Press List |
National Online Meeting & IOLS 2000 |
New York, NY |
May 16-18, 2000 |
Below are the names of the final registered press. These are the folks that admitted that they were working media and asked for a press badge (which means there are always a few who don't want to identify themselves and register as an attendee…if you know they were on site…let us know and we'll reach out to them). For additional names look at the Market Guide and Local and Industry Press pages (and other show lists as well). This list should be brought in to you own media list. Highlight the list below and save it to word. Then highlight the table and convert to tab or comma delimited (whatever your personal preference) text and export to you own database. Each entry is dated so you can sort and import new names. We asked how they wanted to receive information and list that under the preference column. Their interest is under focus and their web sites are listed under URL, so you can check out what they've reported before. As always if you need help, drop a note or call. |
Bob |
Name |
Organization |
Street |
City, State, PC |
Tel |
Fax |
Date |
Pref |
Focus |
Donna Ballard |
1230 Ott Lane |
N. Merrick, NY 11566 |
On Site |
Terry Ballard |
1230 Ott Lane |
N. Merrick, NY 11566 |
On Site |
Yoel Esteron Maaretz |
21 Scholken St. |
Tel Aviv Israel |
esteron@maaretz.co.il |
On Site |
Marc Sawyer |
750 Kappock St |
Bronx, NY |
718-432-2223 |
On Site |
Leonid Goldin |
1525 41st |
Brooklyn, NY 11218 |
On Site |
Gregory Guzinski |
On Site |
Kevin O'neil |
Abm Publications |
301 W. 45th St. |
New York, NY 10036 |
212-489-1075 |
oneil@mail.com |
On Site |
Shirley C Soman |
Acorn to Oak Publishing |
142 West End Ave |
New York, NY 10023 |
212-787-8722 |
212-787-8723 |
Acorntwoak@aol.com |
On Site |
Judy Duke |
Adv Tech/Libraries |
P.O. Box 366 |
Millwood, NY 10546 |
914-941-2020 |
jannd@worldnet.att.net |
On Site |
Stanley Hersch |
American Commentary |
121 East 31st. # 9b |
New York, NY 10016 |
6463560410 |
6463560410 |
stanleyhersch@juno.com |
4/21 |
www.americancommentary.com |
Margaret Daisley |
American Lawyer Media |
105 Madison Ave, 7th Fl |
New York, NY 10016 |
212-313-9052 |
mdaisley@amlaw.com |
On Site |
Richard Drew |
Associated Press |
50 Rockefeller Plaza |
New York, NY 10020 |
212.621.1902 |
212.621.7980 |
rdrew@ap.org |
4/21 |
none |
all |
Richard Allen Leider |
Black Cat Media Assc |
495 West End Ave. |
New York, NY 10024 |
212-799-3715 |
blackcat@advinc.com |
On Site |
Sam Harvey |
Business Research Institute |
P.O. Box 537 |
Stowe, VT 05672 |
802-253-7101 |
Call first |
BRISHarvey@aol.com |
5/14 |
www.pwshift.com/bri |
Libraries, Home Education |
Adele Adelson |
Business Week |
1221 Ave Of The Amer |
New York, NY 10021 |
212-628-6700 |
asa@aol.com |
On Site |
Vanessa Ira |
Business Wire |
40 East 52nd Street, 19/F |
New York, NY 10022 |
212-752-9600 |
212-752-9084 |
On Site |
www.businesswire.com |
wireless |
Susanne Bjorner |
Choice Magazine |
100 Riverview Center |
Middletown, CT 06457 |
860-347-6933 |
sbjorner@ala-choice.org |
On Site |
Amitava Dutta-roy |
Spectrum |
P.O. Box 5496 |
NY, NY 10185-5496 |
718 297 9623 |
718 297 9623 |
a.dutta-roy@ieee.org |
5/8 |
Networking |
Maria Cristina Arduino |
ComBizPress |
P.O. Box 5496 |
NY , NY 10185-5496 |
718 297 9623 |
718 297 9623 |
5/8 |
Netsworks and contents |
Joseph Romero |
Culturekiosque.com |
164 Madison Avenue, FIfth Floor |
New York, NY 10016-5411 |
212 447 53 82 |
212 447 54 77 |
jromero@culturekiosque.com |
5/14 |
www.culturekiosque.com |
Products, trends, electronic publishing |
Kalki Gaur |
Cyber TV Times |
36-01 36th Ave |
Long Island City |
718-784-8555 |
718-784-8901 |
Cybertv@cedarcap.com |
On Site |
Louis Belsky |
Cyberplan Magazine |
1274 49th Street Suite 256 |
Brooklyn, NY 11219 |
718-853-1542 |
718-435-4619 |
twozies@ix.netcom.com |
5/14 |
cyberplan-mag.com |
Education |
Ruth Orenstein |
Cyberskeptic's Internet Res |
1253 Highland Ave. |
Needham, MA 02492 |
781-444-1154 |
ruth@bibliodata.com |
On Site |
Albert Yamada |
Dempa Publications |
1000 Connecticut Ave NW |
Washington, DC 20036 |
202-296-4484 |
202-293-3060 |
4/21 |
None |
Company news |
Dave Burstein |
DSL Prime |
420 West 119th |
NY, NY 10027 |
212-555-1212 |
212-555-1212 |
daveb@dslprime.com |
4/21 |
www.dslprime.com |
net |
Jennie Bourne |
DSL Prime |
420 West 119th |
NY, NY 10027 |
212-555-1212 |
212-555-1212 |
daveb@dslprime.com |
4/21 |
www.dslprime.com |
net |
Scott Stein |
Eaton Hall Publishing |
256 Columbia Turnpike |
Florham Park, NJ 07932 |
800-746-9646 |
973-514-5977 |
ssteiln@eatonhall.com |
On Site |
Karim Mostafa |
Editor & Publisher Online |
11 West 19th Street, 10th Floor |
New York, NY 10011-4234 |
212.675.4380, ext. 233 |
212.691.7287 |
kmostafa@editorandpublisher.com |
5/2 |
www.editorandpublisher.com |
William Fitzell |
Exclusive Brands Magazine |
167 Madison Ave. |
New York, NY 10016 |
212-213-6967 |
212-213-6927 |
excbrands@aol.com |
On Site |
Ira Schneiderman |
Fairchild Publications |
7 W. 34th St. |
New York, NY 10001 |
On Site |
James Burnes |
Forensic Panel Letter |
224 W. 30th Street Suite 806 |
New York, NY 10001 |
212-535-9286 |
212-535-3259 |
jburnes@forensicpanel.com |
5/8 |
www.forensicpanel.com |
Forensic Science Information |
Michael Welner M.D. |
Forensic Panel Letter |
224 W. 30th Street Suite 806 |
New York, NY 10001 |
212-535-9286 |
212-535-3259 |
jburnes@forensicpanel.com |
5/8 |
www.forensicpanel.com |
Forensic Science Information |
Alicia Hills Moore |
Fortune |
Time & Life Bldg |
New York, NY 10020-1393 |
212-522-2026 |
alicia_moore@fortunemail.com |
On Site |
Jeff Sievers |
Government Video |
460 Park Avenue South |
NY, NY 10016 |
212-378-0432 |
212-378-2160 |
sievers@psn.com |
On Site |
www.gvmag.com |
Video in the public service |
Jo-Ann Jacobs |
Hospitality Tech Advisor |
165 West Putnam Avenue |
Greenwich, CT 06830 |
203 863-1997 |
203 869-3727 |
jacobs99@aol.com |
5/14 |
none |
business & financial info utilization |
Doug McClure |
On Site |
Dave Miles |
Image Publishing, LLC |
70 Danbury Road |
Wilton, CT 06897 |
203 7622212 |
203 7621157 |
dmiles@imagepub.net |
On Site |
www.imagingprofessional.com |
imaging and workflow technologies |
Michael Kennedy |
Image Publishing, LLC |
70 Danbury Road |
Wilton, CT 06897 |
203 7622212 |
203 7621157 |
mkennedy@imagepub.net |
On Site |
www.imagingprofessional.com |
imaging and workflow technologies |
Tefko Saracevic |
Info Proc & Mgmt/ Rutgers |
4 Huntington St. |
New Brunwsick, NJ 08903 |
732-932-8017 |
ipm@scils.rutgers.edu |
On Site |
David Shinwell |
Information Highways |
1999 Avenue Rd, # 102 |
Toronto ONT, M5M 4A5 |
416-488-7372 |
416-488-7078 |
On Site |
Hal Schimel |
Inside Media |
5910 Overseas Blvd. |
Woodside, NY 11377 |
718-926-4141 |
On Site |
Luther Brown |
Invisible Worlds |
1179 N. McDowell Blvd. |
Petaluma, CA 94954 |
707/789-3723 |
707/789-3710 |
lbrown@invisible.net |
5/8 |
none |
Information Technology |
Tim Davies |
Invisible Worlds |
1179n Mcdowell Blvd. |
Petaluma, CA 94954 |
707-789-3723 |
707-789-3710 |
lbrown@invisible.net |
On Site |
Dorita Bolger |
Journal Of Interlibrary Loan |
McGill Library, Westminster College |
New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001 |
On Site |
E. Summer |
Laser Publishing Group |
Planetarium Station, POB 502-LP |
New York, NY 10024-0502 |
917-477-4906 |
917-477-4906 |
DinoPress@Juno.Com |
4/21 |
NONE several- |
publsihing, advertising, all online |
R. Russell |
Laser Publishing Group |
Planetarium Station, POB 502-LP |
New York, NY 10024-0502 |
917-477-4906 |
917-477-4906 |
DinoPress@Juno.Com |
4/21 |
NONE several- |
publsihing, advertising, all online |
Eric Bryant |
Library Journal |
245 W 17th St. |
New York, NY 10011 |
212-463-6823 |
bryant@lj.cahners.com |
On Site |
Teresa Alencar Silva |
Lusus Magazine |
P.O. Box 605 |
New York, NY 10116 |
212-661-3344 |
212-661-3622 |
lus-silva@usa.net |
On Site |
Bruce W. Marcus |
Marcus Letter |
60 Deepwood Rd |
Easton, CT 06612 |
203 459-2993 |
203 459-2998 |
marcus@marcusletter.com |
5/2 |
marcus@marcusletter.com |
Professional and financial services |
Malcolm Dean |
Maximum Linux Magazine |
1015 Gayley Ave #1229 |
Los Angeles, CA 90024-3424 |
323-876-8559 |
213-401-2197 |
malcolmdean@earthlink.net |
5/2 |
www.maximumlinux.com |
M. Melillo |
Meditext |
On Site |
James Chladek |
Metro Access |
204 E 23rd St., 2nd Fl |
New York, NY 10010 |
212-576-1550 |
212-576-1839 |
On Site |
Trent Gough |
New York Insider |
GPO Box 1846 |
NY, NY 10116-1846 |
212-245-6757 |
212-245-6757 |
nyinsidermag@hotmail.com |
4/21 |
none |
technology |
Marion DS Dreyfus |
New York Jewish Post |
212.580.8723 |
212.573.7602 |
dreyfusmarion@hotmail.com |
5/2 |
Douglas Faherty |
NJBIZ.com |
104 Chruch Street |
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 |
732-246-5707 |
732-249-8952 |
5/2 |
http://www.njbiz.com |
New Jersey technology companies |
D Morgan |
NY Jewish Post |
On Site |
Nancy Garman |
OnLine Inc |
303 Holly Creek |
Anderson, GA 29621 |
864-222-9311 |
Nancyg@onlineinc.com |
On Site |
Bill Mickey |
Online Magazine |
213 Danbury Road |
Wilton, CT 06897 |
203/761-1466 |
203/761-1444 |
On Site |
Fax |
www.onlineinc.com/onlinemag |
knowledge management |
Bob Miko |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 |
203-378-2803 |
203-389-8019 |
bmiko@pacificdialogue.com |
4/21 |
www.pacificdialogue.com |
Japan |
Kathryn Pinto |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 |
203-378-2803 |
203-389-8019 |
Kathryn_pinto@pacificdialogue.com |
4/21 |
www.pacificdialogue.com |
Japan |
Al Kaff |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 |
203-378-2803 |
203-389-8019 |
akaff@pacificdialogue.com |
4/21 |
www.pacificdialogue.com |
Japan |
Bob Miko |
Pacific Dialogue |
33 Ferry Court North |
Stratford, CT 06615 |
203-378-2803 |
On Site |
Raymond Kim |
Pacific Times |
605 w. Olympic Bl. #210 |
L.A., CA 90015 |
213-623-0022 |
213-623-5335 |
kimbee@altavista.com |
4/21 |
internet |
Deborah Kaplan |
Patient Care |
Five Paragon Drive |
Montvale, NJ 07645-1742 |
201-358-7244 |
201-722-2667 |
Deborah_kaplan@medec.com |
On Site |
Joanna King |
Personal Computer Show |
P.O. Box 20025 |
New York, NY 10017-0001 |
212-293-4385 |
king@cisny.com |
On Site |
Joe King |
Personal Computer Show |
P.O. Box 20025 |
New York, NY 10017-0001 |
212-599-3225 |
pcradio@usa.net |
On Site |
Bill Schiffner |
Photographic Processing Magazine |
445 Broad Hollow Road |
Melville, NY 11747 |
631-845-2700 |
bill.schiffner@cygnuspub.com |
On Site |
Gayle O'Connor |
Pro2net, Professional Resources.Net Speed |
1730 Minor Ave. # 1900 |
Seattle, WA 98101 |
On Site |
William Cody |
Public Relations Review |
100 Prospect Street |
Stamford, CT 06904 |
203-323-9606 |
bryant@lj.cahners.com |
On Site |
Steven Steinberg |
S.J.S. Enterprises TV Series DAZZLE UNLIMITED- |
POBox 740373 |
Rego Park, NY 11374-0373 |
- |
-- |
tv@dazzleunlimited.com |
4/21 |
None |
Information technologies in general |
Lionel Slater |
SA Investments |
POBox 120 |
NY, NY 10014 |
212-982-7332 |
On Site |
Renee Olson |
School Library Journal |
245 W. 17th St. |
New York, NY 10011 |
rolson@slj.cahnes.com |
On Site |
Mark Walter |
Seyboldreports.Com |
P.O. Box 644 |
Media, PA 19063 |
610-565-2480 |
mwalter@seyboldreports.com |
On Site |
Dolly Nielsen |
Silicon Alley Station |
nielsen@siliconalley.net |
5/14 |
siliconalley.net |
Bob Ponce |
Silicon Alley Station |
bob@siliconalley.net |
5/14 |
siliconalley.net |
Deidra McIntyre |
Silicon Alley Station |
deidra@siliconalley.net |
5/14 |
siliconalley.net |
David Sutcliffe |
Sport Outdoors |
121 W. 72nd St., # 16d |
New York, NY 10023 |
212-595-3219 |
On Site |
Robert Anthony |
Stadium Circle Features |
335 Court St., #85 |
Brooklyn, NY 11231 |
718-797-0210 |
718-797-0210 |
newyorkbob@prodigy.net |
On Site |
New products & services |
Miles Brown |
Syn News Services |
32-43 88th St. |
Jackson Hts, NY 11372 |
718-429-5511 |
On Site |
Julie Adkinson |
3630 Stonewall Drive |
Atlanta, GA 30339 |
678 457-8620 |
(253) 276-7462 |
julie@techlinks.net |
5/2 |
www.techlinks.net |
electronic commerce |
Ellen Depasquale |
Technocopia, Inc. |
91-03 218th Street |
Queens Village, NY 11428 |
718-217-4522 |
ellen@technocopia.com |
On Site |
Louis Giacalone |
TechScan Newsletter |
111 John Street Suite 210 |
New York, NY 10038 |
212- 233-4594 |
212- 233-4691 |
Techscan@pipeline.com |
4/21 |
none |
All |
Gene Dauber |
Universal News Featu |
575 Grand St., # 1403e |
New York, NY 10002 |
212-254-2862 |
unf@mytalk.com |
On Site |
Deborah Daniels |
Weatherall Green & Smith |
570 Lexington Avenue, 32nd Floor |
New York, NY 10022 |
212 758 3131 |
212 980 1977 |
Dxd@weatherallsny.com |
4/21 |
www.weatheralls.co.uk |
technology, internet, venture capital |
Anthony Liversidge |
Wired |
24 E 94 S. #3B |
New York, NY 10128 |
212 534 7371 |
212 202 7653 |
nol2000@textgenie.com |
On Site |
wired.com |
desktop product |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office