Contacts |
Georgia World Congress Center Atlanta, GA March 5-7, 2001 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for TRAINING 2001 and Presentations 2001. Feel free to contact any of these exhibitor representatives directly. |
Bob |
Exhibitor |
B# |
Contacts |
Email |
Phone |
24/7 University Inc. |
1951 |
Alex Watson Paul Rafferty |
paul@hmpr.com |
972-717-9170 |
3CX |
403 |
Richard Lee |
richard.lee@3cx.com |
408-369-6820x55 |
3M |
2131 |
Fran Upton |
512-9847144 |
A4Learning.com |
1725 |
Paul Sheehan |
Aberdeen Woods CnC |
1335 |
David Hume |
dhume@awcc.com |
770-487-3122 |
Abovelearning Corp |
1231 |
Judy Bruzus |
Acadio Corp. |
535 |
Terri Hiroshima |
206-225-5034 |
Accent Graphics, Inc. |
2635 |
Katerina Perez |
katerina@accent-graphics.net |
321-242-7438 |
Accenture |
321 |
Laura Richey |
312-6931664 |
Achieve Global |
1502 |
Ann Torres |
ann.torres@achieveglobal.com |
813-597-5697 |
ACT Inc |
2043 |
Edward Clifton |
319-3371526 |
Active Education |
2049 |
Lori Clarke Susan Kindel Jodi Vann |
loric@activeed.com |
303-233-5300x341 |
Alamo Learning Sys |
1147 |
Grant Wilson |
Allen Interactions |
526 1932 |
Annie Ramirez Annie Busch Robert Zielinski |
aramirez@alleni.com |
952-947-5386 |
AlphaPro |
2738 |
Gudrun Azar |
Alta Language Serv |
1734 |
Arline Kluger |
akluger@altalang.com |
404-240-1808 |
America’s Learning exchange |
1532 |
Jodi Richards |
American College of Comp + Info Sciences |
Lucy Robinson |
205-323-6191 |
American Mgmt. Assn |
2153/527 |
Harris Schanhaut |
hschanhaut@amanet.org |
212-903-8387 |
American Technical Publishers |
1134 |
David Holloway |
708-9571100 |
America's Career Kit |
Beverly Friewdt |
bev.friewdt@csu.mnscu.edu |
877-348-0502 |
America's Learning exchange |
408 |
Jodi Richards |
651-2841225 |
Andromeda Training, Inc. |
1720 |
Kathleen Fox |
919-933-6555 |
Appian Graphics |
2721 |
Allison Lord Mike Kinnaman |
MKinnaman@AppianGraphics.com |
425-882-4532 |
Applied Global
Technologies |
343 |
Todd Jacobson |
toddj@appliedglobal.com |
770-427-3900 |
Arel |
1845 |
Roberta Lynn |
lynn@arel.net |
770-396-8105x203 |
Arthur Andersen |
356 |
Joyce Steel |
630-4445350 |
Arthur Anderson Virtual Learning Network |
2011 |
Brian McNamara |
ASK International |
852 |
Eric Parks |
916-536-1276 |
ASK International |
1533 |
Samadhy Moises Coots |
samadhy.m.coots@askintl.com |
916-536-1278 |
ASP Learning |
1625 |
Mike Korf |
770-5909858 |
1319 |
Daryl Everett |
703-8385846 |
Astound |
2421 |
Eva Gooderham Julie Mousel |
julie@sspr.com |
Astound Inc. |
Kalyna Yosypiv |
kalynay@astound.com |
416-207-0605 |
Atlanta's DeKalb CVB |
1326 |
Jeffrey Mills |
jeffm@dcvb.org |
404-687-2576 |
Audience Response Sys |
2329 |
Debbie Miner |
1437 |
Jorge Navea |
Avaltus, Inc. |
1154 |
Melissa Gunsberg |
mgunsberg@avaltus.com |
973-326-8989 |
AVS Projector Doctors |
2332 |
Dawn Taylor |
Aztec Software Assoc |
1905 |
Geraldine Kaplan |
jeri@aztecsoftware.com |
973-258-0011 |
B&H Photo-Video-Pro Audio |
2620 |
Rose Friedman |
BARCO Projection Systems America |
2427 |
Lori Bauer |
Baydon Solutions |
1742 |
Margaret Blake Marshall.Reese |
mrossiter@baydon-solutions.com Marshall.Reese@edelman.com |
353-163-96-666 |
Beach Associates |
Keith Valeri |
kvaleri@beachassociates.com |
703-812-8813 |
Binary Research Intl |
2636 |
Jim Szopinski |
Blackboard |
601 |
Courtney Caro |
Block Petrella Weisbord |
1043 |
Barbara Paskow |
732-6804300 |
Bob Pike Group |
Nancy Brenna |
612-829-2671 |
Boniva Software |
Nina Clymer |
nclymer@boniva.com |
408-844-8800 |
Booher Consultants |
1901 |
Vernon Rae |
817-318-6000 |
Books 24/7 |
Pamela Boiros |
pboiros@books24x7.com |
781-440-9355 |
Boxlight |
2326 |
Joanne Luttrell Melissa Ragan |
mraganqb@hotmail.com> |
360-779-7901x225 |
Brandon-Hall |
854 |
Shelli Lissick |
952-997-4391 |
Broadcast Int'l |
449 |
Burt Jepson |
burt.jepson@brin.com |
801-567-3238 |
Business Literacy Inst |
1947 |
Karen Berman |
kberman@business-literacy.com |
310-312-9929 |
Caliber |
1935 |
Peggy Hale |
peggy.hale@caliber.com |
410-8431083 |
Capella University |
1117/2008 |
Kate Becker Tom Clemmens |
kbecker@capella.edu |
612-252-4303 |
Career Systems IntL |
2004 |
Kay Tomasko |
hq@csibka.com |
800-577-6916 |
CCI Assessment Group |
520 |
Larry Cipolla |
612-944-3738 |
CeleXx |
1435 |
Robert Williamson |
robertwilliamson@celexx.com |
803-926-9511 |
CeleXx Performance Media Group |
2113 |
Hill Davis John Kleis
johnklies@celexx.com |
Cenquest |
Beth Boston |
bboston@cenquest.com |
503-276-7973 |
Centra Software |
709 |
Drew McGrady |
781-994-1084 |
Centurion Systems |
334 |
Dusty Woodall |
404-9293342 |
Chauncey Group Intl |
741 |
Dave Kniffin Judy Lauter |
dkniffin@chauncey.com |
609-720-6575 |
Chief Manufacturing |
2521 |
Liz Barker |
lizs@chiefmfg.com |
952-259-4077 |
click2learn.com (Asymetrix Lear) |
1501 |
Jody Pacitti |
425-6375871 |
CMD Services |
1039 |
Heather Crygier |
678-4752104 |
Coastal Training Techno |
2021 |
Steven Spencer |
757-6314387 |
Comp USA |
1921 |
Gillian Harris |
972-982-4281 |
Comp USA |
1125 |
Tanique Taylor |
tanique_taylor@compusa.com |
972-982-4057 |
Competence Software |
1726 |
Larry Brenan |
lbyrnes@competencesw.com |
603-224-9518 |
Competitive Solutions |
2227 |
John Pyecha |
csi@competitive-solutions.net |
770-667-9071 |
Computer &
Technology S |
306 |
Christine Williams |
information@catslle.net |
800-259-9772 |
Convene.com |
1637 |
Kelly Bettcher |
Convene.com |
1727 |
Laura Hietpas |
415-625-1604 |
Convergent Media Sys |
2055 |
Sandy Schlenk |
schlenks@convergent.com |
404-231-8340 |
Corbis - Biz Presenter |
2822 |
Steven Maron Marc Osborn Fridgen, Michelle jill knisely Root, Liz Sheehy, Regan |
marco@corbis.com Michelle.Fridgen@edelman.com jill.knisely@edelman.com Liz.Root@edelman.com Regan.Sheehy@edelman.com |
212-375-7311 |
Corporate University
Ex |
1418 |
David Berk |
dberk@corpu.com |
212-213-2828 |
Course Technology |
310 |
Jennifer Parker |
617-7578112 |
Creative Training Excell Eagle's Flight |
635 |
Sheila A Cousins |
519-7671747 |
Creative Training
Techniques - Bob Pike Group |
Marty Moynihan |
nbreana@bobpike.group.com |
952-829-1954 |
Crisp Publications |
1601 |
Steven Garza |
steven@crisplearning.com |
650-323-6100x104 |
CrossTec Corporation |
1242 |
Rick Shultz Turner Dean |
rick@crossteccorp.com |
561-391-6560 |
Current Works Inc |
2628 |
Mauren Guardi Bob Schroyer |
bob@currentworksinc.com |
847-526-1121 |
Cybermax, Inc. |
346 |
Phillip L. Zoller |
904-2812200 |
D.E.I. Management Gr |
1021 |
Tina Bradshaw |
212-581-7390 |
Dartnell Corporation |
2205 |
Florence Alexander |
215-784-0941 |
Dave Bruno's Success
Gold Card Collection |
824 |
Dave Bruno |
dbruno@gold-mind.com |
414-421-0200 |
Delmar (formerly
Thomson Learning) |
1804 |
Alison Cooney Bernadette Gavin |
alison.cooney@delmar.com |
518-464-3537 |
Deloitte Consulting |
1037 |
Kerry Daniel |
Digital lava |
Linda Jacard |
Digital Lava |
755 |
Catherine Griffin Norma Rosenfield |
norma@rosenfieldpr.com |
310-577-0200 |
Digital Pipe |
Britt Daino Mai Tran |
mai@digitalpipe.net |
310-406-8203 650-212-5118 |
Digital think |
1413 |
Allison Saget |
allisons@digitalthink.com |
415-625-9126 |
Digital Think |
Cristin Valladolin |
DKSystems |
1413 |
Corey Kripke Angelia Darnbrough |
ADarnbrough@DKSYSTEMS.com |
312-645-4312 |
Docent, Inc. |
911 |
Jeanne Laber |
jlaber@docent.com |
510-482-8770 |
Domain Knowledge |
656/1124 |
Jo O'Reilly |
oreilly@domainknowledge.com |
416-597-2733 |
Draper, Inc. |
2525 |
Julie Bundy |
jbundy@draperinc.com |
765-987-7999 |
DuPont - Virtual-Workshops |
2155 |
Steve Case |
610-370-9121 |
Easy Audio Video |
3015 |
James Conerton |
Echo3 |
Jill Kaz |
jill@echo3newmedia.com |
847-537-7400x131 |
edCenter by Training Assoc |
1536 |
Dawn Madden |
Educational & Business Sys |
1233 |
Dieter Beaugrand |
941-697-0780 |
Educational Multimedia |
1621 |
Paula Spies |
781-6638261 |
EduNeering |
2229 |
Cindy Henson |
267-7570770 |
Effectiveness Dimensions Int'l., LLC |
1949 |
John Hanes |
619-4972549 |
eKnowledge |
308 |
Julie Burke |
jburke@eknowledge.com |
909-372-2800 |
ElectroRent |
302 |
Sara Taub |
staub@electrorent.com |
818-374-6243 |
ElementK |
1735 |
Patsy Jackson |
patsy_jackson@elementk.com |
716-240-7732 |
Elgia, Inc. |
Stacey Scott |
staceys@eigia.com |
408-719-0486 |
1906 |
Christina Chapman |
801-374-3424 |
emergeSmart |
2131 |
Andy Kramer |
eMind.com |
1131 |
Jania Fox |
Emory Conference
Center Hotel |
1340 |
Peter Regan |
sales@ecch.emory.edu |
404-712-6201 |
Employee Development Systems, Inc. |
1136 |
Suzanne Updegraff |
303-2210710 |
Entrinsik, Inc. |
2103 |
Phillip Bunton Karine Michael |
kmichael@morton-beck.com |
919-848-4828 |
EPSON America, Inc. |
2621 |
Cindy Duncanson |
562-290-4000 |
eScene Networks, Inc. |
447 |
Christa Chiacos Kali Coffman |
kcoffman@escene.com |
415-901-4127 |
e-train |
849 |
Natosha Culpepper |
tculpepper@etrain.com |
770-998-9999x235 |
Eureka! Ranch |
324 |
Maggie Nichols |
maggie@eurekaranch.com |
513-271-9911 |
ExamWeb |
1955 |
Grace Huang |
Experient Technologies |
320 |
Hampton Ford |
804-359-6888 |
Extended DiSC NA. Inc. |
1446 |
Markku Kauppinen |
m.kauppinen@extendeddisc.com |
504-482-5478 |
Extended Stay America |
2622 |
Missy Owens |
Fairfield Language
Technologies |
440 |
Martin Violette |
swood@trstone.com |
540-432-6166 |
Fast Image |
943 |
Dale King |
dking@nrepub.com |
404-765-0162 |
Franklin Covey |
1710 |
Tricia Maddox |
admont@franklincovey.com |
801-817-4184 |
Friesen, Kaye & Assoc |
1701 |
Kathy Beaudoin |
613-829-3412 |
Ge.world Transware |
2020 |
Cary Stratton |
leah.ocarroll@geworld.com |
978-462-5635 |
Gemini Learning Systems |
326 |
James Fell |
jamesf@gemini.com |
403-263-8649 |
General Dynamics |
1427 |
Jean Hale |
508-8804030 |
Generation 21 Learning
Systems |
1035 |
Leslie Moore |
leslie.moore@gen21.com |
303-233-2100 |
Geolearning.com |
1121 |
Spencer Thornton |
willh@geolearning.com |
800-970-9903 |
GeoMetrix Data Systems |
1507 |
Koglen Moodley |
Geometrix Data Systems |
Koglen Moodley |
gForce Systems |
1717 |
Dixie Clow |
Global English Corporation |
2435 |
Julia Hutchinson |
Global Knowledge |
942 |
Cybil Witkowski Linda Shellender |
cybil.witkowski@globalknowledge.com linda.shellender@globalknowledge.com |
610-337-8878x2235 610.337.8878 x2112 |
Global Learning
Systems |
2247 |
Ron Thorsen |
ronthorsen@globallearningsystems.com |
908-696-1789 |
Goal/QPC |
1126 |
Monique Smith |
603-890-8800 |
GoTrain.net |
541 |
Mysti Horwath |
jwhipple@tenera.com |
208-524-8107 |
GP |
Aleshia Humphries |
ahumphries@genphysics.com |
321-267-5253 |
GpeLearning Technologies |
2003 |
Aleshia Humphries |
321-2675253 |
Gradepoint |
Trace Farnum |
tfarnum@gradepoint.net |
313-965-8204 |
Great Game of Business |
1124 |
Alexis Brown |
417-8317706 |
GTCO CalComp
Peripherals |
Lindsay Mann |
lmann@gtcocalcomp.com |
410-381-6688 |
Gussco Manufacturing |
309 |
Diane Crosby |
718-4927900 |
Gyration Inc. |
2527 |
Marc Harris |
Hampden Engineering |
1120 |
Michael Flynn |
800-2532133 |
Harvard Business School Publishing |
1438 |
Cathy Yeo |
617-7837653 |
Harvard Business School Publishing |
1025 |
Teresa Coppola-Jones |
tcjones@hbsp.harvard.edu |
617-783-7453 |
Hay/McBer |
411 |
Ginny Flynn |
617-4254577 |
Herrmann International |
1647 |
Patricia Herrmann |
pat@hbdi.com |
828-625-9153x306 |
HighTechCampus, Inc. |
1221 |
Bill McVeigh |
214-7440000 |
Hitachi Software |
Vincent Navarrete |
415-951-4754 |
Hitachi Software |
Vincent Navarrete |
cfunk@hitachi-soft.com |
650-615-7660 |
Homewood Suites by Hilton |
427 |
Monica Font |
901-3745789 |
HorizonLive |
1347 |
Robert Rothschild |
1102 |
Janine Bullock |
jbullock@hr.com |
905-727-1340 |
HREvents |
546 |
Paul Nilsen Seth Kerker |
paul.nilsen@hrevents.com |
973-812-5193 |
Hubbard & Revo-Cohen, |
1938 |
Walter Graham |
Human Resource Exec |
2213 |
Sharon Staehle |
215-784-0941 |
Ray Guyot |
rayguyot@compuserve.com |
204-237-6309 |
iBEAM Broadcasting |
2145 |
Diane Cruz |
703-2999787 |
1203 |
Steven Powell Jaclyn Morrell/LP&P Jennifer Snyder |
Jaclyn_Morrell@lpp.com jennifer_snyder@lotus.com |
617-6937851 |
IBT Technologies |
510 |
Cathy Wood Chuck Taylor |
cathy.wood@ibt-technologies.com |
512-327-4899x138 |
Iguana Interactive |
2624 |
Tricia Ayuso |
Tayuso@iguanainteractive.com |
212-937-4332 |
Industrial Training Consultants |
1426 |
Robin Gurnsey |
205-663-4960 |
InFocus Systems, Inc. |
2834 |
Lana Ashworth Judy Piercey Chrisman, Emily |
echrisman@golinharris.com |
Information Mapping |
1430 |
Kerri Shaw Sandya Bhat |
kerries@infomap.com |
781-906-6428 |
Infosource Inc. |
Duke Thompson |
jthompso@isitraining.com |
407-677-0300x285 |
Infotec |
327 |
Shari Tscharanyan |
714-8503239 |
Instruction Set Inc. |
Monique Spence |
508-6519085 |
instructionset |
1902 |
Steven Gentile Randi Tanguay |
monique_spence@instructionset.com randi_tanguay@instructionset.com |
800-874-6738 |
Integrity Systems |
554 |
Rita Westenberger |
Rwestenberger@intergritysystems.com |
800-896-9090 |
Intellinex |
1237 |
Susan Baruffa Heather Zimmerman Niki Campbell Amy Ross |
heather.zimmerman@ketchum.com niki.campbell@ketchum.com amy.ross@ketchum.com |
Interactive Fun! |
725 |
Josh Cavalier Mariellen Boldt |
mariellen@i-fun.com |
704-665-9441 |
Interactive Products Div of Numonic |
2219 |
Al Basilicato |
215-3622766 |
InterCom |
1639 |
Margo Pearson |
281-2981010 |
Interpersonal Tech Gr (ITG) |
446 |
Sylvia Bordzuck Charlie Genduso |
cgenduso@itg-web.com |
516-536-7400x15 |
Interskill Services, Inc. |
1138 |
John Beall |
770-7770051 |
Interwise |
935 |
Renee Cortez Diedre Dardis |
rcortez@interwise.com |
408-748-7800 x2738 |
ISCO Optic |
3116 |
Michael Scheibel |
1135 |
Diane Wharton |
diane.wharton@isopia.com |
416-964-2001x262 |
ITC Learning Corp. |
Brian DiAntonio |
bdiantonio@itclearning.com |
800-638-3757 |
ITrainOnline, Inc. |
821 |
Stacey Scott |
408-719-0486 |
Johnson Printing Service |
Jamie Chanceloa |
jchance@jpsgraphics.com |
Jones e-education /
Jones Knowledge |
707/701 |
Doug Hotopp |
dhotopp@jonesknowledge.com |
303-784-8222 |
JonesKnowledge.com |
1827 |
Kevin Darrah |
303-7848201 |
kaplancollege.com |
743 |
Adrienne Korothy |
212-446-2716 |
1837 |
Steve Kanten |
Ken Blanchard Co |
1111 |
Judy Schietzelt |
760-7396954 |
Kepner-Tregoe Consulting |
1436 |
Roseann Benedict |
609-252-2274 |
Key Resource GroupLLC |
2217 |
Ande McMurtry |
816-805-5337 |
Keystone Learning Sys |
315 |
Ryan McKee |
801-418-6908 |
Knowledge Mechanics |
1247 |
Janese Branski Kate Lord |
klord@knowledgemechanics.com |
616-2331303 |
Knowledge Planet |
921 |
Suzanne Cassel |
scassel@knowledgeplanet.com |
717-790-0400 |
Knowledge Quest |
1229 |
Mark Dawson |
949-376-8150 |
Knowledge Quest |
Jennifer Young |
jennifer@kq.com |
949-376-8150 |
Knowledge Window |
Cathy Malizioso |
cmalizioso@knowledgewindow.com |
609-514-5019 |
Knowledgelinx |
1547 |
Lisabeth Laprairie |
lisabeth@knowledgelinx.net |
613-728-7025x203 |
KnowledgeNet |
1609 |
Gina Kaegi |
gina.kaegi@knowledgenet.com |
KnowledgeNet |
602 |
Shari Pickett Linda VandeVrede |
linda.vandevrede@knowledgenet.com |
480-315-4374 |
KnowledgePlanet |
2107 |
Ellen Jennings |
KnowledgeWindow |
827 |
Cathy Malizioso Shannon Gumpper |
Sgumpper@cmasolutions.com |
609-514-5019 |
La Tour du Faubourg, BGW Multimedia |
555 |
Isabelle Descarreaux |
514-937-5660 |
Latitude360 |
1747 |
Nancy Williams |
Leading Concepts |
1025 |
Jennifer Hohe |
info@leadingconcepts.com |
502-568-2380 |
Leading Technology Micro |
945 |
C.K. Tan |
770-3688988 |
LeadingWay Corp |
1833 |
Nancy Irye |
LeadingWay Corp |
502 |
Bobby Smith |
949-453-1112 |
Learn University.com |
2017 |
Barrett Moore |
Learn2.com |
2123 |
Jason Pickett |
800-842-4723 |
Learnability |
1636 |
Tom Lombardo |
Learnframe |
603 |
Jennifer Upchurch Teresa Almond |
talmond@learnframe.com |
801-984-8664 801-984-8790 |
Learning designs |
1927 |
John Carter Julie Gierahowski |
jgieral@learningdesigns.com |
248-269-0872 |
Learning Library |
919 |
Sabine Steinbrecher |
Learning Manager (TLM) |
313 |
Jeanne Griffen |
865-9387922 |
Learning Net |
349 |
Diane Kans |
diane@learning.net |
818-845-2800x104 |
Learning Tree International |
1055 |
Sue Smith |
703-9257711 |
LearningAction |
415 |
Steve Krauss |
617-6957213 |
LearningByte International |
949 |
Anne Aarness |
612-543-3556 |
Learningware, Inc. |
1705 |
Amber Finke |
amber@learningware.com |
612-904-6878x13 |
LearnIT Corp. |
328 |
Rob Dilbone |
352-3756655 |
Learnkey |
1237 |
Mellisa Schmidt Greg Smith |
mschmidt@learnkey.com |
435-674-9733 |
LearnStream |
1921 |
Kari Dunfield |
Left Coast Interactive |
2026 |
Rusty Schwartz |
415-3891599 |
Lguide.com |
1625 |
Kay Ashton |
1447 |
Mark Hitzer |
Linguistic Systems, Inc. |
1029 |
Phyllis Mitzman |
Linkage |
1416 |
Keith McKinnon |
kmckinnon@linkage-inc.com |
781-402-5454 |
1330 |
Brenda Littell Nina Miller |
littell@lislecvb.com |
630-769-1000 |
Logic Bay |
547 |
Jeremy Bitzan |
612-886-6563 |
Logic Bay Corporation |
1753 |
Andy Strandquist Jeff Dykstra |
astrandquist@logicbay.com |
952-886-6561 |
Macromedia |
1801 |
Liz Ferguson |
Macromedia |
1419 |
Roberta Bucher Catherine Wambach |
CWAMBACH@aol.com |
415-2524914 |
Management: Possible |
1412 |
Jennifer Long |
970-304-9500 |
Communications |
802 |
Carolyn Frith |
cfrith@marastar.com |
610-725-9300 |
Mark David Corp. |
338 |
Deme Jameson |
650-3416504 |
Marriott Conference Ctrs |
1334 |
Todd Sherstad |
301-3803144 |
Mascot Metropolitan |
1145 |
Simon Lee |
650-8737717 |
Masie Center |
Stacy Brownell |
518-5873522 |
McGraw Hill Com |
1313 |
Lida L. Watson |
lida_watson@mcgraw-hill.com |
212-904-5439 |
McGraw-Hill Lifetime
Learning |
1215 |
Jeanne-Marie Casey Amy Anderson |
jeanne-marie_casey@mcgraw-hill.com aanderson@sterlinghager.com |
781-860-6078 |
2734 |
Jill Perardi |
770-449-1001 |
MeasureUP |
652 |
Brenda Kiser |
brenda.kiser@measureup.com |
678-356-5033 |
Media Form |
K. Wallace |
k.wallace-reilly@mediaform.com |
610-458-9200x134 |
Media Magic Inc. |
1700 |
Scott Wilson |
404-250-0599 |
Media1st.com |
803 |
Marshal Hodge |
mhodge@media1st.com |
404-881-9331x207 |
MediaFORM |
2723 |
Kristin DeLoach |
MediaMosiac |
336 |
Krista Bacon |
425-2541724 |
Mentergy |
1001 |
Jane Luger Norman Ainslie |
janel@mentergy.com norma@mentergy.com |
MentorPoint |
1539 |
Jim Weaver |
MentorPoint.com |
1637 |
Phil Nuckolls |
800-2240775 |
Meridia Interactive |
2316 |
Raymond Baker |
MGen |
947 |
Christine Boyle |
Micro Training Assoc |
2233 |
Marilyn Jones |
860-693-7740 |
Mindleaders |
2000 |
Gregg Grimms Marty Soller Nancy Maurer |
Nmaurer@Dix-Eaton.com |
614-880-1641 |
MindRise.com |
1315 |
Debor. M. Brissman |
202-822-1948 |
Minicom USA |
2535 |
Catherin Van Kampan |
Mitsubishi Electronics |
2745 |
Lynn M. Hollister |
Mlink Technologies |
1900 |
Clarke Davis |
cdavis@mlinktech.com |
972-436-0778 |
MSHOW.com |
2312 |
Lisa Zader |
MTa International |
753 |
Justine Thompson |
44193784480 |
MTI Office Systems, Inc. |
2435 |
Brad White |
NCS Pearson |
442 |
Barbara Braesch |
bbraesch@ncs.com |
952-830-7687 |
NETg |
1127 |
Cecily Kowal Clifford, Julia |
clifforj@fleishman.com |
630-5793851 |
New Brunswick Eco Dev |
1301 |
Stephen Kelly |
Nomad Technologies/MTI |
Lisa Sabroski |
lisas@nomadonline.com |
612-854-6565 |
NTU & PBS Business
Technology Network |
703 |
Celia DeBenedictis |
celia@ntu.edu |
970-495-6437 |
NYUonline |
2139 |
Iva Kocijan Mark Hazlin |
mark_hazlin@dkcnews.com |
212-226-2788x37 |
ONE TOUCH Systems |
1501 |
Angie Jinks |
jinks@onetouch.com |
ontimetraining.com |
1643 |
Jon Paul |
330-4222028 |
Opera Multimedia SPA |
Cristina Zublena |
cristina@prometheus.it |
-1648 |
OPTX International |
352 |
Joe Bacchus |
joe@optx.com |
530-899-4109 |
O'Reilly & Assoc |
344 |
Linda Holder |
lholder@oreilly.com |
707-829-0515 |
Overnite Software |
Erika Silva |
esilva@mockingbird.com |
713-621-5905 |
Papertech Marketing |
1746 |
Kristina Omazic Kelly Patters McGrath |
komazic@cram.com |
800-387-3626 |
Pathlore |
1525 |
Megan Elbe Sue Meyer |
melble@pathlore.com |
614-781-9201 |
Pathlore Software |
614-781-7230 |
PC Show and Tell |
1943 |
Joey Bauer |
813-984-7477 |
Peak Quest |
1955 |
Suley Usman |
su@peakquest.com |
770-432-2952 |
Peer3 |
2147 |
Jeff Caton |
510-4648034 |
Peer3 |
503 |
Pinar Kart |
pinar@peer3.com |
800-759-2250x2355 |
Peerless Industries |
2748 |
Frank Briggs |
Pensare, Inc. |
1211 |
Michele Martinez |
Peopleclick /
Criterion |
508 |
Jennifer Beddow |
jeddow@criterioninc.com |
972-401-2100 |
Personnel Decisions |
1434 |
Patti Hatchett |
612-904-7060 |
PHI Enterprises, Inc. |
2230 |
Mark Julian |
714-537-7858 |
Plateau Systems, Ltd |
303 |
Ron McKeown |
703-9340100 |
Platte Canyon Multimedia Software. |
1439 |
Jeff Rhodes |
PolyVision Corporation |
2815 |
Eileen Murphy |
Porter Case, Inc. |
2626 |
Gary E. Pond |
PowerJam |
2019 |
Michel Mittelette |
mittelette@powerjamstudio.com |
949-252-5392 |
PowerJam Studio |
Michel Mittelette |
Presentation Pro |
2536 |
Nicole Miller Ilene Locke Jennifer Weyand |
nikkimiller@presentationpro.com ilenelocke@presentationpro.com weyand@mindspring.com |
678-686-0529 678-686-0533 770-966-8108 |
PresentationMART.com |
2638 |
Adam Gold |
Presenter.com |
2627 |
Eric Vidal |
Presenting Solutions |
2321 |
Alison Rhodes Art Feierman Bob Rhein |
alisonr@presentingsolutions.com presenter@presentingsolutions.com BobRhein@cs.com |
800-701-9869 |
Prime Learning.com |
435 |
Liz Homes |
liz.homes@primelearning.com |
203-969-0880x108 |
Pritchett Rummler –
Brache |
843 |
Robin Harris |
rharris@pritchettnet.com |
972-731-1512 |
Progressive Marketing
/ Premiere Mounts |
2534 |
Miguel Meza Tiffanie Dozier |
tdozier@pmpi.com |
800-368-9700 |
Provant |
903 |
Judy Stipanci |
jstipancic@home.com |
905-336-3332 |
Proximity Learning |
2727 |
Andy Graham |
andy@clrwrks.com |
207-774-2689 |
Quality Group, Inc. |
1444 |
Rachel Stewart |
404-8439525 |
Question Mark Corp |
1800 |
Clare Livezey |
877-4433950 |
Quisic |
955 |
Adrienne Lee Jeremy Kehoe Rakoczy, Dana |
jeremy.kehoe@quisic.com dana.rakoczy@quisic.com |
310-305-4203 |
Raytheon Professional Ser |
Glenn Hillin |
817-619-9002 |
Ready Go |
650-9602957 |
ReadyGo |
1142 |
Anita Rosen Linda Rotolo |
lisa@readygo.com |
650-969-4902 |
Recommended Resources |
Sam |
sam@hrdpress.com |
800-822-2801x132 |
Resource International |
544 |
Stephen Haslam |
713-3051812 |
Results Through
Training |
314 |
Andrea Arterburn Colleen Orchanian |
staff@rttworks.com |
770-751-0812 |
Richardson Co |
621 |
Andres Viroslav |
andres.viroslav@richardsonco.com |
215-940-9255 |
RISC, Inc. |
1106 |
Art Werkenthin |
sales@risc-inc.com |
281-480-7910 |
Riva Technologies |
1321 |
Mitzi Wood |
mitzi.wood@riva.com |
817-595-8877 |
Saba Software |
809 |
Michele Cooke Courtney Ostermann |
COstermann@Saba.com |
650-696-1643 |
Sales and Marketing
Managment |
2231 |
Lynda Roguso |
lroguso@salesandmarketing.com |
646-654-7609 |
2653 |
Barbara Gauharou |
Sasha Corporation |
1317 |
Brenda Corbett |
513-2320002 |
Saybrook Graduate School |
2056 |
Demetry Apostle |
415-3945017 |
Scantron Corporation |
409 |
Sue Charara Brigette Lindstrom |
sue_charara@scantron.com |
714-247-2861 |
Seeitfirst |
1041 |
Brian Le |
ble@seeitfirst.com |
510-413-1914 |
SelfTest Software |
Sonya Amt |
sonyaa@selftestsoftware.net |
770-643-3629 |
Siemens ElectroCom |
1538 |
Dennis Mitchell |
SIGMA Interactive |
2042 |
Ken Covington |
256-3821188 |
Simtrex Corporation |
2048 |
Millie Evans |
mevans@simtrex.com |
678-589-9149 |
SkillScape |
1736 |
Pam Ghai |
250-4757525 |
SkillSoft |
927 |
Dennis Brown |
603-324-3532 |
Skillsoft Corporation |
2053 |
Cynthia Harlow Linda Galloway |
lgalloway@neicommunications.com |
603-324-3000 |
Smark Work/ Network |
342 |
Jane Allen |
jane@smartworknetwork.org |
864-233-3007 |
SMART Technologies, |
1721 |
Laura Munson |
403-2450333 |
SmartForce, formerly CBT Systems |
1441 |
Linda Ware |
650-8175813 |
SMGnet |
1617 |
Amanda Brown |
SocratEase |
1241 |
Ellen Willen |
203-852-4217 |
Sony Electronics |
3122 |
Clint Hoffman |
Sony Electronics, Inc. |
Barbara Gauharou Scott.Gardiner |
Scott.Gardiner@am.sony.com |
Specialized Solutions |
1953 |
Carrie Civatte |
customerservice@specializedsolutions.com |
727-942-1660 |
Spectrum Industries, Inc. |
3022 |
Jim Mosel |
Spherion |
1745 |
James Crumsey |
213-3516508 |
Sterling Ledet & Assoc |
1244 |
Greg Parker |
770-414-5007 |
Sterling Resources |
1140 |
Andrea Locke |
lockea@sterlingnet.com |
201-843-6444 |
Stylus Publishing LLC |
1724 |
Salcor Quines John von Knorring |
salcor@booksintl.com |
703-996-1019 |
1649 |
Sonja Johnson |
sjohnson@sybex.com |
510-523-8233 |
Syntrio |
937 |
Gail Cohan |
Systemation |
514 |
Pam Ward |
303-7561600 |
TalentPoint, Inc. |
1130 |
Rich Ongirski |
Talking Dog Media |
1738 |
Colleen Riedy |
colleenr@talkingdog.com |
425-462-1955 |
Tata Interactive Systems |
2024 |
Vinay Gupta |
212-837-7909 |
TBA Resources |
1704 |
Tom Blodgett |
212-288-1897 |
Tcert, Inc. |
2025 |
Mike Abramowitz |
TEAM Marketing Group |
1903 |
Carolyn Dunbar |
303-2208326 |
TechOnLine |
1111 |
Kim Thornhill |
1027 |
Liz Cason |
540-783-6991 |
Teledyne Brown Eng |
1801 |
Doug Dixon |
256-7265624 |
TellSoft Technologies |
813 |
Kim Silha |
Testrite Instrument Co. |
2634 |
Paula Franqueira |
The Managers Store.com |
1143 |
Donna Capobianeo |
office@themanagersstore.com |
757-428-0758 |
thepowertoknow.com |
1033 |
Andrew Kauser |
312-466-8205 |
1821 |
Tracy Purcell Bena Blakeslee Deb Dargie |
978-671-7517 410 925 4982 410 925 4982 |
Thomson Learning |
1925 |
Tracy Stoehr |
650-6377623 |
Tier Technology Training |
721 |
Teri Bumgardner |
888-2248871 |
TMP Worldwide Learning |
1821 |
Stephanie Mangan |
Tool Thyme for Trainers |
421 |
Brian Deck |
504-8875558 |
Total Information |
445 |
Chris Smith Joe Notar |
chriss@totalinformation.com |
716-254-0621x104 |
Trainers Warehouse |
1003 |
Sue Doctoroff |
508-6533770 |
Trainersoft |
1541 |
Mandy Dempsey |
jeb@trainersoft.com |
919-754-0000 |
Training House |
840 |
Martha Cantwell |
800-822-2801 |
Training House / HRD
Press |
Sam Macleod |
sam@hrdpress.com |
800-860-1361 |
Training Online |
Michael Rener |
abaxter@environin.com |
312-255-8900x104 |
Training Systems |
1702 |
Judith Walker |
910-7920640 |
Trainingonline.com |
553 |
Arthur Baxter |
312-255-8900 |
trainingparner2000 |
2117 |
Karla Willems |
koglen.moodley@trainingparner2000.com |
250-361-9300x26 |
TrainingServer |
2137 |
Julienne Thompson |
TrainSeek.com |
1925 |
Marita Viselli |
TrainSeek.com |
1103 |
Rob Chipman |
801-303-3900 |
Trans-Lux Corporation |
2649 |
Jeff Mondi |
Transparent Language |
820 |
Suzanne Bellmore |
603-262-6309 |
Transtech Interactive
Training |
341 |
Reilly Montgomery Nelly Mataragon |
rmontgomery@transtechinteractive.com |
604-988-0471 |
1847 |
Claudia Bednarek |
UNext.com |
2415 |
Esther Falevits |
UNext.com |
509 |
Karen Russell |
847-405-5000 |
University of Maryland University Col |
Paula Reed |
301-9857000 |
University of Wis Learning Innovations |
1957 |
Nancy Bolen |
608-265-2372 |
VCampus Corporation |
414 |
Jessica Brown Joanne Rasch |
jrasch@vcampus.com |
703-8937800 |
VideoLearning Systems |
2046 |
Debbie Gillespie |
training@videolrn.com |
610-526-9100 |
ViewCentral, Inc. |
819 |
Sandra DiFranco |
ViewSonic |
2315 |
Danielle Feith |
Virtual Learn |
1807 |
Tjoson Tjoa |
VIS Corporation |
1225 |
Andrew Snider |
Vital Learning |
1635 |
Connie Beavers |
connie_beavers@vital-learning.com |
402-592-1602 |
Viviance new education |
719 |
Jessica Thome |
VuePoint Corp. |
747 |
Chad Noel |
516-3908800 |
Walden Institute |
448 |
Colleen Shue |
cshue@waldeninstitute.com |
941-498-7765x5103 |
Wave Technologies |
1149 |
Anne Skelton |
617-757-8287 |
WBT Systems |
2027 |
Karin Silk |
Ksilk@wbtsystems.com |
781-839-2839 |
WebToolset.com |
1627 |
Jeff Wood |
404-2562835 |
Wireless Computing |
2318 |
Paige Ratze Martin Phillips |
512-858-4400 |
Workforce |
727 |
Tiffany Cohen |
cohent@workforce.com |
714-751-1883 |
Worldcom |
1519 |
Kathleen Bolton Andrew Soltys |
kathleen.bolton@wcom.com |
703-341-7739 |
2052 |
Kerry McNamara |
781-229-5837 |
XStream Software |
826 |
Betty Moore |
613-731-9443 |
Ynot Learn |
2035 |
Christine Koch |
christine@ynotlearn.com |
757-431-9787 |
You -niversity.com |
1629 |
Gabriel Bayer |
gabib@you-niversity.com |
703-351-5064 |
ZapIt Media |
2847 |
Dennis Fitzgerald |
dennis@24hrco.com |
703-533-7209 |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office