PR Contacts Marriott Marquis, New York, NY August 26-28, 2002 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for PREPAID MARKETS EXPO 2002. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors and speakers. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Exhibitor Contact |
Exhibitor |
Booth |
Contact |
Telephone |
Website |
Blackstone |
301 |
Clare Morgan |
305-639-9590 |
www.blackstoneonline.com |
cmorgan@blackstoneonline.com |
TCI (Tele-Center, Inc) |
202 |
Mr. Gaby Fraifer |
813-901-5182 |
www.tciprepaid.com |
gabyf@tciprepaid.com |
9278 Communications |
403 |
Mr. Jim Scigliano |
718-887-9278 x. 105 |
www.9278.com |
Jims@9278.com |
E-store Solutions |
515 |
Mr. Jim Scigliano |
718-887-9278 x. 105 |
www.shopestore.com |
Jims@9278.com |
Radiant Telecom |
401 |
Mr. Korhan Aydin |
305-914-3434 |
www.radianttelecom.com |
korhan@radianttelecom.com |
Global Prepaid Alliance, Inc. |
201 |
Ms. Terry Carcabasis |
888-750-1187 ext. 215 |
www.gpa.net |
terry@gpa.net |
Prepaid Online.com |
707 |
Ms. Terry Carcabasis |
888-750-1187 ext. 215 |
www.prepaidonline.com |
terry@gpa.net |
PhoenixSoft |
210 |
Mr. Paul Amick |
925-373-9100 |
www.phoenix-soft.com |
pamick@phoenix-soft.com |
Southern Communications |
208 |
Ms. Sondra Williams |
1-800-961-6628 |
sondrawill39@aol.com |
Voiceware Systems |
603 |
Mr. Brian Betron |
561-655-1770 x. 12 |
www.voiceware.net |
brian@voiceware.net |
Axion Communications |
203 |
Maurice R. Steif |
877-431-9433 |
www.axion-communications.com |
mrsteif@axion-communications.com |
www.innovative-telecom.com |
ePhone Telecom |
505 |
Rob Case |
703-787-7000 |
www.ephonetelecom.com |
rob.case@ephonetelecom.com |
American Payment Systems |
605 |
Laurie Semrau |
203-407-4007 |
www.apsnet.com |
laurie_semrau@apsnet.com |
Encompass Communications |
607 |
Bill Ritter |
903-323-4512 |
www.en-card.com |
bill@ecllc.com |
United Prepaid Network |
509 |
Shawn Lane |
972-346-9117 |
shawn@unitedprepaid.net |
UTA/Union Telecard Alliance |
302 |
Janeth Sabalza |
1-800-409-0819 |
www.uniontelecard.com |
sabalza@corp.idt.net |
PHONE+ Magazine |
118 |
Brandy Pfalmer |
1-990-480-9948 |
www.phoneplusmag.com |
brandyp@vpico.com |
N.E.T. |
206 |
Wendy Nguyen |
1-800-818-3300 x.408 |
www.netincusa.com |
wendyn@netincusa.com |
www.netinternet.com |
Clifton Telecard Alliance |
501/503 |
Mustafa Qattous |
1-800-231-1961 |
www.cliftontelecard.com |
qattous@cliftontelecard.com |
Tele-Pak, Inc. |
101 |
Jack Steinmetz |
1-845-426-2300 |
www.tele-pak.com |
jack@tele-pak.com |
International Prepaid Communications Association |
116 |
Howard Segermark |
202-544-4448 |
www.I-pca.org |
howard@I-PCA.org |
511 |
Gina Convey |
801-802-3000 |
www.nact.com |
gconvey@nact.com |
Worldwide Telco |
513 |
Ronit Elbaz |
718-520-8200 |
www.wwtelco.net |
ronit@wwtelco.net |
Lucent Technologies |
713 |
Pam Shapiro |
508-862-3000 |
www.lucent.com |
pshaprio@lucent.com |
Total Call International |
601 |
Andy Tan |
800-330-6895 |
www.totalcallusa.com |
andyt@totalcallusa.com |
Tele-Digital |
612 |
Blaise Dealoia |
410-280-0840 |
bdealoia99@yahoo.com |
WorldxChange Corporation |
611 |
Karen Rutherford |
858-547-5577 |
karen.rutherford@worldxchange.com |
Speaker Contact |
Speaker |
Title |
Company |
Telephone |
Tim McCallum |
Director, Services |
7-Eleven, Inc. |
214-828-7318 |
tmccal01@7-11.com |
Richard Harding |
Chief Operations Officer |
9278 |
718-887-9278 |
richard@9278.com |
Mark Wagner |
AllSwitch |
925.398.0799 925.398.0798 |
mwagner@allswitch.com |
Karim Taga |
Senior Manager |
Arthur D. Little GmbH |
[43] 6642307189 |
taga.karim@adlittle.com |
Lawrence Scott Cohen |
Chief Advocate - Regulatory & Legislative Affairs |
AT&T Corp. |
614-789-8611 614-789-8990 |
lscohen@att.com |
Michael Radovich |
Director, End User Product Development |
AT&T Wireless |
425-580-8190 |
michael.radovich@attws.com |
Gary T. Rhodus |
Chairman, President & CEO |
Atlantax Systems, Inc. |
770-458-1050 770-455-6239 |
grhodus@atlantax.com |
Mason Harris |
President |
Atlantic Payphone Association |
301-468-0385 301-468-0387 |
mharris@adsontarget.com |
Brian DuCharme |
Senior Product Manager |
Boston Communications Group, Inc |
781-904-5000 |
bducharme@bcgi.net |
Roger Kennealy |
Product Manager, Voice Technology Group |
Cisco Systems |
408-525-3355 |
rkenneal@cisco.com |
Marc Chocol |
ComOne |
marc@intertel1.com |
Speaker |
Comverse |
Ron Hay |
Dial World Network |
marc@intertel1.com |
Mary Walker |
equitel, Inc. |
919-419-7741 |
Vinay Dhar |
Product Manager - Charging Solutions |
Ericsson CMS services unit |
720-482-8531 720-482-8600 |
vinay.dhar@ericsson.com |
André Kopostynski |
Director of Marketing |
Ericsson CMS services unit |
720-482-8517 720-482-8600 303-808-8812 |
andre.kopostynski@ericsson.com |
John Verlinden |
Regional Sales Support Manager for North America |
Ericsson, Inc. |
972 583 1579 214 566 6218 |
john.verlinden@ericsson.com |
Eddie Pena |
President |
Everything Prepaid Inc |
305-229-1397 305.610.5381 |
pena1219@bellsouth.net |
Gilles Lisimaque |
Senior Vice President & Co-Founder |
Gemplus |
301-320-1158 301-320-5146 240-731-4585 |
gilles.lisimaque@gemplus.com |
Michelle Williams |
Wireless Marketing |
Gemplus |
972-930-6037 972-726-1868 |
michelle.williams@gemplus.com |
Silas Peterson |
e-business Director |
Global Prepaid Alliance |
504-831-5090 504.258.9636 |
silas@gpa.net |
Frank Squilla |
Director of Sales |
GTS Prepaid |
856-797- 3434 856-797- 3442 |
Squilla@gtsprepaid.com |
Lester N. Shafran |
Executive Director |
Independent Payphone Association of New York |
718-776-8179 718-776-6365 |
ipanyservices@worldnet.att.net |
Jim Rott |
President & CEO |
iNexcom |
561-466-3232 |
jrott@inexcom.com |
Ankur Lal |
InfoZech |
703-467-9480 703-467-9008 |
ankur@infozech.com |
Howard Segermark |
Executive Director |
International Prepaid Communications Association |
202-544-4448 202-547-7417 |
howard@I-PCA.org |
Steven Chou |
VP & General Manager, Sales (Americas) |
iSoftel, Inc |
(213) 489-6886 (213) 624-8113 |
Steven_chou@isoftel.com |
Souheil Gallouzi |
VP, Product Development |
Leap |
858-882-6023 619-890-3560 |
sgallouzi@leapwireless.com |
Boris Simkovich |
President |
Light Management Consulting |
215 369 5416 215 369 5417 |
boris.simkovich@light-mc.com |
Mark Horne |
President |
LJT Management Services, Inc |
858-673-7227 |
mhorne@ljtusa.com |
Mike Twomey |
VP of Marketing and Business Development |
Lucent Technologies |
508-862-3000 |
mtwomey@lucent.com |
Mahesh Hinduja |
Founder |
MaGlobe |
408-730-9854 408-730-9853 |
mahesh@maglobe.net |
Len Bittner |
President |
Maverick Telecom Consultancy & Brokerage |
760-533-9988 619-374-2946 760-533-9988 |
lenbittner@sprintmail.com |
Fabrice Masson |
Prepaid Marketing Manager |
Orange France |
[33] 155-2221-87 |
fabrice.masson@francetelecom.com |
Daniel Torras |
Director, Latin America |
Pyramid Research |
617-494-1515 617 494 8898 |
dtorras@pyr.com |
John Hickey |
Marketing Director |
Q Comm International |
801 226-4222 801 222-9555 |
john@qcomm.com |
Lynn Roy Thackeray |
Chief Operating Officer |
Q Comm International |
801 226-4222 801 222-9555 |
Keith Kegley |
Slingshot Communications, Inc |
206-826-1880 |
keith@slingshotprepaid.com |
Randy Vanderhoof |
President |
Smart Card Alliance |
609-587-4208 609-587-4248 609-731-8251 |
rvanderhoof@smartcardalliance.org |
Alexandre B. Bouton |
Attorney |
Technology Law Group |
202-895-1707 202 244-8257 |
abbouton@tlgdc.com |
Ray Valmé |
Telecom Dynamics |
305.278.6175 305-574-7881 305-807-9650 |
RayValme@telecomdynamics.net |
Susan Mazonson |
Founder & President |
TeleCom Services |
212-580-0022 212-580-8361 |
Susan@telecomservicesus.com |
Tom Miezejeski |
Senior Consultant |
The PELORUS Group |
732-573-0473 |
tmiezejeski@pelorus-group.com |
Patrick Moriarty |
Chief Executive Officer |
United Prepaid Network |
972.346.9117 |
phonecards@pacbell.net |
Neal M. Burns, Ph.D., |
Professor |
University of Texas |
512.471.8160 512.799.6605 |
nburns@mail.utexas.edu |
Dr. Moises Goldman |
COO & Vice President Strategic Planning |
VoiceCue Technologies |
773-481-5657 773-481-5670 |
goldman@voicecue.com jculter@townsendagency.com |
Keith Diveley |
Senior Vice President, SwiftPay |
Western Union |
720-332-3576 |
keith.diveley@firstdatacorp.com |
Knox Bricken |
Analyst, Wireless Mobile Services |
Yankee Group |
617-880-0289 617-368-9590 |
kbricken@yankeegroup.com |
BusinessWire |
CyberAlert |
Internet Wire |
Lexington Marketing International |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office