PR Contacts |
TeleCon East 2000 Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Washington, DC March 1-3, 2000 |
Welcome to Online PR Contact Center for TeleCon East/IDLCON 2000. It's not that I don't like fielding calls about exhibitors. But there are times when I can't get to the phone and two weeks before the show or two weeks after I may take too long to return a call. So here are the exhibitors and their PR contacts (where it is a separate person, often it is not). But you can still call anytime. |
Bob |
Exhibitor |
Show Contact |
# |
Tel |
PRContact |
A.T. Products, Inc. |
Becky Zalud |
522 |
815-943-3590 |
atprod@mc.net |
Acoustical Solutions |
Don Strahle |
619 |
804-346-8350 |
sales@acousticalsolutions.com |
Applied Global Tech. |
Chuck Fiorentino |
1016 |
407-638-2007 |
marckc@appliedglobal.com |
Arel |
Roberta Lynn |
1122 |
770-396-8105 |
lynn@arel.net |
Array Microsystems |
Bill Reed |
820 |
408-399-1505 |
bill@array.com |
AT&T |
Karl Krebs |
115 |
973-564-2719 |
Biamp Systems |
Ron Camden |
614 |
503-641-7287 |
nlauzon@biamp.com |
Clear One |
Annette Sugrue |
609 |
781-970-0600 |
asugrue@clearone.com |
Click2learn.com |
Jody Pacitti |
1026 |
425-462-0501 |
jody.pacitti@click2learn.com |
Communications Res (Visual Telel) |
Carl Ceragno |
109 |
201-525-0777 |
carl@vistele.com |
Compunetix, Inc. |
Chris O'Donnell |
316 |
412-858-1186 |
codonnell@compunetix.com |
Convergent Media Systems |
Sandy Schlenk |
1027 |
404--231-8340 |
schlenks@convergent.com |
Covene.com |
Laura Aquino Hietpas |
1315 |
415-782-0500 |
laura_hietpas@convene.com |
Covid Inc. |
Kimberly Driggs |
322 |
602-966-2221 |
kimberlyd@covid.com |
Crestron Electronics |
Rosanne Lang |
803 |
201-767-3400 |
crestron@crestron.com |
Criticom |
Dan Kugler |
623 |
301-306-0600 |
dkugler@criticom.com |
Defense Info. Systems Agency |
Helen Elkin |
823 |
703-735-8973 |
elkinh@ncr.disa.mil |
Dot.Edu |
Michelle |
427 |
416-966-9697 |
michelle@dotedu.net |
eCollege.com |
Molly Simmons |
720 |
303-873-7449 |
mollys@ecollege.com |
Electronic Data Systems |
Jerrie Taylor |
119 |
703-742-1802 |
terrie.tayler@eds.com |
Tony Graziano |
217 |
516-501-1400 |
elmo@elmo-corp.com |
Extron Electronics |
Mike Henry |
1012 |
714-491-1500 |
mhenry@extron.com |
Forum Communication Syst. |
Gayne R. Ek |
103 |
972-680-0700 |
gayne@forum-com.com |
Elyse Phillips |
204 |
408-567-7230 |
elyse@fvc.com |
General Datacom |
1226 |
203-574-1118 |
expos@edc.com |
Gentner |
Sandra Owens |
1020 |
801-974-3719 |
sowens@gentner.com |
Gilat Communications Ltd. |
Simona Wiener |
110 |
972-39255057 |
simona@gilat.net |
Global Crossing |
Bruce Miller |
304 |
303-633-3000 |
bmill@cfer.com |
Jud Spencer / judsp@cfer.com Suzanne/suzanne@globalcenter.net |
Gyration |
Greg Smith |
1416 |
408-255-3016 |
gsmith@gyration.com |
Hitachi Software |
Kimberly DeSmidt |
817 |
650-615-7633 |
kdesmidt@hitachi-soft.com |
Hughes Network Systems |
Paula Coxson |
410 |
619-455-9550 |
coxon@hns.com |
Hypercosm |
Carol Nelson |
122 |
608-821-0500 |
cnelson@mailbag.com |
iGate, Inc. |
Bill Batchelor |
1011 |
502-585-5797 |
Billb@igateinc.com |
Jones Knowledge |
Denise Phannenstiel |
708 |
303-784-8201 |
kdarrah@jonesknowledge.com |
Kalcom |
Gerald Kalb |
807 |
201-651-1100 |
splitscreens.kalcom@worldnet.att.net |
LearnSat.Com, Inc. |
Chuck Brewer |
107 |
405-377-6100 |
learn@learnsat.com |
Litton Network Access Systems |
Janie Osterhaus |
922 |
540-342-6700 |
jdo@netaccsys.com |
Meeting Net Interactive Systems |
Joe Sullivan |
704 |
407-872-3333 |
jsullivan@meeting-net.com |
Microtouch Systems |
Juliane Iannaco |
223 |
978-659-9270 |
jiannaco@microtouch.com |
Minerva Systems |
Kirti Venkatasamy |
706 |
650-940-1383 |
kirti@minervasys.com |
Monivision |
Glen Thaxton |
805 |
714-893-8113 |
glen@monivision.com |
MSHOW.com |
Lisa Zader |
719 |
303-730-4900 |
lzader@mshow.com |
Panja Corporation |
Bill Thomas |
512 |
972-644-3048 |
bill_thomas@amx.com |
Parker Vision |
Scott Matics |
605 |
904-737-1367 |
smatics@parkervision.com |
Picture Phone Direct |
David C. Weber |
113 |
716-334-9040 |
info@picturephone.com |
PictureTel Corp |
Ken Lynch |
104 |
978-292-5435 |
lynchk@pictel.com |
PlaceWare, Inc. |
Heidi Cannon |
703 |
650-526-6168 |
hcannon@placeware.com |
Polycom |
Kathleen Johnston |
216 |
408-474-2816 |
kjohnston@polycom.com |
Rane |
Theresa |
718 |
425-355-6000 |
theresab@rane.com |
RGB Spectrum |
Mark Panilla |
716 |
510-814-7000 |
mark@rgb.com |
Samsung Opto-Electronics |
Christine Arevalo |
1015 |
800-762-7746 |
christinea@mail.sna.samsung.com |
Shure Brothers |
Davida Rochman |
518 |
847-866-2200 |
rochman_divida@shure.com |
SIGCOM, Inc. |
Elmer Baugus |
914 |
910-547-9700 |
ebaugess@sigcom.net |
Sigth Path |
1318 |
781-663-8216 |
phawkins@sightpath.com |
Sintel Corporation |
Andrei Cernasov |
1118 |
201-651-1900 |
sintel@bellatlantic.com |
Sony |
Lori Roy |
404 |
201-358-4425 |
lori_roy@mail.sel.sony.com |
Sound Control Tech Inc |
Jody Thoveson |
323 |
203-854-5701 |
jthoveson@compuserve.com |
Southwest Microwave |
821 |
408-783-0201 |
edt@southwestmicrowave.com |
SpaceCom Systems |
Ruth Ann Adam |
916 |
918-488-4241 |
ruthann-adam@spacecom.com |
Spectel Ltd. |
Barbara Keating |
927 |
35312075600 |
bkeating@spectel.ie |
Spectrum |
Jason Plante |
116 |
800-235-1262 |
jplante@spectrumfurniture.com |
Spider Phone |
1417 |
232-671-5569 |
dacek@spiderphone.com |
Starvision Multimedia |
Joey Bevacqua |
625 |
604-918-6398 |
jbevacqu@starvision.com |
Tandberg |
Dana Hudson |
416 |
703-709-4211 |
dhudson@tandbergvision.com |
Tandem |
806 |
Tektronix |
Dr. R. Lee Rainey |
813/1113 |
503-627-2283 |
lee.rainey@tek.com |
Teletraining Systems |
Alice Parker |
326 |
405-743-3463 |
alice@teletrain.com |
TODD Communications |
Mary Ann Hutchins |
918 |
612-941-0556 |
todd@toddcommunications.com |
Toner Cable Equipment |
Dianne Rowland |
812 |
215-675-2053 |
info@tonercable.com |
Vbrick |
Michael Savic |
712 |
203-265-0044 |
mikes@vbrick.com |
Vialog Corp. |
Caroline Gandy |
810 |
978-975-3700 |
cgandy@vialog.com |
VideoLabs |
Lori Flemmer |
524 |
612-542-0061 |
lflemmer@videolabs.com |
VoCAL Technologies |
Kurt Fanaro |
612 |
716-688-4675 |
sales@vocal.com |
V-Span |
Josh Cartagenova |
709 |
610-382-1000 |
info@v-span.com |
Mike Russell |
422 |
512-437-2354 |
Mike_russell@vtel.com |
W2 Com |
Kate Koch |
222 |
937-415-1100 |
kkoch@w2com.com |
White Pine Software |
Tanya Prather |
1222 |
603-886-9050 |
tprather@wpine.com |
WolfVision |
Andrea Mayer |
808 |
650-802-0786 |
wolfvision.usa@wolfvision.com |
BusinessWire |
Internet Wire |
Luce |
Press Access |
Virtual Press Office