An |
65-6799-6650 |
wong-hoong_an@stratechsystems.com |
Sunstream Boat Lift |
1038 |
Sharon Stewart |
253-395-0500 |
sstewart@sunstreamcorp.com |
TEC Lighting |
747 |
Andrew Beltran |
714/529-5069 |
abeltran@teclighting.com |
Telephonics Corp. |
1035 |
Carrie Petorcca |
631-755-7785 |
petrocca@telephonics.com |
Temtec Inc./Tempbadge |
717 |
Janet Fenner |
845/368-4040 |
janet_fenner@tempbadge.com |
The Boeing Company |
1106 |
Shawn Grimm |
562-797-1055 |
shawn.grimm@boeing.com |
The Maritime Executive Magazine |
1167 |
Tony Munoz |
866/884-9034 |
tony@tmmarket.com |
The Maritime Group |
1175 |
Mark O'Malley |
212/477-6700 |
momalley@marinelink.com |
The Sigmon Group |
1125 |
Rob Ploeger |
757-228-1730x308 |
ploeger@sigmongroup.com |
Thermo Electron Corporation |
850 |
Stephanie Kubina |
408-965-6022 |
stephanie.kubina@thermo.com |
Twenty First Century Communications |
976 |
Donna Ricker |
614/442-1215 |
donna.ricker@tfcci.com |
Tymetal Corp |
856 |
Michael Magner |
518/692-9930 |
mmagner@tymetal.com |
UK Trade and Investment/British Embassy |
959 |
Terry Shear |
202/588-6670 |
terry.shear@fco.gov.uk |
Unisys Corporation |
MariAnn Pushker |
312-944-2317 |
mariann.pushker@unisys.com |
U.S. Army RDECOM |
926 |
Linda Longo |
732/427-2810 |
linda.longo@us.army.mil |
Varian Medical Systems |
859 |
Zenaida Luciana |
650/424-6034 |
zenaida.luciano@varian.com |
Video Ray |
712 |
Erick Estrada |
610-458-3003 |
erick.estrada@videoray.com |
VistaScape Security Systems |
706 |
Debbie McCormick |
706/265-3515 |
debbiemc@alltel.net |
Watermark Navigation |
724 |
Paul Goodwin |
603-524-6066 |
pwg@navbuoy.com |
Willard Marine, Inc. |
924 |
Jack Hochadel |
714-666-2150 |
jhochadel@willardmarine.com |
Worthington Products, Inc. |
800 |
Jeff Sanger |
800-899-2977 |
jsanger@tuffboom.com |
Coda Octopus |
1056 |
Debra Barker |
44 1869 337 570 |
debra.barker@codaoctopus.com |
957 |
948 |
Heidi Meng |
86-10-62780909 x86226 |
Y-12 National Security Complex |
956 |
Sharon Disney |
865-241-0008 |
disneysk@y12.doe.gov |
Speaker |
Company |
Phone |
Web Site |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Lexington Marketing International |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office