PR Contacts |
Telecom Business 2000 |
Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA |
April 3-6, 2000 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for Telecom Business 2000 Silicon Valley. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Company |
# |
Show Contact |
Tel |
2ND Contact |
1st American Telecom |
325 |
Rick Nye |
954-925-4432 |
Rick@1americantelecom.com |
20 20 Distributors |
117 |
Eldad Shenesh |
954-525-9923 |
eldad@2020-prepaid.com |
9278 Distributors, Inc. |
205 |
Jim Scigliano |
718-792-5150 |
Jims@9278.com |
A-1 Products |
323 |
David Kaufman |
718-802-0300 |
diesanddie@aol.com |
ACS Telecom |
422 |
Chander Khurana |
516-255-9700 |
acstel@aol.com |
Actuate Corporation |
1547 |
Pam Craven |
650-425-2184 |
Wendy Chien |
wchien@actuate.com |
AIG Telecommunications LLC |
704 |
Eric L. Raab |
201-861-3131 |
Albion International Inc. |
1642 |
Lisa Rock |
770-966-9218 |
lisa@albion-intl.com |
Alcatel |
1211 |
Jane Bixler |
972-477-9369 |
jbixler@dsccc.com |
Alexanders Digital Printing |
229 |
Doyle Mortimer |
801-224-8666 |
Justin Rex |
justinr@alexanders.com |
Allegheny Printed Plastics |
430 |
Dean Boustead |
800-933-4123 |
boustead@allegheny.com |
American Changer |
316 |
Harry Steinbach |
954-917-3009 |
harry@americanchanger.com |
American Print Solutions |
219 |
Clare Morgan/ |
718-965-1104 |
Robin Tobias |
robint@ameriplast.com |
Ameriplast |
509 |
Robin Tobias |
954-984-4800x34 |
robint@ameriplast.com |
Amtel Telecom |
1414 |
Jay Ward |
954-491-1400 |
jay@amteltech.com |
Antec Keptel Products |
727 |
Margaret Anderson |
732-389-8800 |
margaret.anderson@antec.com |
Applied Digital Access |
Lorna Stegall |
eubank@ada.com |
Arbinet |
1219 |
Henricus Cox |
561-988-6833 |
Deena Thomas |
dthomas@arbinet.com |
ASP International Technologies |
1163 |
Cathy Lightsey |
321-777-6377 |
cathy@itrflorida.com |
AT&T Wholesale Markets |
1105 |
Kim Germain |
732-805-6256 |
kgermain@att.com |
Bee Line |
Dan Cook |
dcook@beelineld.com |
BellSouth Operator Services |
601 |
Karen LaBord |
404-927-1592 |
karen.s.labord@bridge.bellsou |
Best Power |
1349 |
Reggie Peck |
608-565-5212 |
Steven Loging |
steve.loging@bestpowergensig.com |
Billing Concepts |
521 |
Angie Kowrek |
210-949-7000 |
angie.kocurek@bic-bill.com |
billserv.com |
1462 |
Carmenza Gamero |
210-402-5058 |
carmenza.gamera@billserv.com |
Blackstone Calling Cards |
305 |
Edward Pena |
305-639-9590 |
Manny Garcia |
sales@blackstonecallingcards |
Bridgepoint International |
1336 |
Francine Bernard |
514-878-1555 |
francinebernard@bpe.net |
Broadmedia |
820 |
Melissa Wiele |
408-617-2086x235 |
melissa_weile@broadmedia.com |
Brugardt & Honomichl & Co. PA |
1139 |
Kevin Honomichl |
913-663-1900 |
kevin.honomichi@ibhc.com |
1447 |
Elvis Oxley |
919-863-7000 |
Andy Shipp |
andy.shipp@btitele.com |
C3 Communications |
1643 |
Brenda Selbold |
512- |
bseibold@c3com.com |
Call Center Technologies, Inc. |
813 |
Dean Vlahos |
203-740-5500 |
Dvlahos@hotmail.com |
CallVision.com |
1157 |
Colin Duffy |
206-352-3055 |
cduffy@callvision.com |
CC&T Technologies Inc. |
617 |
Kelly Rogers |
517-381-8838 |
krogers@cctt.com |
CO Space Services, LLC |
1448 |
Sarah Beaudoin |
617-666-2310 |
Catherine Davies |
cadavies@cospaceservices.com |
Colo Solutions |
704 |
Paula Uselis |
727-789-0268 |
Cston@mindspring.com |
Colo.com |
901 |
Gladys Mar |
650-244-7277 |
Peter Gardner |
pgardner@colo.com |
Communications 2000 |
605 |
Lenn Brown |
504-596-2001 |
Hassan Dabaja |
hdabaja@communitelusa.com |
Communitel, Inc. |
106 |
Hassan Dobaja |
305-220-6966 |
Barbara O. Pons |
bpons@communitelusa.com |
Concord Technologies |
1351 |
Michelle Taylor |
206-256-7557 |
Mtaylor@concordfax.com |
Condor Communications Inc. |
Alvin Segal |
ConferenceCallService |
1262 |
Craig Whalon |
908-317-9100 |
Craigwhalon@conferencecallservice.com |
Congruency |
1325 |
Tova Shneidman |
201-712-5590 |
Tova@congruency.com |
Coyote Network Systems |
1005 |
Al Lewis |
818-735-7600 |
Gaye Mathew |
g.mathew@cyoe.com |
CPI Card Group |
228 |
Karen Kelly |
303-973-9311 |
Bob Clarke |
bclarke@cpicardgroup.com |
D.S. Data Storage, Inc. |
1324 |
Eran Farajun |
416-736-8111 |
Eran_farajun@dstelevaulting.com |
Dallas Com Cntr @ One Main Place |
706 |
Larry Blankenship |
214-744-9800 |
Lblankenship@rakgroup.com |
DATATREND Information Systems |
1019 |
Traci Holman |
303-572-6270 |
Tholman@dtisinc.com |
Rick Nagel |
rnagel@dcawel.com |
Destia Communications |
Daja Herald |
dherald@econo.com |
Devine Communications |
230 |
Doug Devine |
415-749-2630 |
Devcomm@aol.com |
Digitec 2000, Inc. |
413 |
Kim Porreca |
212-782-0867 |
Kimp@digitec2000.com |
DirectNet Telecommunications |
Michelle Machado |
mmachado@directnet.com |
Display Pack, Inc. |
108 |
Roger Vander Zouwen |
616-451-3061 |
DST Innovis |
1353 |
Mary Flake |
916-636-4830 |
Mflake@uscs.com |
DW Smith & Associates |
1236 |
John Ford |
650-349-7725 |
jford@dwsa.com |
EconoPhone/viatel |
318 |
Steve Materia |
888-326-6674 |
Stephen.materia@destia.com |
Encore Enclosure Systems |
1045 |
Luis Gonzalez |
480-705-5590 |
Steve Haworth |
shaworth@encoreusa.com |
Epoch Internet |
John Dillon |
jkdillon@eni.net |
EXCEL Switching |
805 |
Pamela Shapiro |
508-862-8420 |
pshapiro@xl.com |
eXcelon Corp |
1328 |
Debbie Salamone |
781-674-5358 |
Dsalamone@exceloncorp.com |
eXchange |
1017 |
Michael Chapman |
831-768-8888 |
x-change@pachell.net |
Experian |
1233 |
Pam Prenta |
630-932-2780 |
Jela Trivunovic |
Pam.prenta@experian.com |
Fastcomm Communications |
713 |
Tony Crane |
703-318-7750 |
Tcrane@fastcomm.com |
FIKE Protection Systems |
1410 |
Scott F. Ruland |
816-229-3405 |
sruland@fike.com |
First Logic |
1348 |
Jack Christnovich |
608-782-5000 |
jack@firstlogic.com |
First W3 |
421 |
Young Cho |
310-257-8735 |
ycho@firstw3.com |
Focal Communications |
Sarah Berthelsen |
sberthelsen@focal.com |
Franklin Telecom Corporation |
Neil Wynn |
neilw@ftel.com |
Fujitsu Network Communications |
905 |
Mary Kay Havens |
972-479-7795 |
marykay.havens@fnc.fujitsu.co |
Fulcrum Technologies, LLC |
1122 |
Carolyn Anderson |
206-336-5650 |
carolyna@fulcrum1.com |
Glenayre |
1300 |
Sue Tolson |
770-283-1000 |
bmeller@atlanta.glenayre.com |
Global Crossing |
1119 |
Maureen Howard |
716-777-7594 |
Darlene Palazzi |
dpalazzi@msn.com |
Global Online. Com |
Michael Moore |
mmoore@usagl.com |
Globe Net |
John Cotillo |
gnet@mindspring.com |
GlobeTel |
429 |
Kamal Sandhu |
800-286-6115 |
kama@globetel.com |
GRIC Communications Inc. |
1742 |
Katie Meitzler |
408-965-1186 |
katic@gric.com |
Grubb & Ellis Management Services |
Larry Blankenship |
lblankenship@rakgroup.com |
GS Battery (USA), Inc. |
1148 |
Kana Kuroki |
626-864-4348x27 |
gsbkk@gsbattery.com |
GTE Telecommunications |
1133 |
Kim Geralds |
813-273-3446 |
kgeralds@tsi.gte.com |
Harris Communication Products Div |
Julie Carlson |
jcarlson@harris.com |
Horizon Network Solutions |
Terri Skorupa |
terri.skorupa@horizonsolutions.com |
ICG Communications |
825 |
Micheala Whitton |
303-414-5279 |
michaela_whitton@icgcom.com |
Ideal Dial |
Ken Rudolp |
krudolph@idealdial.com |
Info Systems |
1548 |
Jerry Adler |
800-825-5434 |
talkie@interlog.com |
Infomart USA |
1550 |
Clint Conaster |
214-800-8268 |
cconaster@infomartusa.com |
Infotel |
1023 |
Abiel Socorro |
305-470-7511x225 |
abiel@gte.net |
InfoVista Corp. |
1342 |
Wendy Ingram |
410-997-4470 |
wingram@infovistaus.com |
Intasys |
Candace Collier |
ccollier@us.intasy.com |
Integretel Inc. |
1102 |
Bridget McQueen |
408-362-4000 |
bmcqueen@integretel.com |
IntelAll |
518 |
Walter Ficher |
305-379-9990 |
wficher@insatel.net |
Intelect Network Technologies |
1143 |
Brandi Tanger |
972-367-2241 |
srwst@intelectinc.com |
Interoute |
125 |
Jacqui Salameh |
213-614-1900 |
Robert Hermann |
jsalameh@vistatelecom.com |
Intervoice |
Janet Buttimer |
jbuttimer@intervoice.com |
1144 |
Danielle Sloan |
609-419-1500x1 |
dsloan@itxc.com |
JD Services |
400 |
Jena Dickerson |
801-972-4090 |
Jerry B. Ricks |
irjj@earthlink.net |
Kajima Construction Services |
1402 |
Jeannine Lehmann |
847-885-0900 |
Lehmannj@kajimausa.com |
KPT Inc. |
1451 |
Bob Dunaway |
972-620-9700 |
bdunaway@kpt.com |
LGI Telecom Inc. |
120 |
Juan Carlos Gaviria |
626-472-7360 |
jclgt@aol.com |
LinkNet |
1049 |
Ryan Bergvall |
801-532-3200 |
ryan@linknetinc.com |
Locus Telecommunications |
225 |
Rodney Oh |
800-628-7030 |
rodney@lti.com |
Madison Leasing Co., Inc. |
1101 |
Terry Neuenitaus |
201-447-0222 |
terryn2126@aol.com |
Mantiss |
Gabriella Tobar |
gtobar@mantiss.com |
MapInfo Corporation |
701 |
Daria Wolf |
518-285-7525 |
Daria.wolf@mapinfo.com |
MegaHertz-NKO |
Jason Wering |
jwering@nko.com |
Melard Technologies |
1223 |
Melissa Student |
914-273-4488 |
Mstudent@melard.com |
Merge Technologies Group |
1400 |
Julia M. Baumhoefer |
707-252-8686 |
jbaumhoefer@mergetech.com |
MessageClick |
1025 |
Kahlil Virina |
877-9MCLICK |
Dana Bousquet |
dbousquet@messageclick.com |
Mitel Public Switching |
1252 |
Sylvia Mullins |
613-592-2122 |
Sylvia_mullins@mitel.com |
Mockingbird Networks |
1318 |
Lou Greer |
408-342-1067 |
Lgreer@mbird.com |
N.E.T. |
1842 |
Tamara Doney |
510-574-3175 |
tamara_doney@net.com |
609 |
Erin Fain |
915-677-5900 |
erin@nams.net |
NetVision |
1646 |
Dorit Santos |
949-553-1919 |
dorit@netvsn.com |
Network Communications |
320 |
Shane Palmer |
903-323-4518 |
spalmer@internetwork.net |
Network IP |
1113 |
Annie McLaughlin |
903-323-9300 |
amclaughlin@simpletel.com |
Nortel - PO #NAZ-607772 |
1205 |
Kathleen Jones |
972-685-6223 |
Patty Jacobs |
pjacobs@nortelnetworks.com |
Nuera Communications |
1311 |
Jill King |
619-625-2400 |
info@nuera.com |
NuTel Corporation |
200 |
Debbie Windom |
206-436-3800 |
debbiew@nutel.net |
Nx Networks |
1013 |
Lara Sedar |
703-793-2094 |
lsedar@nxnetworks.com |
NYTeleX @ 75 Broad Street |
724 |
William G. Cohen |
212-372-2233 |
Octave Communications |
902 |
Kelly Friedland |
603-894-6110 |
kfriedland@octave.com |
OTelNet |
925 |
Pablo Monk |
510-649-5001 |
pablo@otelnet.com |
Palomar Network Sys. |
1314 |
Kevin Wilson |
949-766-5399 |
kmwilson@palpro.com |
Pathnet |
1159 |
Kye Presley-Dowd |
800-209-7938 |
kpresleydowd@pathnet.net |
Peoplesoft |
1350 |
Gina Martinez |
925-694-8244 |
gina_martinez@peoples.com |
Perot Systems Corporation |
1153 |
Tina Collazo |
703-716-7030 |
tina.collaza@ps.com |
Phoenix Technologies |
1215 |
Paul Amick |
602-222-9393 |
paula@phxtech.com |
PhoneXchange |
1158 |
Anna Yates |
949-349-1700 |
ayates@pxchg.com |
Plastic Card Systems |
425 |
Don Axline |
508-229-2470 |
cardspcs@aol.com |
PointOne |
1443 |
Regina Presti |
512-381-8111 |
rpresti@point-one.net |
Profitec |
Randel Minervino |
randym@profitecbilling.com |
Protel Inc. |
1155 |
Teresa Frueh |
863-644-5558 |
Teresa_frueh@protelinc.com |
Quantum Corporation |
1339 |
Celey Gaskill |
408-894-5117 |
celey.gaskill@quantum |
Query Object System |
1253 |
Brian Berns |
516-228-8500 |
bberns@queryobject.com |
Quintrex Data Systems Corp. |
1647 |
Lisa Jess |
319-363-5508 |
ljess@quintrex.com |
Qwest Communications |
913 |
Karen Chase |
210-325-6086 |
karen.chase@qwest.com |
RAD Data Communications |
725 |
Michele Pollaro |
201-529-1100 |
market@radusa.com |
Rapid Link, Inc. |
Dana Ellison |
dana.ellison@rapidlink.com |
RDST Inc. |
419 |
Leslie Brown |
972-929-1920 |
leslieb@rdst.com |
Reylas Communications, LLC |
Kurt Spindle |
kurt@reylas.com |
Rocky Mountain Communications |
Cameron Christian |
111 |
Ron Schulman |
212-588-3640 |
Kelly Imperatore |
kimperatore@rslusa.com |
Sage Instruments |
1843 |
Martin Johnson |
831-761-8313 |
martin@sageinst.com |
Sakura Dellsher, Inc. (SDI) |
Jeff Rosenzweig |
jrosenzweig@sdinet.com |
Santronics Inc. |
1424 |
Tony Quick |
919-775-1223 |
Mquick@wave-net.net |
Joel Velazquez |
305-629-8400 |
Samysci@hotmail.com |
Server Technology, Inc. |
1152 |
Chris Holder |
408-745-0300 |
chris@servertech.com |
1037 |
Denise Cummings |
561-955-6095 |
5617033639 |
Denise.cummunings@icn.seimens.com |
Siesta Telecom Inc. |
David M. Estep |
Siliconrax Sliger |
1359 |
Cathy Chang |
408-720-1090 |
Cchang@siliconrax.com |
Simplified Telesys |
1315 |
Annie McLaughlin |
512-425-9700 |
amclaughlin@simpletel.com |
Sky Telecom/Nexstar Inc. |
523 |
Tino Patel |
407-579-7888 |
SLP Infoware |
Mike Booth |
Mike Booth |
mbooth@slp-infoware.com |
Smart Technologies, Inc. |
920 |
Laura Munson |
403-245-0333 |
lauram@smarttech.com |
SoftTel Telecommunications |
1446 |
Michelle Chen |
213-892-6338 |
Brian Somero |
Brian@isoftel.co |
SOSInc Comm |
1743 |
Melissa Johnk |
712-266-0836 |
Anvil Anthony |
anvil@sosinet.com |
Speechworks International, Inc. |
Alison Buck |
alison.buck@speechworks.com |
Star Telecom Network |
405 |
Edwin Janaslani |
Startec Global Communication Corp. |
1352 |
Debra Bell |
301-767-1491 |
debra@startec.net |
STC - Time to Talk |
520 |
Bruce Burke |
888-367-8591 |
Wwwired@bellsouth.net |
SuperTel Communications |
121 |
Sunie Shah |
714-736-0735 |
Mike Mehta |
Krukun@hotmail.com |
Supra Products |
1338 |
Alicia Wheeler |
503-581-9101 |
aliciaw@supra-products.com |
Supreme Telecom Systems |
428 |
Faruk Asiam/ |
817-336-0000 |
Marina Michan |
farukh@aol.com |
Sylantro Systems Corp. |
1125 |
Bob Barbour |
408-626-2250 |
Frank Petkovich |
frank.petkovich@sylantro.com |
1305 |
Brian Galegher |
602-568-9144 |
bgalegher@symbio-tech.com |
Tele-Center, Inc. |
123 |
Gaby Fraifer |
813-290-0641 |
lfraifer@aol.com |
Telecom Compliance Services |
Ernesha Ellis |
TelecomClock - IndustryClick Comm |
1255 |
Sara Zittergruen |
816-300-6268 |
Szitergruen@industryclick.com |
Telecommunications Protection Grp. |
1238 |
Dennis Motschenbacher |
775-823-5415 |
esgdennis@aol.com |
Teleflex Systems |
720 |
Bill Pearce |
561-998-9356 |
bpearce@tele-flex.com |
Teleglobe. |
1404 |
Richard Sarver |
703-755-2000 |
rsarver@teleglobe.com |
TelePacific Communications |
708 |
Beth Porter |
213-213-3148 |
bporter@telepacific.com |
Tele-Pak Inc. |
124 |
Jack Steinmetz |
914-426-2300 |
jack@tele-pak.com |
TelePlace |
1343 |
Amy Ferguson |
561-266-8431 |
Peter J. Lyons |
peterlyons@bellsouth.net |
TelStar |
Joseph Guariglia |
The Board Room, Inc. |
1150 |
Bob Miller |
630-378-3500 |
Bmiller@circad.com |
Total Call International |
525 |
Mike Prieto |
213-321-6296 |
tcimail@aol.com |
Total Network Solutions, Inc. |
1020 |
Polina Froim |
917-542-5322 |
Pfroim@tns-inc.com |
Touch Tell Communications |
319 |
Ali Lani |
214-634-8355 |
touchcomm@aol.com |
Tricom USA |
105 |
Ricardo Viloria |
201-324-0078 |
Rviloria@tricom.com.do |
TSI Communications/PaySmart Amer |
524 |
Barbara Davis |
954-928-1850 |
Sales@tsicommunications.com |
U S South |
Stacy Farrey |
Ubuy.com |
824 |
Andrea Funkhouser |
954-340-1240 |
Andrea@ubuy.com |
Ultimate Communications |
220 |
Morgan Mascio |
713-917-0440 |
Claudio Roman |
claudiorr@aol.com |
Union Telecard Alliance |
213 |
Carlos Gomez |
718-592-2500 |
Janeth Sabalza |
Sabalza@corp.idt.net |
Unison Technologies, Inc. |
Ray Klingenberg |
unison@bellsouth.net |
United Information Technologies |
Joanne Palow |
Universal Access |
921 |
Jason Borkowicz |
312-660-1235 |
Jason Bolkowicz |
Jborkowicz@universalaccess.net |
1243 |
Scott Pearl |
732-389-3295x610 |
Kristen Costa |
kcosta@unixpros.com |
Usha Communications Technology |
1942 |
Susanne Fielg |
503-274-8777 |
susanne.fleig@usha.com |
VendTek Industries Inc. |
Kasandra Lee |
kasandra@vendtek.bc.ca |
Vertical Networks |
1259 |
Michelle Schneider |
408-525-7988 |
Denise Beardsley |
mischnel@cisco.com |
Vinyl Pak, Inc. |
423 |
Mendy Bistritzky |
718-345-3200 |
vpipak@aol.com |
Vista Telecom |
Jacqui Salameh |
jsalameh@vistatelecom.com |
VoCall Communications |
705 |
Mark Krentzman |
908-301-0090 |
Gary Frank |
gfrank@vocall.com |
Vocaltec Communications Inc. |
810 |
Hedy Leicht |
201-228-7000 |
hedy@vocaltec.com |
VoiceLog |
1310 |
Cindy Hamilton |
301-230-2129 |
Larry Leikin |
lleikin@voicelog.com |
Voiceware Systems |
1302 |
Brian Betron |
561-655-1770x15 |
brian@voiceware.net |
WCI Cable, Inc. |
1312 |
Wendy Elkey |
503-533-0748 |
hsirr@wclcable.com |
Webcraft Direct Marketing |
700 |
Kathi Garber |
732-821-3792 |
kgarber@webcraft.com |
Wenn/Soft Inc. |
1229 |
Maureen Piemeisel |
262-821-4100 |
mpiemeisel@wennsoft.com |
Westcon |
1319 |
Jerry Silberman |
914-829-7621 |
gsilberman@westcon.com |
Western Union Commercial Services |
222 |
Keith Diveley |
303-471-2425 |
World Access (NACT Telecommun) |
719 |
Gina Conway |
801-802-3000 |
gconvey@nact.com |
World-Link Inc. |
1442 |
Adrian Bailey |
212-444-3000 |
Tim Center |
Foti.agelopoulos@world-dashlink.com |
313 |
Jocelyn Soriano |
619-530-8132x8 |
jocelynsoriano@worldxchange.com |
Ziplink Internet |
1450 |
Kellie Hale |
978-551-8100 |
Khale@ziplink.net |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office