PR Info Center |
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, NY August 4-6, 2004 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for Prepaid Market Expo. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors and speakers. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Exhibitor |
Booth |
Contact Name |
Phone |
Web site |
Sponsors |
Blackstone |
www.blackstoneonline.com |
iprepay |
MasterCard International |
www.mastercardinternational.com |
Hypercom Corporation |
www.hypercom.com |
Next Estate Communications, Inc. |
www.nextestate.com |
Exhibitors |
7-11 |
www.7-11.com |
American Express |
www.americanexpress.com |
American Wireless |
www.americanwireless.com |
APEX Voice Communications |
www.apexvoice.com |
Arthur D. Little GmbH |
www.adlittle.com |
Atlantic ACM |
www.atlantic-acm.com |
Atrana Solutions |
www.atrana.com |
Bank of America |
www.bankofamerica.com |
Barnes & Noble, Inc. |
www.bn.com |
Bell World |
www.bellworld.ca |
BellSouth |
www.bellsouth.com |
Best Buy |
www.bestbuy.com |
BetterBuyDesign |
www.betterbuydesign.com |
Blackstone |
www.blackstoneonline.com |
Boston Communications Group, Inc. |
www.bcgi.net |
Cardweb.com |
www.cardweb.com |
Carrius Technologies, Inc. |
www.carriustech.com |
Cisco Systems |
www.cisco.com |
Comverse |
www.comverse.com |
Convenience Store Petroleum |
www.cspnet.com |
Darden Restaurants |
www.darden.com |
Ecount |
www.ecount.com |
European Calling Card Services Association (ECCSA) |
www.eccsa.org |
Encompass Communications |
www.encompasscommunications.com |
www.ewiprepaid.com |
Excel Switching Corp. |
www.xl.com |
Exigent Technology, Inc. |
www.exigentusa.com |
FatPipe |
www.fatpipeonline.com |
Financial Insights |
www.financial-insights.com |
GreenShoe |
www.greenshoe.com |
GTS Prepaid |
www.gtsprepaid.com |
Gyro Communications |
www.gyrocom.com |
www.i-pca.org |
JPMorgan Chase |
www.jpmorganchase.com |
MasterCard |
www.mastercard.com |
Mazda |
www.mazda.com |
Medibank |
www.medibank.com |
Millennium Telecard |
www.mtccard.com |
Verso Technologies (formerly NACT) |
www.verso.com |
National Processing Company (NPC) |
www.npc.net |
Network IP |
www.networkip.net |
Pactolus Communications Software |
www.pactolus.com |
PaySpot/Precept |
www.payspot.com |
PEC Voice Processing Systems |
www.voicesaver.com |
The Pelorus Group |
www.pelorus-group.com |
Perfect Plastic Printing |
www.perfectplastic.com |
Phone + |
www.phoneplusmag.com |
PhoneCharge Inc. |
www.phonechargeinc.com |
PRE Solutions, Inc. |
www.presolutions.com |
Principal Networks, Inc. |
www.principalnetworks.com |
Q Comm |
www.qcomm.com |
Regnum Group |
www.regnumgroup.com |
Safeway |
www.safeway.com |
Tele-Center, Inc. |
www.tciprepaid.com |
TIM Consultants, LLC |
www.TIMconsultants.com |
Total Call International |
www.totalcallusa.com |
Toys R Us |
www.toysrus.com |
Transnexus |
www.transnexus.com |
Unibill |
www.unibill.us |
US Unwired |
www.usunwired.com |
www.vcgtelecom.com |
VeriFone, Inc. |
www.verifone.com |
Verso Technologies (formerly NACT) |
www.verso.com |
Vesta Corp. |
www.trustvesta.com |
VIPNet |
www.vipnet.hr |
Visa |
www.visa.com |
Voiceware Systems |
www.voiceware.com |
WBC Financial Group |
www.wbcfinancial.com |
West Corporation |
www.west.com |
Speaker |
Company |
Phone |
Web Site |
Guthrie Alberts |
National Sales Director |
Phone Charge Inc. |
Steve Bernstein |
Global ACH Market Manager |
J.P. Morgan Chase |
Yvette Bohanan |
Vice President Payments and Risk |
Vesta Corp. |
Alex Calicchio |
Director, Global Stored Value Card |
Toys R Us |
Randy Cherkas |
President |
GTS Prepaid |
Jim Dalton |
Founder & CEO |
TransNexus, Inc. |
Ted Dargan |
Vice President, Emerging Markets |
MasterCard |
Stephen Diamond |
Vice President, Prepaid Products |
Visa |
James Elliott |
Principal |
WBC Financial Group |
Rafael de la Espriella |
Vice President and Chief Information Officer |
BellSouth Columbia |
Corey Feldstein |
Marketing Director |
BellSouth International |
Carl Fisher |
Exigent Technology, Inc. |
Steve Frazee |
Chief Strategist |
Atrana Solutions |
Harry J. Galletly |
President & CEO |
PRE Solutions, Inc. |
Bryan Gaylor |
Director, Operations Information |
Darden Restaurants |
Len Gilbert |
Vice President, Gift Cards |
Barnes & Noble |
Matt Gillin |
Co-Founder & CEO |
Ecount |
Gary Glanz |
Founder & Chief Development Officer |
Greenshoe |
David Guggenheim |
Senior VP, Sales & Marketing |
Unibill |
Eric Johnston |
Director of Marketing |
Mazda North America |
Edward A. Maldonado Esq. |
Principal |
Regnum Group |
Tim McCallum |
Director, New Product & Business Development |
7-Eleven |
Dougal McMillan |
Product Manager, Prepaid Wireless |
Boston Communications Group, Inc. |
Aaron McPherson |
Research Manager |
Financial Insights |
Dr. Steve Menear |
Associate Vice President, Business & Market Strategy |
Comverse |
Tom Miezejeski |
Vice President, Research |
The Pelorus Group |
Steve Mott |
BetterBuyDesign |
Donald Mudrinic |
Group Manager Value Added Services, Marketing |
VIPnet |
Victoria Nipple |
Executive Vice President |
Medibank |
Dan Olstad |
Director of Finance |
Best Buy |
Pete Pattullo |
President & CEO |
Network IP |
Walter Paulsen |
Vice President, Safeway Marketing Services |
Safeway |
Robert Piper |
President & CEO |
US Unwired |
Robert Pons |
President & CEO |
SmartServ Online, Inc. |
Carlos E. Romero |
Vice President, Value-Added Channel |
Hypercom Corporation |
Janet Sancho |
Vice President, Sales |
Blackstone |
Scott Scovel |
Vice President, Prepaid Card Division |
American Express |
Darryl Sladden |
Product Manager |
Cisco Systems |
Judy Reed Smith |
CEO Atlantic |
Steve Streit |
Next Estate Communications |
Steve Suchecki |
Senior Vice President, Gift Cards |
Bank of America |
Karim Taga |
Associate Director |
Arthur D. Little, GMBH |
Chris Tooley |
Chairman |
European Calling Card Service Association (ECCSA) |
Mike Twomey |
Vice President, Product Planning |
Excel Switching Corporation |
Mark Weisleder |
Director, Business Operations |
Bell World |
Jack Williams |
Senior Vice President, Product Management |
National Processing Company (NPC) |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Lexington Marketing International |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office